

His obsession for your skin drove you away


Inspired by a tumblr post I made and all the responses I got from it.

I think this is a bit too long to be considered a drabble, but.. let's just call it that anyway.

Here's my attempt at an original storyline. Criticism is encouraged and appreciated. Seriously, if you think I did something wrong or can improve somewhere, comment and tell me! I'm not a very good writer yet, so I need all the help I can get.


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AbriMathos #1
Chapter 1: I liked that you covered this topic. Black people have always been ized and looked upon the way we are because of our skin. We aren't looked at as individual persons and we're stereotyped as a whole. This was really nice and I'm really happy to see this on here. It's like the other side of the ization instead of the girls izing the guys. LOVED IT!
LoveLasts #2
Chapter 1: A round of applause is well deserved for this. I'm beyond thankful that someone is willing to write about this topic and you did it so beautifully. I ADORE this. Kudos!
crissy- #3
Chapter 1: really tho
Chapter 1: I love where this is going.