Ignorance is Bliss


Lee Chanhee signed up for his dorm life a bit too late and got stuck in the worst dorm of them all at his new college. After being warned by the front desk of his roommate being a possible gangster from America he decides to stay away from him until the switching rooms period.


“Yeah I didn’t expect to get this place.” Chanhee gestured towards the dorm area and smiled nervously. “I kind of wanted a nice place that was, well, quiet.”

“Ha, well sorry to break it to you but this place is definitely not the best place.” The taller boy laughed once more and the nicer one handed back Chanhee’s ID and went to another place in the area behind the front desk to collect some papers and a key for the room.

“Yeah I kind of figured that.” Chanhee rolled his eyes but kept on his smile. He really didn’t want this boy murdering him in his sleep or something. He was sure they had spare keys to break into his dorm too.

It didn’t take long for the brown haired boy to come back with that friendly smile of his. “Here you go.” He handed him a small packet with keys in them and a piece of paper. “I need you to go check out your room for any problems it could have and bring back a copy of this to me.” He pointed to the fact that the paper had two attached. “You keep one for reference and we keep one so that we can inspect it at the end of the semester.”

Chanhee nodded to him and turned to look at the paper. It just had the usual things like asking if things worked well in the room and if anything needed to be added to the damages already written down.

“Also your roommate already checked in, I heard he was some gangster figure back when he lived in the states, good luck.” The black haired boy added making Chanhee look back at them and sigh. “Of course I was going to get some gangster roommate who was probably going to stay up all night blasting is music and being rowdy.”


THIS WHOLE ONESHOT IS DEDICATED TO TWO AWESOME PEOPLE WHO DESERVE EVERYTHING NICE AND HAPPY TO HAPPEN TO THEM ALL OF THE TIME!!! First it goes to Ultraviolet, I met her back in April last year when I read her amazing L. Joe story and fell in love with absolutely everything to do with her writing. I was so surprised that behind the amazing writing was also an amazing writer. She is a great friend and I'm happy to know she considers me her friend too! The second dedication goes to tintap I met her through Ultraviolet because those two were already such close great best friends and when I read her writing I was blown away. Her writing is absolutely flawless and she has a wonderful personality to add to her beautiful writing style. These two girls have inspired me so much to continue writing and continue trying hard because they're the best kind of friends around! I can't believe by the end of this month I'll have known you two for a whole year! I can't believe t has been that long! I love you guys! <3 I really hope you enjoy this oneshot I wrote for you two!


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arent u going to update... TT pretty please ????
this is seriously too good to be stopped
i totally loved the hesitant and misunderstanding and minsoo's advice
and how byunghun wished they didnt find out they were roommates since he doesnt spend time with channie
i just love their characters here ^^ all of them
blueandgrey_ #2
Chapter 2: ♡♡♡♡♡absolutely beautiful! :')
Chapter 2: Honestly, I find the oneshot is pretty enough already ^.^ it has a nice story plot and a decent ending. And I love how it included bits of N.A.P. and Changrick as well.

But it's your story. So you can do anything that you want. Plus, you stated that you've been planning on the sequel? So, go for it :)
Chapter 2: Well isn't this adorable<3~! You should write a sequel! ^-^
Chapter 2: SEQUEL !!!!! <3 *chanting 'sequel' over & over again*
Chapter 2: Yes a sequel!
unknown_anonymous #7
Chapter 2: Yeah! I think you should really give a sequel~~♥♥^^
Chapter 2: Yes, I really think you should.
Chapter 1: so cute!!!!!