Chapter 1: From California to South Korea

He sat there with me

Soo Hyun and her Mom in the Plane

Soo Hyun: I can't believe were moving to Korea! 

Soo Hyun's Mom: Aren't you worried about your friends back home? 

Soo Hyun: No. Not really... Im trying to forget them... 

Soo Hyun's Mom: Why would you want to forget them? 

Soo Hyun: Because they weren't my real friends. They were just backstabbers. They would always talk about me behind my back... 

Soo Hyun's Mom: It's Okay... You will find your real friends in Korea. Hopefully they won't backstab you this time. 

Soo Hyun: I hope so too... 

Soo Hyun and her mom are silent for a minute

Soo Hyun: I'm going to go to sleep mom. Wake me up when were in Korea. 

Soo Hyun's Mom: Ok go to sleep. You need it since were carrying all these stuff to the new apartment.

Soo Hyun: Ok Mom! 

Soo Hyun falls asleep for the whole plane ride

Soo Hyun's Mom: Soo Hyun wake up. Were here

Soo Hyun: *Groaning* What? 

Soo Hyun's Mom: Were here. Now come on help me get the stuff. 

Soo Hyun: Ok. 

Soo Hyun and her mom in the Taxi

Soo Hyun: Wow look at all the shops here! 

Soo Hyun's Mom: Well once we move in you can explore Korea whenever you want. 



Taxi stops at their apartment


Soo Hyun runs out of car

Soo Hyun's Mom: Wait! Before you get in there help me bring the stuff in the apartment

Soo Hyun: Sigh Ok Mom

Soo Hyun and her mom bring all the stuff up to their apartment

Soo Hyun's Mom: Since we got all the stuff in the apartment and it's still early you can go explore Korea now and I heard theres a park across the street from this apartment. 

Soo Hyun: Oh my gosh! Thanks Mom! *Soo Hyun grabs her book* I love you mom see you later! *Kisses her mom on the cheek*

Soo Hyun's Mom: Love you too! Don't be out so late! 

Soo Hyun: *While running out to the door*  I won't Mom! 

Soo Hyun walking around the park across the apartment with her 

Soo Hyun: Wow the park is really nice! 

Soo Hyun still obeserving the park


Soo Hyun sees a bench

Soo Hyun: I'll just sit here and read my book.

Soo Hyun's Phone rings

Soo Hyun: Oh I got a text message *Clicks to see*

Text Message: 

From: Sehun 

Im sorry I was a jerk when we went out. Please forgive me. Even though your all the way in Korea I still want to be with you. I love you. Please forgive me. 


Soo Hyun: Wow so cheesy... Ignore  *Deletes message*

Soo Hyun begins reading her book 


Stranger sees same bench Soo Hyun is sitting in

Stranger: I'll just sit here and listen to music.... 



Hi guys! I'm sorry if it's so short! I was kind of in a rush to make this LOL but yea. Sorry for putting Sehun like hes the bad guy D: I don't know why i put him there but did you guys enjoy it? I don't know if its good. But yea this is the first chapter! Oh yea I forgot to mention that Soo Hyun has a book she likes to read. Oh and I color coded it for you guys so it would be easier to see whos saying what. LOL well anyways see you guys in my next chapter! :D 



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minamishwe #1
Chapter 9: Awesome ♥ i like this
mellychau #2
Chapter 7: But.... Tao saw them..... New subscriber!! Update soon!!