Knowing Master Yunho

A Little Thing Called Love


You were folding your clothes when Yoona called you.
"Hey there!" she sat beside you.
"Hi!" you beamed a smile at her.
"Want to go with me?" 
"Go where?" you asked.
"You know, cleaning stuffs. Things we usually do. It's okay if you don't want."
"No, no--It's okay with me." you stood up.
Yoona grabbed your hand and dragged you out of the room. She let go of your hand when you the both of you were walking in a long hallway inside the house. You took glances at each painting you passed. They look like it was painted by a really famous painter that it looked pretty expensive. Yoona noticed you glancing at the paintings.
"Nice paintings, right?" Yoona said.
"Oh--yeah. They look really beautiful." you said.
"Master Yunho painted all of that. He's a good painter."
"Really? He must have spent a long time making all of this." you said while staring at a painting of an angel.
"I don't even know how he gets the inspirations. It looks really hard to copy those."
"He is." Yoona entered a room.
You ran after her and entered the room as well. You stopped walking when you saw the room. It was a pretty big library. Books were almost seen in every angle of the room. They were neatly arranged on the shelves. There was also a computer in the desk. You wander you sight around the library.
"You know, the other maids envy you for having this job." Yoona said.
"What's there to be envy about? I'm also a maid like them." you were confused.
"Correction, Master Yunho's maid." Yoona started dusting the shelves with a feather duster.
"I don't get it." you took a cloth and started wiping the desk.
"Do you even know anything about Mister Yunho?" Yoona looked at you.
"All I'm sure of is that we have the same age and he is the son of the owner of the Jung's corporation. That's all."
"You're lucky that I'm your friend.*winks at you* The other girls would describe him as the perfect boyfriend. He's smart, talented, handsome, gentleman, sporty... in short, he's a total dream boy. And it's not that easy to approach him." Yoona nodded at you while pouting.
"Do you like him?" you bluntly asked.
"No... Someone owns my heart already and I'm focusing on my work now." Yoona's eyes were full of happiness.
"Who's that guy then? Is it the boy in the picture in our room?" you poked Yoona's waist.
"That's my brother! Haha... It's another boy."
"Mind telling me?" you raised both of your eyebrows at her.
"Not now. Maybe some other time." Yoona resumed on cleaning.
After a few minutes of cleaning, the both of you went to the garden to water the plants. 
"Isn't it a gardener's job to water the plants?" you asked while watering the plants.
"They're on their day-off today." Yoona said and smelled a flower.
"Oh..Tell me more about Master Yunho." 
"He's strict when it comes to his studies. He doesn't want to be disturbed and other things. And it's very rare to see him all goofy in front of everyone." Yoona picked a flower and put it on top her left ear.
"I see. Who is Jung Yunjee? I just happened to bump her a while ago."
"She's Master Yunho's sister. Her personality is very different from her brother. She's altruistic, gregarious and a jolly person. But she can be very stubborn at times when it comes to her boyfriend, Yoochun." Yoona's face changed into a sad look when she mentioned 'Yoochun'. 
You didn't bother to ask her about Yoochun, instead you tried to cheer her up by tickling her. You stopped tickling her when someone showed up. 
"_______-sshi. Ms. Choi is calling you." the maid said.
"Go, I'll continue watering the plants." Yoona took the water can from you and continued watering the plants. 
You dusted your hands and followed the maid. You entered the kitchen. She was looking at the maids. You went to approach her.
"Ms. Choi?" you called her in a soft voice.
"Ms. Lim, come with me." you followed her.
"Master Yunho won't be coming home tonight because he will be sleeping at a friend's house. Because of that, you're gonna help in cleaning the house." You nodded.
"Remember, you have to wake up earlier that Master Yunho does. He doesn't like his room to look dirty so clean it properly. Another thing, he doesn't want his things to be touched by others unless he told you so. Master Yunho would tell the other things he wants to you tomorrow when he comes home. Any questions?" 
"No." you answered.
"You can go back now." You slightly bowed at her and walked back to the garden.
You saw Yoona still watering the plants.
"Your fast." she said while watering the plants.
"Ms. Choi just told me all the rules about Master Yunho."
"But Master Yunho isn't here."
"She said, Master Yunho will just tell me the others when he comes back."
"He might be on their so-called 'Boys' night out'."
"Boys' night out?" you asked.
"Him and his friends always have that twice a month. He and his friends go to someone's house and sleepover and do things. In girl talk, it's like a 'pajama party'." Yoona laughed. You laughed also.
"But I have to warn you something. When his friends go here, you have to make sure that you keep a distance from them." Yoona whispered to your ear.
"Are they bad?"
"They're teenager with raging hormones and you don't know what they can do." Yoona joked.
You slightly laughed and resumed on watering the plants.
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Yunho, if he's not jealous why is he overreacting? LOL <br />
Kyuhyun is so nice here...<br />
Please update more often!
i can smell jealousy..... hahaha.... update soon i cant wait to see yunho become jealous.. and junsu wants to date her???hahaha.... nice, i love it... its ok update whenever u can... i'll be waiting for ur next update!!! ^^
@yncassie Sorry if I haven't updated. Really sorry.<br />
She is don't worry. :D<br />
Let's just say that Junsu is very bold in what he thinks. Haha.<br />
UPDATED. :D<br />
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@jankeira896 I LOVE GO ARA! :)) Awww, thank you!<br />
I'm happy that you commented. :><br />
I'm back again! :DD<br />
<br />
@yunhotic, Thank you.<br />
nice storyline...<br />
hope u can update soon....
I love your trailer coz u used Go Ara hehe I love your story too. Former silent reader hehe.<br />
<br />
Happy that you're back!
It's really been a long time!!! I miss this!!!!<br />
Seems that Boa is nice...I hope!<br />
LOL at Junsu! He's always so funny!<br />
Please update soon!
@yncassie, No she isn't. I'm sorry bout that. Well, he's not really cold to her. Maybe a bit? Haha. Updated! Sorry it took so long. Mianhe. OTL<br />
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@YunhoRulz, I know! Haha. But sadly that seat was Junsu's so she had to transfer to another seat. I actually have an ending for this its just that I don't know how to put the flow in the story. Damn this mind! Where's creativity when I need them?! Haha. Updated! Sorry it took so long. OTL
YunhoRulz #8
hahah, I laughed when ____ sat in the middle. I'm so glad you did that, because a lot, and I mean a lot of the fanfics usually have the new student sitting in the back corner of the classroom and stare out the window... as if they're trying to make their character deep or something. Eugh.. lol<br />
Anyways, like this chapter - hoping to see some character development from YunHo, he's kind of sounding stale at the moment... but you'll have plenty of time for that ^^<br />
update soon :)
Is she in the same class with Yunho? <br />
Hope she will be fine...Yunho is so cold to her!! <br />
Please update soon!
@YunhoRulz, I'm trying to make him mysterious here. LOL. You'll have to find that out yourself by reading the remaining chapters. :) Maybe that or he's just being kind. UPDATED! I really wanted to update this but my laptop wasn't with me. And those times when was my laptop was being fixed, was also the time that my mind was full of ideas for this story. <br />
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@yncassie, A bit? Shouldn't that be Donghae? Haha. UPDATED! :D