Wrong accusations or is it?

A Little Thing Called Love


Back in the mansion, Yunho was reading a book. He was reading that book for  almost an hour. When he got bored of reading, he stood up and went to the bathroom. He noticed that his laundry basket was already loaded. He went out of his room to look for you but a maid passed by. He called the maid.
"Can you call _______, I need her to do something." Yunho ordered.
"Yes, master." the maid bowed and walked off.
Yunho went back to his room and walked over to the chair near his desk and sat. He took his cellphone and texted someone. After a minutes or two, the maid came back.
"Master, ________ is not here in the mansion." the maid said.
"What?" a confused Yunho asked.
"She is with Master Kyuhyun." the maid continued.
"With Kyuhyun? What time did they go?" Yunho was pissed.
"Just an hour ago." the maid answered.
"Okay, thank you." the maid walked off.
Yunho took his cellphone and dialled Kyuhyun's number. Kyuhyun answered on the 6th ring. The background was noisy and someone was shouting.
"Hello, hyung?----shut up!" Kyuhyun answered.
"WHAT?" Yunho was shocked.
"I'm not talking to you, hyung. I'm talking to someone else." Kyuhyun clarified.
"Where are you?"
"I'm in my car right now." 
"You're with whom?" Yunho interrogated.
"I'm with _______. Sorry hyung but I've got to go." Kyuhyun suddenly hung up.
Yunho stared at his phone. He put his phone on the desk and smoothened his face using his hand. Just then, Jaejoong and Yoochun came.
"Yo!" Yoochun called and pointed at Yunho.
"Stop that Yoochun, it doesn't suit you. What's with the pissed face, Yunho?" Jaejoong walked over to Yunho's desk.
"Kyuhyun took  _______ with her." Yunho answered without looking at them.
"________? You're new personal maid?" Yoochun asked for clarification.
"Woah, you know you're acting like his boyfriend. Unless you like her or something." Yoochun teasingly poke Yunho's arms.
"Dude, he's only been here last week. Don't tell me you fall that fast easily." Jaejoong patted Yunho's shoulder.
Yunho stood up, "Who said anything about liking her? I just want her to do something."
"Oooookay, that's what you said." Yoochun winked at Jaejoong.
"Hey!" Yunho snapped.
"Okay, we believe you." Jaejoong said.
"Want to hang out? I know this new place not far from here. We can check it out." Yoochun said.
"You in?" Jaejoong asked Yunho.
"Okay but no teasing okay?" Yunho pointed his forefinger at Yoochun.
Yunho stood up and walked. Yoochun and Jaejoong silently high-fived each other when Yunho wasn't looking.
A/N: Sorry if I haven't updated for 2 months? I don't remember but my laptop was broken and I had to get it fixed. And it almost took them a month to fix it. And the file for my story is in my laptop so yeah. And I just got my laptop this december and I didn't update because I completely forgot it. Mianhae. T.T I'll try to make it to you guys and next week would be our preliminary examination so I might be busy and not update this. Sorry again. But I hope you like what I'll post. And I'll post another chapter to make it up to you. :D
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Yunho, if he's not jealous why is he overreacting? LOL <br />
Kyuhyun is so nice here...<br />
Please update more often!
i can smell jealousy..... hahaha.... update soon i cant wait to see yunho become jealous.. and junsu wants to date her???hahaha.... nice, i love it... its ok update whenever u can... i'll be waiting for ur next update!!! ^^
@yncassie Sorry if I haven't updated. Really sorry.<br />
She is don't worry. :D<br />
Let's just say that Junsu is very bold in what he thinks. Haha.<br />
UPDATED. :D<br />
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@jankeira896 I LOVE GO ARA! :)) Awww, thank you!<br />
I'm happy that you commented. :><br />
I'm back again! :DD<br />
<br />
@yunhotic, Thank you.<br />
nice storyline...<br />
hope u can update soon....
I love your trailer coz u used Go Ara hehe I love your story too. Former silent reader hehe.<br />
<br />
Happy that you're back!
It's really been a long time!!! I miss this!!!!<br />
Seems that Boa is nice...I hope!<br />
LOL at Junsu! He's always so funny!<br />
Please update soon!
@yncassie, No she isn't. I'm sorry bout that. Well, he's not really cold to her. Maybe a bit? Haha. Updated! Sorry it took so long. Mianhe. OTL<br />
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@YunhoRulz, I know! Haha. But sadly that seat was Junsu's so she had to transfer to another seat. I actually have an ending for this its just that I don't know how to put the flow in the story. Damn this mind! Where's creativity when I need them?! Haha. Updated! Sorry it took so long. OTL
YunhoRulz #8
hahah, I laughed when ____ sat in the middle. I'm so glad you did that, because a lot, and I mean a lot of the fanfics usually have the new student sitting in the back corner of the classroom and stare out the window... as if they're trying to make their character deep or something. Eugh.. lol<br />
Anyways, like this chapter - hoping to see some character development from YunHo, he's kind of sounding stale at the moment... but you'll have plenty of time for that ^^<br />
update soon :)
Is she in the same class with Yunho? <br />
Hope she will be fine...Yunho is so cold to her!! <br />
Please update soon!
@YunhoRulz, I'm trying to make him mysterious here. LOL. You'll have to find that out yourself by reading the remaining chapters. :) Maybe that or he's just being kind. UPDATED! I really wanted to update this but my laptop wasn't with me. And those times when was my laptop was being fixed, was also the time that my mind was full of ideas for this story. <br />
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@yncassie, A bit? Shouldn't that be Donghae? Haha. UPDATED! :D