Amusement Park Fun!

Love Light


Love Light Chapter 9:

“Lotte  WORLD!!!” Yoona shrieked.

“Oh great, I have to put up with this for the next two hours.” Yonghwa whined.

Seohyun glared at him. “No you don’t, you can be the loner kid and go have fun by yourself.”

“Did you honestly think I came here to hang out with you girls?” ,Yonghwa said a hint of disgust in his voice.

“Great idea Yong, you and Seohyun should hang out together and get to know each other so you two stop bickering all the time!” Geun Suk commanded.

“Oppa!” “Geun Suk!” Yonghwa and Seohyun shouted together.

“Yes,  that’s the plan because I want Sooyoung and Joong Ki to go together, which makes sense, and you two because both of you apparently do not know basic manners.” Geun Suk explained.

“Oppa, yeah, I love the idea of making Sooyoung and Joong Ki go together, but why US?” Seohyun groaned.

“Because, I said so, and that’s final. So that’s decided now, Yoona-sshi, where do you want to go?” Geun Suk asked turning towards Yoona.

“Sunbae! Let’s go on the roller coaster first!” Yoona said with excitement.

“Yeah, sure.” Geun Suk said looking scared. “Um...wait, can we go to the movie first?” Geun Suk asked.

“Sunbae, it’s better if we go on the roller coaster first, then we can relax, eat food and watch the movie.” Yoona convinced.

“Fine, let’s go.” Geun Suk groaned.

With that, they both left the 4 others behind and made their way towards the biggest roller coaster in there.

“Well, they were eager to leave us.” Joong Ki joked.

“Idea!” Seohyun exclaimed.

“Woah! You have a brain?” Yong hwa asked acting surprised.

“Shut up, anyways, I don’t want to go with you, Yong hwa, so, I’ll go with Joong Ki oppa!” Seohyun suggested.

Both Joong Ki and Sooyoung looked up at the same time, shocked.

“She’s lost it man, Joong Ki, take Sooyoung and leave, I’ll take care of this nut case.” Yonghwa replied.

“Thanks Yong, let’s go Sooyoung...-sshi” Joong Ki added.

Sooyoung looked at Seohyun for support but Seohyun just shrugged, looking helpless.

“Great, I am stuck with you.” Seohyun whined.

“Yeah right, you are on your own, darling, bye!” Yonghwa said sarcastically.

“ Eww, don’t call me that and thanks, I was afraid I would be stuck with you.” Seohyun left Yonghwa alone with a wave and went towards the theatre.

Yong hwa sighed, but followed Seohyun, just to make sure that she wouldn’t get into any trouble ,or, what he was more afraid of, that she would cause trouble.

Meanwhile, Joong Ki and Sooyoung went to the nearest ice-cream store.

“Joong Ki-sshi, I am sorry, but I really didn’t want to come here, but you shouldn’t wait with me, you should go to your favorite places, I’ll just wait here and read a book.” Sooyoung said.

“Sooyounng-sshi, the only reason I came here is to spend time with you and get to know you better, but you keep pushing me away, and I don’t know any other way to approach you. Trust me, I hate this whole arranged marriage as much as you do, but we can go around it and try to make it better.We can at least think of it in a good way, even though it’s not, but for that, I need your help too, Sooyoung-sshi.” Joong Ki confessed.

Sooyoung was taken aback. She had not expected such a talk,but she was glad in a way that he had come out of his little shell. She realized that it’s her turn now to come out now too.She slowly recollected her thoughts.

“Joong Ki-sshi, I am sorry you felt that way. I think it’s time to progress things a little too.” Sooyoung admitted.

“That’s the spirit Sooyoung-sshi, where do you want to go?” Joong Ki asked.

“Let’s go to the movie theatre!” Sooyoung suggested. “After the ice cream, of course”, she added.

Joong-Ki grinned at her. They got their respective ice creams, double chocolate chip for Sooyoung and green tea for Joong-Ki.

“You seem like a very...chocolatey type of person,” Joong Ki commented.

Sooyoung smiled, “Yup. Since I was three to now, it’s my favorite flavor of anything.”

Joong Ki started reminiscing...*I feel like there was another person in my life that loved chocolate more than anything...*

Sooyoung poked him out of his daze. “Are you okay, Joong-Ki-sshi?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah! Let’s go!” he added, each with their cone of ice cream.

Meanwhile, “Ok Sunbae, which coaster do you want to go on first? Make sure it’s really fast and goes up really REALLY high!!,” Yoona jumped up and down, excited.

“Yoona...” Geun Suk whispered.

Yoona paused and stared at him “Sunbae, what’s wrong? Are you ok?”

“Yoona...I am  scared of heights, I’ve always been.. I’ve never been on a roller coaster and I don’t plan on it. I am sorry” Geun Suk confessed.

“SUNBAE??? Seriously? Do you know what you’re missing out on?” Yoona was shocked.

Guen Suk frowned at Yoona.

“Ok, I am sorry. Why don’t we start with something slower? Like the ferris wheel?”

“WHAT? Do you know how high that goes?” Geun Suk exclaimed

“But it’s so slow and I’ll sit right next to you.” Yoona coaxed him.

“No Yoona, I’ll be holding on to you like you are my mom...there is NO way I am getting on a ferris wheel, can we just go eat or something?” Geun Suk said.

“No, I don’t even care if you hold my hand. Even if you’re afraid, I promise you, you’ll live, and you’ll like it.” Yoona assured.

“Fine, but what will you do for me if I go on the ferris wheel?” he questioned.

Yoona paused and thought for a moment. “What do you want me to do, Sunbae?”

“You will have to sing for me while we are on the ferris wheel so I am not concentrating on how high we are. Okay?” Geun Suk asked.

“I can’t just randomly start singing on the ferris wheel, Sunbae.” Yoona complained.

“For me? Please?” Geun Suk pleaded.

Yoona glared at her Sunba as she thought for a moment.

“Fine...okay. Now let’s go sunbae!!!” Yoona declared.

As they began to walked toward the ferris wheel, Geun Suk tried many times to distract Yoona from going to the ferris wheel.First, he claimed that he wanted water, then he stopped to go to the restroom, then he asked her for cotton candy, then he tried to stop her by begging tht he would win her a teddy bear in one of the stalls if he didn’t have to go. None of his tactics worked, and finally they stood in line to get on the Ferris wheel.

“Yoona, what if I was just lying about being scared of heights, will that get me out of going on the ferris wheel?” Geun Suk asked innocently.

“Sure, that will get you off the ferris wheel, but then you will have to get on ALL the other roller coasters with me. What do you think? Fun?” Yoona teased.

Guen Suk dropped his shoulders, and Yoona could see how scared he was. She held his hand, and said,

“Sunbae, I want you to come on so that  you are not scared anymore. You’’ll never know how much fun it is if you never try. If you don’t trust me, then take Yong Hwa or Joong Ki Sunbae?” Yoona suggested.

“If I am going to get on this ferris wheel, I am glad it’s with you because Yong and Joong Ki would probably end up pushing me off, rather than helping me with my fear.” Geun Suk responded

Yoona laughed “I wouldn’t take you on it if I was going to hurt you.”

They were up next and Geun Suk let her sit first. Geun Suk sat next to her and held onto the rod with one hand like it was his life support, and squeezed Yoona’s hand with the other.

“Sunbae, you are gonna be okay.” she assured smiling.

“O-okay.. you can start singing now.” Geun Suk mentioned.

“Hmm...what should I sing?” Yoona wondered.

“I don’t care, just start singing something!!!” Geun Suk ordered.

Yoona laughed and took out her phone to start the karaoke music.

“How about some Taylor Swift?” Yoona asked.

Yoona began singing “Mine,”  and tried not to notice the people staring at her from behind and in front of them. She was just happy Geun Suk wasn’t looking down and turning green.  Soon, they were on their second round, with 3 more rounds to go. Yoona was almost done with her song. She paused for a second after she was done singing.

Guen Suk stared at her “THAT WAS AMAZING!” He complimented.

He slowly began to look down when Yoona positioned his face so that he was only looking at her.

“Don’t look down.” Yoona commanded.

“Then keep singing,” he requested.

Yoona watched him smile and suddenly felt her heart beating faster as if it was escaping its position in her body.

“Yoona?” Geun suk snapped his fingers

“Yeah?” She answered absent mindedly looking at him and wondering why she felt so happy all of a sudden.

“SING!” He yelled.

“Oh, right!” Yoona shook her head and began singing “Suddenly” from City Hunter.

Their ride almost came to an end, but Geun Suk almost wished that it would keep going. He didn’t realize it, but he was still holding on to Yoona. And then it stopped. The ride was over. Geun Suk got off with his legs shaking.

“Thank you Yoona, because of you I got to go on the Ferris Wheel, and overcome my fear of heights, all while having fun with you. You are truly amazing at singing.” Geun Suk complemented.

Yoona blushed, “Thank you, Sunbae.” She mumbled

“Ok, so where to next?” Geun Suk asked. “Oh, I know! Let’s go to the movie theater!”


“You are following me!” Seohyun shouted.

“Shh” came whispers from behind her in the movie theater.

She slowly sneaked over to where Yong Hwa was sitting behind her.

“What are you doing here?” Seohyun hissed.

“Swimming, what do you think? I am at a movie theater, I don’t know what you are doing, but I am here to watch the movie.” Yonghwa said coolly.

“Wow genius, thanks for clarifying that for me, I’ve been breaking my head  for the past 30 minutes about it.” Seohyun said sarcastically.

“Well then, you are welcome.” Yonghwa said with a smirk.

“You like horror movies? Wow, I never saw you as that type.” Seohyun muttered.

“As that type? What type did you see me as?” Yonghwa asked curiously.

“Well, that’s for me to know and you to find out!” Seohyun said with a smirk.

“Ah! What’s that on your face?” Yong hwa screamed suddenly.

“What is it? What is it?” Seohyun asked jumping up and down.

Yonghwa started laughing. The whole theatre was now tuned in to what they were doing.

“Yonghwa!!! Come out, I really want to kill you right now, you are dead.” Seohyun threatened.

Yonghwa followed Seohyun out without a word, and as soon as they got out, Seohyun started hitting him.

“You know how scared I got? How can you do this? I will never forgive you!” She blabbered.

“Hyunnie! Why are you hitting him? What happened?” Yoona came running over to Seohyun, worried.

“Nothing Unnie, he scared me, I’ll tell you later, let’s go we are missing most of the movie.” Seohyun said quietly.

“What’s playing?” Yoona asked eagerly.

“A horror one!” Seohyun said with a wink.

Yoona gulped, and followed Seohyun inside

“What did you do Yong?” Geun Suk asked quietly behind the girls.

“Nothing, she was overreacting for nothing.” Yonghwa said with a hint of annoyance.

Geun Suk didn’t want to push it more, to him Yonghwa didn’t seem to be annoyed at Seohyun. Both walked back in.


“Sooyoung-sshi! Let’s go somewhere else!” Joong Ki said suddenly. He saw Yonghwa, Seohyun, Geun Suk, and Yoona walk in. He wasn’t expecting them to be there.

“Joong Ki-sshi, I thought you wanted to watch a movie.” Sooyoung said reminding him.

“But now I want to go somewhere else.Mianhe Sooyoung-sshi, let’s go somewhere else.” Joong ki said and walked in front of her to block her view from seeing them. He knew she would definitely want to go to the movie if she saw them, but he wanted to spend some alone time with her.

“Alright, where do you want to go?” Sooyoung asked. She was annoyed but she hid it pretty well.

“Let’s go on the roller coaster!” Joong Ki said excited.

She laughed at his innocence, and realized that she wasn’t annoyed anymore, she was pretty surprised at how she acted and felt around him. There was no awkwardness anymore, just fun.

As they were standing in the line for the roller coaster, they started chatting about random things, anything and everything.

Just as they were about to decide where to go next, Sooyoung received a text from Yoona.

Enough with your hubby :P Come join us! Everyone is here in the theater!-Yoona

Aish, this was your idea, why are teasing me now? Fine, we are coming!- Sooyoung

“Joong Ki-sshi, I just got a text Yoona, they are all together at the theater,  and they want us there too, we should go.” Sooyoung informed Joong ki.

“Of course Sooyoung-sshi, we should go now.” Joong Ki said with a hint of disappointment.

Sooyoung noticed it but she decided to ignore it. She didn't want to create false hope for Joong Ki (that she like THAT way..) when she didn't really feel it herself.

They made their way towards  the theater, and entered.

It wasn't very hard to find their "group," with Seohyun and’ Yonghwa bickering so loudly. The theater was half empty, “Probably because of these two, Sooyoung thought to herself and laughed out loud. Yoona saw Sooyoung.

"Oh! The bride and groom are here! Let's make room for them." Yoona said, excited that they were finally talking to each other.

Sooyoung blushed and sat next to Yoona before Joong ki had a chance to ask her to sit next to him.

Yonghwa and Seohyun were in an argument about who was the best runner between the two. Obviously ,both thought that they were better than the other.

"I am sorry Sooyoung for asking you to come here early, I am actually not a big fan of horror movies, I am very scared of horror movies and this idiot next to me is not helping at all." Yoona confessed.

"It's fine Yoona, the amusement park is about to close anyways, it's better of if we are all together." Sooyoung assured.

Yoona smiled at Sooyoung and turned to Seohyun and asked if they could leave already.

"It’s almost over yoona," Seohyun assured.

Soon, the movie was over. Yoona had been shivering the whole time, while Seohyun had been  actually enjoying it.

"That was relatively scary, it was pretty good." Seohyun announced.

"Relatively scary?! You are crazy! How are we two best friends?" Yoona wondered.

Seohyun just rolled her eyes, and while they were walking to the parking lot, she ran to Geun suk to link arms with him.

"Thank you oppa, for bringing us here." Seohyun thanked him.

"Anything for you dolls." Geun suk smiled at them and started the car.

As before, they all had the same seating arrangement. This time they were all too tired to complain.

Yonghwa fell asleep on the window, so that he  wouldn’t disturb Seohyun who was already in a deep slumber. As the van hit the highway, Seohyun leaned towards Yonghwa and fell asleep on his shoulder.

"Hyunnie! We should-" Yoona stopped the sentence to look at the cute couple. "Aww, this is a perfect picture, they are so cute together!" She complimented and took a picture of yonghwa and Seohyun sleeping on her phone. She felt like she would have a use for it in the future.

Soon, they reached their dorms, and as if she knew they arrived, Seohyun jerked awake from her sleep,but didn't notice that she had been sleeping on Yonghwa the whole time. She got out of the van with  yoona and Sooyoung, who had, as usual, read a book during the car ride. They made their way to their respective dorms and bid their farewells.


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bluelover235 #2
Chapter 23: Sorry for the short late chapter! my laptop broke down and my other two friends are gone for vacation:( so they can't do it either.Please be patient! and I'll update whenever I can! We love you guys!!
cnsdGirl #3
Chapter 22: We~ So, it's mean, YongSeo will become a friend..for now, of coz. :3
And Sooyoung, we, the reader, is the witness that Joongki is kissing you. Or it's just me? ._.
Oh well, I'm curious about that noona and why she avoid Seohyun. Shinhye? Hm..can't be.
Chapter 22: i thought joong ki is that? but siwwoooonnnnnn?
Chapter 22: What??? It can't be Siwon... Right? Yoona saw them...?
BabyBoiceVIP #6
Chapter 22: He should be joongki. Sooyoung must have made a mistake ._.
Chapter 22: WHUT?! No way .___. I thought it was Joong Ki sobs sobs
Chapter 22: Aww Yongseo is so cute I want more keke sorry being greedy here update soon
Chapter 22: Yonghwa being very nice , hyun might fall for him soon kekeke
Chapter 21: when is the yongseo moments coming??...