The First Day.

Love Light



The next morning they were late to their classes because all three of them had accidentally slept in.

“ What happened to the alarm clock? Why didn’t go off?” Seohyun complained.

They all grabbed whatever they could find to eat and made their ways to their classrooms. Lucky for them, it was daylight savings day.

The three had created a group text the day before so that it was easier for them to communicate with the other two at the same time.

Thank god! Daylight savings actually saved us- Seohyun.

IKR! By the way, you’ll never guess who is in my class!- Yoona

Guys! My phone was not on silent! Aish, so embarrassing. Anyways who??- Sooyoung.

No one cares Sooyoung, -___- it’s Geun Suk! –Yoona.

Sooyoung was just about to reply when the bell rang. Being a very good girl in school, she put her phone away.

Just as Seohyun was about to reply too, the whole class started screaming.

“Aish, what is it now?” Seohyun muttered to herself.

It was, of course, Jung Yong Hwa. The guy that made every girl’s heart flutter, and still played it off cool without any effort. He didn’t notice Seohyun, yet.

“Why is he in this class? Seohyun asked the girl that was next to her.

“Unnie, What do you mean, why is he in this class? We are all lucky to have him in our class, plus, he has the voice of an angel.” The girl said as if it was the most obvious thing.

Seohyun just rolled her eyes and was about to argue back but the teacher entered.

“Goooood Morning everyone! Rise and Shine!  If you are more interested in sleeping then you may leave my class right now, I will take care of your attendance, but I do not want you to disturb someone else’s learning time.” The teacher waited for awhile to see if anyone wanted to leave. “Good, now since today is our first day I am not going to ask much from you, I know many of you are nervous and are still adapting to the change, so we will take it easy today. First things first, let’s get over with the introductions. I’ll start, Hello, I am Mrs. Kim, and I teach Vocal, here at Seoul Arts University. Also along with your name and year, please tell us your pet peeve (s) and your favorite color.” Mrs. Kim announced.

As expected, Seohyun was in the first row, so she had to start.

“Hello, my name is Seohyun, I am a freshman here. My pet peeves are people talking  about me behind my back, jerks, which we seem to have a lot in this school,” Seohyun swiftly took a glance behind her and continued, “and people touching my food, my favorite color would be teal.” Seohyun said.

The rest of the class said a word or two and finally it was Yong Hwa’s turn.

“Hey, my name is Jung Yong Hwa, I am a sophomore here. My pet peeves are ugly, talentless girls, and pretty, useless girls,” he said looking directly at Seohyun; she rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at him. “My favorite color would be bling-bling, silver and gold.”

The whole class cheered for him, soon to be quieted by the teacher.

“Interesting students, that would be it for today, you may leave early.” Mrs. Kim declared.

The whole class cheered once again for this and everyone filed out.

Seohyun took her phone out to text Yoona and Sooyoung.

FML! Yong Hwa is in my class! I SERIOUSLY WANT TO CHANGE SCHOOLS NOW! :’(- Seohyun

Poor Hyunnie-ah! my babyy,but  please don’t cause any more trouble with him- Yoona

So much confidence in me, thanks, really appreciate it. -___-, anyways my teacher let us out early, what about you guys? – Seohyun.

Luckyyy! My teacher is making us write a 3 page essay about the importance of instruments. – Sooyoung.

LOL, only you Sooyoung, only to you.  What are you planning on doing Hyunnie?- Yoona.

I don’t know, I am thinking about touring the campus, but I have no one with me right now, so maybe sleep?- Seohyun.

Why don’t you cook lunch for us? We can go out for dinner.- Sooyoung.

NOOOO!!! Please NO! not her cooking! Oh God! NO!- Yoona

Jeez, I am not that bad Yoona, great idea Sooyoung! I will make lunch for you guys!- Seohyun.

Something tells me I am going to regret this.- Sooyoung.

You won’t :)- Seohyun.

You will :/-Yoona.

Seohyun put her phone away and started making her favorite dish, fried rice. As she was cutting the vegetables, she hears a knock on the door.

“Oh! Joong ki oppa! What brings you here?” Seohyun beamed.

“Oh, Seohyun, you don’t have a class right now? I thought Sooyoung would be home.” Joong ki said embarrassed.

“Oppa, I did have class but the teacher let us out early, so I came home to cook lunch and as for Sooyoung, she has a class at this time, I think it’s orchestra.” Seohyun clarified.

“Lunch? I am so hungry! Can I help you with anything? I am known to be a pretty good cook.” Joong ki offered.

Seohyun chuckles, and says, “Yes oppa, you can help me make fried rice.” Seohyun accepted.

They both start working without saying much to each other. After a few minutes, Joong ki was the one to break the silence.

“What kind of a person is Sooyoung?” He asked curiously.

“Well, I don’t much about her because I’ve met her only a few days ago. But from what I know, she is a really nice person, and incredibly smart. She seems to be distant with people, I don’t know why, may be because she doesn’t trust anyone, she did say a few things about how her friends from before betrayed and used her for her money, but other than that I don’t know anything else about her. One thing I know for sure is that she hates this arranged marriage thing, and I am sure you know how it goes with that matter.” Seohyun answered.

“Yes I do, to be honest with you,  I hated that idea too, but now after meeting Sooyoung-sshi, I don’t mind it as much. I still dislike all of this .My parents threatened to take my inheritance away, and I can’t let that happen. So I have put up with this and may be after a year or so after our marriage, we can come to an understanding and divorce each other.” Joong ki explained to Seohyun.

“Oppa! That’s a horrible thing to say! You can’t divorce her, no, that’s too much.” Seohyun argued.

“I know, but if she wants it too, I think it’ll work out that way, anyways that comes later.” Joong ki pointed out.

“True…Ok, but when is your wedding?” Seohyun asked curiously.

“I think my parents want it as soon as possible and it’s the same from her side too, so probably in less than a month.” Joong ki answered looking sad.

“ But that’s too early!” Seohyun exclaimed.

“I know, but what can I do?” Joong ki groaned.

“True oppa, anyways, it’s gonna take awhile till they come, do you want to watch a movie or take some fried rice to your room, and just eat it here and leave?” Seohyun blabbered.

“I can wait; let’s do something in the mean while though.” Joong ki offered.

“Ok…Do you want to watch a movie?” Seohyun suggested.

“Sure! What do you have?” Joong ki wondered.

“You’ll probably laugh at me, but me and Yoona like kiddish movies, mostly animated, so we have Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, Finding Nemo, Rango, and Tangled, and more.” Seohyun listed.

“Oh wow, um… let’s go with Tangled.” Joong ki decided.

“Ok! That’s actually my most favorite movie!” Seohyun commented.

They started watching the movie, and when Seohyun’s favorite came up, she chorused the dialogues.

“I love you! I love you more!-” Seohyun was interrupted by Joong Ki.

“I love you the most!” Joong ki finished.

“WHOA! WHO?” Yoona came barging in followed by Sooyoung.

“Yoona! You guys are finally home! We’ve waited so long!” Seohyun whined.

“We? Oh! Joong Ki sunbae it’s you, sorry I thought it was Seohyun’s boy friend.” Yoona apologized.

“Seohyun has a boy friend? Who?” Both Joong ki and Sooyoung said together.

“Oh miahne sunbae, Anyonghaseyo.” Sooyoung said with a small bow.

“Hello Sooyoung-sshi.” Joong Ki greeted back.

“It’s…It’s…I’ll tell you guys later, I am really hungry right now, Hyunnie, the fried rice better taste good.” Yoona teased.

“It will, Joong ki oppa helped me make it!” Seohyun answered.

“Really Sunbae? You can cook? That’s amazing, lucky Sooyoung.”Yoona blurted out.

Sooyoung and Joong Ki looked awkwardly at each other for a second and looked away. It was silent for a while.

“Table is set! Come O’ Come!” Seohyun hollered from the kitchen.

They all made their ways to the table and started eating quietly.

“Oh, are you guys practicing for the competition?” Yoona asked.

“No, to be honest, I think Yong completely forgot about it.” Joong ki answered.

“Lucky for you guys, this idiot here made us all popular in one day.” Yoona grumbled.

“Popular? How?” Seohyun asked innocently.

“Well earlier...” Yoona started.

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bluelover235 #2
Chapter 23: Sorry for the short late chapter! my laptop broke down and my other two friends are gone for vacation:( so they can't do it either.Please be patient! and I'll update whenever I can! We love you guys!!
cnsdGirl #3
Chapter 22: We~ So, it's mean, YongSeo will become a friend..for now, of coz. :3
And Sooyoung, we, the reader, is the witness that Joongki is kissing you. Or it's just me? ._.
Oh well, I'm curious about that noona and why she avoid Seohyun. Shinhye? Hm..can't be.
Chapter 22: i thought joong ki is that? but siwwoooonnnnnn?
Chapter 22: What??? It can't be Siwon... Right? Yoona saw them...?
BabyBoiceVIP #6
Chapter 22: He should be joongki. Sooyoung must have made a mistake ._.
Chapter 22: WHUT?! No way .___. I thought it was Joong Ki sobs sobs
Chapter 22: Aww Yongseo is so cute I want more keke sorry being greedy here update soon
Chapter 22: Yonghwa being very nice , hyun might fall for him soon kekeke
Chapter 21: when is the yongseo moments coming??...