Chapter 21

Step Siblings

" Okay everyone. We want to make a toast to the new married couple! Can we have everybody at a table please!" The wedding planner ordered as everyone began to look for their family or friends and sat at the same table with them.


" Yongguk!" You heard Ae-cha's voice squeal. * Oh..she's here..* You mentally sighed, but you ignored the fact that she was there. You looked everywhere to find Jee Sun. You didn't know if she came or not because you weren't paying attention in the chapel.


* Where is sh-* You mentally stopped yourself when you felt someone grab you on your shoulder. You jumped and turned around. You saw no one but Jee Sun.


" Haha. Your face was priceless." Jee Sun joked as you continuously smacked the back of her head while she stood their pouting.


Zelo was at a table with Jongup, Himchan, Youngjae, and Daehyun. Zelo was chuckling, but his friends didn't know why. " What is he laughing about?" Himchan questioned. " I know right. I want to laugh too!" Jongup pouted, making the whole table to laugh. Daehyun stared into Zelo's eyes and followed where his eyes were located. 


* Is it that girl he's giggling about?* Daehyun mentally asked himself, as he watched you too. He thought you were funny as well. The way you were just smacking Jee Sun, and laughing bizarrely was actually funny and amusing to Daehyun and Zelo.


" Come on let's find a table." You spoke, and Jee Sun nodded.


" Hey!" You randomly squealed as you pointed at Jee Sun. " What is it?" Jee Sun asked. 


You looked at Jee Sun from head to toe. " You're wearing the dress I picked out for you.." You chorused. " Shut up." Jee Sun replied as you started to laugh.


" What happened? I thought you wanted to look y!" You joked. " Well...I didn't feel comfortable in it...." Jee Sun mumbled. " Huh! What was that!?" You obnoxiously yelled. You wanted Jee Sun to say it louder. You knew you could hear her, but knowing that you're right and it's coming out from someone else's mouth was pleasing to you.


" You were right...The dress was uncomfortable." Jee Sun mumbled again. " What! I didn't hear yo-" Jee Sun cut you off when she spoke but loudly this time.


" You were right! The dress was wayyyyy uncomfortable! I like the dress you picked out for me!" Jee Sun painfully agreed with you. " Thank you." You spoke with a smile on your face.


You and Jee Sun began to look for a table that you both could sit at. It was hard to find an empty table, until you heard someone roaring for you.


" Hey you! Maid of honor!" 


The voice sounded familiar to you. * Eh? Where did I hear that voice before?* You mentally asked yourself. You and Jee Sun then looked back seeing Zelo looking at you two.


You looked back to see if he was referring to someone else. You saw no one then you pointed at your self. * Me?*


" Haha. Yes you." Zelo giggled. You and Jee Sun walked over to Zelo's table where it had the whole gang but Yongguk. There were four seats left.


Jee Sun then began to squeal. " You again." Jongup chuckled making Jee Sun to squeal even louder. * He remembered me.* Jee Sun mentally said.


" Y-yes.." You stuttered. Even though your bias was Yongguk, you were still nervous and shy because you loved the whole group.


" Don't be nervous. You two should sit with us. We are missing Yongguk so you two can fill up two out of four of the empty seats." Zelo suggested with an adorable smile across his face. * Aw. His smile.... How come I never noticed it on tv. Maybe because I was just blinded by Yongguk's act.* You mentally thought.


" Is that a yes?" Daehyun asked. You then looked at each and everyone at the table. They all approved and nodded their head yes. " Come on Mi Rae! Pleassse." Jee Sun begged.


" Yes okay!" You happily answered, then bowed thankfully and Jee Sun did the same. You sat next to Zelo and Jee Sun sat next to you. " Hey Mi Rae...Let's switch seats." Jee Sun whispered in your ear. " Oh. You want to sit beside Zelo huh?" You whispered back, as Jee Sun nodded her head yes. " Ok then." You replied back as you and Jee Sun stood up. You were about to switch seats when you felt a grip wrapped around your wrist. * Huh?* You mentally thought. You then looked back seeing Zelo.


" What are you doing? Sit here." Zelo begged, as you shrugged your shoulders at Jee Sun. Jee Sun sighed and rolled her eyes, while you sat back down where you were beside Zelo. " Thanks" He gave you that adorable smile again. You couldn't help it so you smiled back at him.


" Hey! I finally found you gu-" Yongguk suddenly stopped when he saw you sitting at the same table as his friends. You looked at Yongguk then both of you guys began to glare at each other. " Hey Yongguk. We were waiting for you." Zelo happily said.


" Hey guys. Long time no see." Ae-cha spoke. " Huh? Who's that?" The guys all said in unison. Making you to giggle a bit. Ae-cha then glared at you. The guys were so clueless.


" Aish. Come on! This is Ae-cha..." Yongguk said annoyed as he face palmed himself. " Oh Ae-cha!" They all squealed.


They all jumped out of their seats and approached Ae-cha. " Wow. You have really changed." Zelo spoke with his jaw dropped as he looked at every body part of Ae-cha.


" Not really." Ae-cha giggled. "'s true you have." Yongjae said as he touched her hair. " Haha. You guys are being weird." Ae-cha spoke.


" Has everybody found a seat!" The wedding planner spoke as Ae-cha and Yongguk sat at the two seats left.


" Alright then. There is a bottle of apple cider at each table with cups. I would like it if everyone will pour it in each cup, but don't drink yet." The wedding planner ordered, as everyone did what they were told.


Zelo took the bottle, opened it. Then poured it in his own cup. He saw that your cup was empty so he took it and poured it for you. Yongguk saw your connection with Zelo. You giggled and thanked him, leaving Jee Sun jealous, and Ae-cha real mad.


" So who wants to make a toast?" The wedding planner asked as people rose their hand. The wedding planner approached Yongguk's mom, and gave her the microphone.


" I want to make a toast to everyone who came to celebrate I and my husband wedding. Thank you guys so much." She spoke as a tear drop ran down her cheek. Everyone clapped.


After many toasts and toasts. It was finally time to do cheers. 


" Cheers!" Zelo and Himchan said in unison as they hit their glass together. You and Jee Sun giggled. " Cheers Mi Rae." Jee Sun spoke. " Cheers!" You smiled as you hit your glass with hers. Everybody cheered with each other. The only people you didn't hit your glass with at the table were of course, Yongguk and Ae-cha.


" Okay everyone drink up! Food will be on their way!" The wedding planner excitedly said, as everyone drank their apple ciders.


" So your name is Mi Rae?" Zelo asked you as you shyly nodded your head. " Yeah. It is. And you know what?" Yongguk spoke, he seemed a bit annoyed that you were here, he wanted to embarrass you so he mention something that you told him days before.


" She's a huge fan of yours!"

* What is he saying!?* You angrily thought, then you remembered that you did tell him you were a big fan. You believed that the only reason he is telling Zelo this was to annoy you.


" And how do you know this?" Zelo questioned. " Because...I'm her step sibling." Yongguk replied, as Zelo looked over to you.


His face was one shade of red. * She's a fan of mines. How amusing* Zelo mentally thought as he gave you an angelic smile. Jee Sun glared at you. ' You are not a big fan of his.' Jee Sun mouthed. 'I know. Just play along.' You mouthed back. Ae-cha was somehow relieved. She was happy that you were a big fan of Zelo instead of Yongguk.


" Well. That's great." Zelo happily said. " Is it me or do I see chemistry between you two." Jongup spoke, as half of the table laughed. Making Zelo and you to blush. 


* Chemistry?* Yongguk mentally said as he gazed at you and Zelo getting along with each other. He saw that you gave Zelo that smile that he saw in the bus one day. The smile that caught his eye. The attention he had for you and Zelo was then dragged over to only you. He then came back to his senses when Himchan said something sort of embarrassing.


" Why are you staring at Mi Rae, Yongguk? Don't tell me you think your sister is attractive." 


" Yah! Shutup." Yongguk angrily yelled. Ae-cha gave you a death stare. You then turned 4 shades of red, feeling embarrassed. " Haha. It' probably the makeup." Jongup spoke. "No way! She looks like...a...clown.. Might as well just clean the makeup off your face." Yongguk brutally spoke, making Ae-cha to laugh loudly, and everybody else silent.


Hearing Yongguk say that was a slap to your face. You didn't know what to say it was just embarrassing to you. * I look like...a clown?* You mentally questioned yourself. You wanted to go to the bathroom and wipe of the makeup when Zelo stopped you. " Don't worry Mi Rae. You look beautiful, just the way you are." Zelo spoke. * He's so kind. Why couldn't I be Zelo's biggest fan? Why couldn't he be my bias?" Questions ran through your head. " Yeah. Mi Rae. Don't mind what Yongguk says. He's lying to himself." Youngjae then spoke, which formed a smile on your face. " Thank you." You thanked them.


" As we are waiting for our food, my son and his group B.A.P will come up and play a few songs!!" Yongguk's mother happily spoke. As people began to clap and girls began to squeal.


B.A.P went up stage, getting ready for the song they were going to play.


While they were gone Ae-cha began to speak out her mind, and stopped acting like an angel since the boys were gone. " You know Mi aren't even cute. If you think you can steal Yongguk and my other guys away from me then you're wrong."


The comment Ae-cha said annoyed you, but you chose to ignore her. " Hey! You-" Jee Sun was cut off by you. You stopped her. " Don't worry..just ignore her." You spoke. " Oh. You're scared. Haha. Well I am a big treat to you. You do look like a clown, so I suggest you leave this tabble and leave my friends alone." Ae-cha brutally spoke. You couldn't hold in your thoughts. " LET ME AT HER!" Jee Sun roared as she tried to approach Ae-cha but you drew her back. " Hey. Jee Sun don't worry. This is my battle" You spoke as you looked into Ae-cha's eyes. You thought the reason Ae-cha hates you was because she was jealous or something, so you wanted to get her even more jealous than before.


" Ae-cha. Ae-cha. Ae-cha. I don't care how pretty or popular or even close you are to B.A.P. All I know that one day...I'll be closer to them than you would ever be because....I' Yongguk. You know what that means. Haha. That means I could see B.A.P every! Single! Day!. Couldn't you see they were talking to me instead of you. I already have them wrapped around my finger." You spoke fighting fire with fire. You made Ae-cha real mad, and jealous. She wanted to scream at you but she stopped herself when she heard Yongguk's voice.


" We are going to be singing Rain sound." 


Everybody clapped as B.A.P bowed.



( Click play :) You know u want to ^_~ lol )




As they were performing your eyes were just on one person, Yongguk. You thought he was great. It was like every word he rapped, he meant it. The performance was just too beautiful and emotional for you and everyone. Some people had tears running down their cheeks. You, your eyes were tearing up, but no tears shed.


After they were done, everybody clapped. " Now for a happy song!" Zelo squealed making everyone to clap. " Crash!" The whole band said in unison, making everyone to happily roar.





This performance was great too. They even had dance steps to it as well. When they were done everyone clapped. And they all bowed as well.


They went back to the table, as people were serving foods to each table. " You guys were great!" You squealed. " Thanks Mi Rae." Zelo squealed as he ruffled your hair. Yongguk saw the connection between you two but he looked away and started to talk to Ae-cha.


" How about you Ae-cha. Did you like it?" Yongguk questioned. " Yes! You were great Yongguk, I wish I could see it again." Ae-cha spoke giving Yongguk a smile. You were just gazing at them talk. * What is so special about her?* You questioned yourself.


" I loved your performance." Jee Sun spoke making Jongup smile. " Wow you did." Jongup spoke. " YES!" Jee Sun spoke as she began to sing crash and Rain. The whole table began to laugh. " Only you Jee Sun." You joked.


You guys began to eat, you saw Ae-cha flirting with Yongguk,for some reason it made you to gulp down your food in a rapid speed, out of jealousy. " Haha. Hey Mi Rae calm down, the food ain't going no where." DaeHyun spoke. But you didn't listen you chugged down your food then began to cough. " Mi Rae! See you should've listened to DaeHyun!" Zelo roared as he patted your back and fed you water. That scene made you and Zelo to look like a couple. Yongguk was a bit worried about you, but didn't do anything to help. * She doesn't need me. She has Zelo.* He mentally spoke as he continued to eat.


" Hey Yongguk, hurry up. And show me your mom. I can't wait to see her again." Ae-cha rushed Yongguk." Alright." Yongguk replied. 


* They are so close...I can't compete with that. Anyways, this shouldn't bother me. It's not like me and Yongguk are friends or anything.* You mentally thought as you watched Yongguk walk Ae-cha to his mom.


" Hey mom remember Ae-Cha." Yongguk spoke as his mother squealed an gave her a hug. " Omo! Ae-Cha you have truly changed, oh you are so beautiful. Maybe soon you and Yongguk will get married." Yongguk's mother spoke. " Mother!" Yongguk roared as he looked the other way causing his mom and Ae-cha to giggle. After Ae-cha and Yongguk's mother were finished chatting they went  back their table.


" In a few minutes we will have the Maid of honor and best man to say their speeches." Your dad said, making everyone excited but you nervous. 


* Am I ready?* You nervously thought.

Author's note:

Oh yes I updated. ^^ I hope u enjoyed and enjoyed the music of course. Thanks see u in the next chapter ^^.





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Hey guys. I'm so happy that ppl are actually ready my fanfic!! Thanks love you all MWOHH


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It's been so long, update please :(
Chapter 42: It's so good
Chapter 42: yay~ update xD
OkSooyeon #4
Chapter 41: Daebak story! Update soon
Chapter 41: Woooaaahh daebak **
Update soon **
Chapter 41: Now what... are they going to be official couple or brother sister + kiss relationship, but I'm so curious right now what going to happen next ^_^
Thanks for the update and have a Happy new year authornim <3
Chapter 41: sh*t just got real.
baby_nany #8
Chapter 41: Hahahaha. So cute!!!! ^^ Poor Zelo!!
baby_nany #9
I really really really love this story!!! Hahaha Yongguk, if you like her that much, just aske her to be your girlfriend!!!!! Hahahaha :P