Part six

Let me be your light.

Luhan was tired. He was mentally and physically exhausted. He couldn't take anymore of this torture. He wanted it to stop, but to do that, he would either have to die or tell these people what they wanted to know and he wasn't willing to do either of them. The only thing he had to fight with was his power and he wasn't even sure if his mind was strong enough for that. At the most, he could probably use all the strength he had to knock the guy- Chen away from him.

And as if he knew that he was being thought of, the door opened and in came Chen with Yifan trailing behind him. "I was sneezing an awful lot and just knew that I was being talked about. Good morning, Lu Han ssi. Oh, god... You look terrible... Are you okay? Do you need something?"

Chen laughs and Luhan balls his hands. "I'm fine."

Chen just shrugs and motions for Yifan to take the bucket over to him. "It's your loss. Anyways... I was ordered to do something different today. And if you spill all you know after I am done, I won't use what was ordered for me to use. Yifan." Yifan gives Lu Han another look of apology before dumping the bucket of water over his head and stepping back out of Chen's way. Chen then steps in front of Lu Han and looks him over. "You look even worse up close," he says while shivering as if just the sight of Lu Han disgusted him.

Lu Han had to act fast before Chen electrocuted him again. So right before Chen made to place his hands on him, Lu Han focused all his power into knocking Chen across the room. He succeeds in doing just that, but Yifan catches him before he hits the wall; his back hitting the wall in Chen's stead.

"You..." Chen grunts out as he gathers himself after Yifan lets go of him, "...have serious balls to be ing with the person who holds your life in his hands. Tell me, Lu Han ssi... How is it that you still have strength after the amount of electricity I sent coursing through your body?" Lu Han huffs and glares over at him as he inches closer to him. "Well, thanks to your lovely stunt that you just pulled, I get to use the other thing ordered of me to use; person rather."

Just as Chen stepped aside, a woman appeared at the door and Chen laughed. This made Lu Han uneasy and before he had a chance to figure out why, the woman jumped at him and turned into a dark mist that went for his head.

Taekwoon woke up to to sounds of multiple voices speaking around him. He blinked a few times and gave his eyes time to adjust to the sunlight before he took in his surrounding. He was outside of a house; the house he had many visions of, the house he knew that he'd find who he needed at. Hakyeon, he noticed, was talking to a brunette of equal height. "Baekhyun," he guessed and undid his seat belt so that he, too, could get out of the car. Once he did, Hakyeon turned his head toward him and waved him over to the small group of people.

"This, like I said, is Taekwoon," Hakyeon introduces, instantly snaking a protective arm around his waist. Taekwoon looks over at the people and he bows politely, greeting them. "He had to talk to you guys about something; something important."

They all look over at him and the feeling to run and hide was strong. "Um... I... ...need B-Baekhyun. I mean- I mean, to talk to him only."

"Hyung, how did he know your name?"

Baekhyun looks over at the boy that was talking to him and shrugs. "But I'm guessing that he knows it from the same way he knew how to get here."

"Wait," the boy that he now knows as Sehun says to him, "you are like us? You have powers and come from the same planet?" Taekwoon nods and Sehun leans back in his chair. "How cool."

"The only difference is that I came here with my mother, but was abandoned shortly after. Ever since then, I grew up in foster homes until my powers awakened and then I was kicked out of the system because my powers scared people."

Everyone nods at Taekwoon and Hakyeon squeezes his hand.

"What about you," asks a curious Baekhyun after he set his cup of tea down. "What can you do?"

"Nothing," he answers after laughing awkwardly. "I'm just a measly human."

Everyone looks at him in awe, but Baekhyun looked at Taekwoon with worry. "You are counterparts, correct?" Taekwoon nods. "And you understand what happens to human and non-human counterparts?" He nods again, but everyone looks at them questioningly. "Is he prepared for the outcome of your relationship?"

"I am prepared to die with Taekwoon if that is what you are referring to," questions Hakyeon confidently and it was Taekwoon that squeezed his hand this time. "He explained all of this when we first felt that connection. He told me that although I won't suffer nearly as much as he will, I will die when his body can't take anymore. And I told him that it was okay and that I am prepared to die with him."

Everyone looked amazed that a human was willing to do such a thing for them, even Taekwoon was still amazed at times.

"What is your power exactly?"

This question comes from an unfamiliar voice; a weak, exhausted voice of a boy who looked as he sounded and was protected by another boy who he has seen before--who he knows as Zitao. "I'm a Seer," he answers after awhile and everyone voices their surprise. "I can see as well as feel things that have happened, are happening, and will happen. But you guys already knew that considering we are talked about in all the history books back home."

"That..." The boy pauses to take a breather, but only continues after he has been helped to a chair, "...and you guys are practically nonexistent."

"In fact," Baekhyun picks up where the boy left off, "the last Seer to walk on our planet was Jung...."

"Jooyeon," Taekwoon finishes. "Jung Jooyeon, my mother."

Joonmyun stands in the bathroom facing the mirror. At first, all he could see is his reflection, but then the mirror began to ripple. Minseok stood in the doorway, confused, but also amazed. He wasn't aware that water users could use their power in such a way.

"Papa?" Calls out Joonmyun who was squinting his eyes at a figure he could barely make out. "Papa, it's Joonmyun. Can you see me?"

"I can see you, son," he answers and to which, Joonmyun smiles brightly. "It's good to see you too. It has been too long since your last call."

"I know, papa, and I'm sorry about that. I've been busy keeping tabs on the creatures of our world that have been keeping their eyes on people like us and I haven't been able to stop to call you. I've nearly got caught myself if it hadn't been for Minseok ssi."

Joonmyun waves Minseok over and Minseok walks over to the mirror awkwardly and bows to Joonmyun's father. "Hello, sir. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine, Minseok ssi." He bows to Minseok and Joonmyun smiles because his father already knows and approves of Minseok. Truthfully, he had called his father and talked about Minseok the first day he met him. His father seemed concerned about the fact that he and Minseok were strangers yet, but he was one hundred percent accepting of him and it made Joonmyun happy. "Thank you for keeping my irresponsible son out of prison."

"It was really nothing, sir," Minseok laughs shyly and rubs at the back of his neck. "I just know what it is like being stuck in a horrible situation without any water to get me out of it."

"Water, you say? Is that what your power is of?"

Minseok nods. "Only difference is that it's a ice type."

Joonmyun's father hums in response. "How convenient."

"Anyways, papa," Joonmyun interrupts and holds out a black square box. "I need this filled with the same things mama put in it last time. Especially those medicines."

"Are you out already? That should have lasted you a month this time. Just what are you doing with all of the things we send you?"

"Things happened you see..."

"You brought Rhea back with you, didn't you?" Joonmyun looks elsewhere and his father makes disapproving noises. "You know she can't handle the environment on that planet... We told you this the last visit you made."


"Send her back, Joonmyun, or I will come get her myself."

Joonmyun sighs and nods after pushing the box through the water. This makes Minseok's eyes widen with fascination. "Fine... Forget the medicine then and just forget me and leave me alone to die!"

"Stop being dramatic, Joonmyun. You're embarrassing yourself. I have to go now. I'll send this through tomorrow, so watch for it. Love you, son."

"I love you too," he mumbles and waves to his father until the mirror returns to normal. He sighs again and turns to Minseok who was looking at him questioningly. "Rhea is my pet seahorse. Biggest of her kind actually. I keep her in a lake outside of town. Or well, that's where I put her when we first got here. She was too sick, what with this heat and all."

"Why did you bring her to begin with?"

"I'm not like you or any other people like us that were sent here at a young age." He walks around Minseok and as their arms brush against each other, he stops and instinctively leans into him. Minseok looks over his shoulder at Joonmyun who looks sad and he frowns. "You guys grew up here and made friends. You have people who raised you in place of your actual parents--people who they trust to keep your secret. You have people to go to when things get hard. I didn't live down here until a couple years back. I wasn't sent away like so many of you were. I brought her because she is my best friend and she makes me feel better after I talk about my troubles with her. She is my 'go to' when I need to vent some."

"Then what am I?"

Joonmyun pushes away from Minseok to turn to face him. He looks at Minseok sympathetically and takes his face into his hands. "Can I kiss you?" Minseok nods without hesitation and Joonmyun leans in, pressing his lips softly against Minseok's.

Before they did anything else, Joonmyun and Minseok decided it best to send Rhea back home. Joonmyun cried childishly at first and rubbed the side of her face with his, but eventually he sent her back the same way he sent his box.

"Think of it this way, Joonmyun," Minseok begins as they step back into town, "at least she won't be sick anymore. That's something, right?"

"I guess," Joonmyun sighs and pulls out his phone that so happened to be ringing. He tilts his head slightly at the unknown number and puts it to his ear after answering it. "Hello?"

"I heard from someone that you were going to call me?" Joonmyun looks over at Minseok who mouths to him 'what?'. "I'm Huang Zitao. The guy you are supposedly looking all over town for?"

"I wasn't looking for you; rather, someone that you probably know." "I know a lot of people, so you are going to have to give me more than that." Joonmyun breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly. "The person that I'm looking for is named Baekhyun. Byun Baekhyun. Does that help?"

"How do you know, Baekhyun hyung?"

"He has a reputation where I come from. I just need to know where he is. Do you know where he might be?"

The line was silent for awhile and Joonmyun would have thought that he was hung up on had he not heard the start of typing in the background. Moments later, he could hear breathing again and then the sound of the same voice. "Okay. I sent directions to the house we are currently at as well as the house address in a text to your phone. If you have problems getting here, call me when you are on the street and I stand outside for you. Also, if you could bring a ton of food and drinks, excuse my language, that would be really amazing of you. Okay, bye now."

Joonmyun looks at his phone and then looks at Minseok. "That was weird, right?"

"If you are talking about how comfortable he sounded while talking, then yes. But it really isn't a horrible thing. I mean, at least he sounds like he is easier to approach. That's something, right?"

"I suppose," he agrees and shoves his phone back into his pocket. "Does this town have a store that takes credit cards?"

Minseok nods and gestures towards a big supermarket. "They don't take credit cards, per se, but they have an ATM that you can pull money from."

"That's probably going to be easier. Let us go then because Zitao ssi sounded desperate."

"I can walk by myself, hyung, so let go of me."

Zitao sighs deeply at Jongin and lets go of him moments later. They were upstairs in the bathroom and Jongin was getting ready to take a shower to wash off the previous night. Zitao was following him everywhere, making sure he was okay. And Jongin appreciated it, but in the same breath, he didn't want to be seen as a porcelain doll; fragile and could break at any given moment.

"I'm just worried is all." He watches as Jongin walks slowly over to turn the shower on and he sighs when he sees him flinch as he bends over slightly. "That is why I'm worried. Your waist hasn't gotten any better since we have been here."

"It's never going to get any better, hyung. It's an old injury that I seem to keep triggering. It'll ease with time."

Zitao sighed again and was quick to catch Jongin when he lost his balance after taking off his his pants and briefs. "You are by far able to walk by yourself. You can't even take your clothes of safely. And you expect me to leave you shower by yourself..."

"Yes," he shouts slightly as he pushes away from Zitao. "I expect you to leave me alone to shower by myself because I'm not helpless, hyung. I can do at least this ing much by myself."

Zitao didn't say anything in response to that. He just swallowed hard and held back tears that stung at his eyes while backing out of the bathroom and shutting the door. He stood there for a moment and wondered why he was so upset over what Jongin said. He has been fawning over Jongin a lot since he had seen him again, so it's a given that he would say what he did.

But has he pondered on it a bit longer, he remembered all the times Lu Han would get so sick to the point that he was physically weak, and Zitao would fawn over him just as he was doing to Jongin. "I'm such an ..."

"Two guys with loads of food are here," Yixing shouts from the end of the stairs. "One of them are claiming that they talked to you over the phone?"

"What about a bone?"

He could hear Yixing sigh deeply, but repeats himself nonetheless, this time in Chinese. "I said that one of these guys that just arrived is claiming that he spoke to you over the phone."

"Oh yeah," he mumbles and steps away from the door, quickly heading downstairs. Once he steps off the last step, he sees Minseok standing there and blinks a few times, confused. "Minseok ssi? What are you doing here?"

"I came with Joonmyun ssi... And it's a long story--why I came with him."

"I didn't know what you wanted, so I just spent what I had in cash on random things." Joonmyun clears his throat and points to the loads of grocery bags sitting on the floor and couches. Zitao's jaw drops at all the bags and Joonmyun rubs at the back of his neck. "You did say to bring a lot..."

"I didn't mean for you to buy the whole damn store!" Shouts Zitao as he looks over all the food bought. He sees four jugs of milk, enough eggs to feed ten families, vegetables like no ones business. "Who even needs four god damn watermelons?! And the amount of rice... My god, man."

"I buy five watermelons every week, to be honest," Yixing says softly from Chanyeol's side, hovering his glowing hands over Chanyeol's burn as he sleeps. Everyone looks at him and he laughs. "Don't look too surprised. I just love watermelon."

Sehun leans in close to him and whispers, "do you piss a lot?" And to which Yixing answers in the same tone, "yes."

Shortly after, everyone was seated in the dining room picking and nibbling a lunch that Yixing and Hakyeon cooked up. Taekwoon sat quietly while Hakyeon rubbed at his thigh, comforting and soothing him after a painful vision hit him. Sehun was pestering Yixing while Yixing kept an eye on Chanyeol who woke up ten minutes prior to lunch. Joonmyun was talking to Baekhyun about what was happening to him and Minseok and Baekhyun happily explained everything to them while holding one of Jongin's hands in his. Jongin was talking to Minseok who asked him why he kept his eyes shut most of the time and Zitao sat idly as Taekwoon gathered himself.

"Are you okay?" Asks Hakyeon while still rubbing at Taekwoon's thigh. "You seem in awful pain there for a while..."

"I'm not, but I am ready to tell everyone why I'm here."

Everyone gradually stops and focuses their attention on Taekwoon while Taekwoon shyly leans into Hakyeon slightly out of habit. Zitao shifts in his chair, his patience long past running thin and takes a sip of his milk. "Go ahead."

Taekwoon takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. "I had a vision last night; an alarming vision that was rather worrisome. I didn't who the guy was, but they were holding him captive somewhere and trying to pry information out of him using torturous methods. I came here because I had thought that Baekhyun ssi would know who he is given his knowledge." Baekhyun makes a face in response and shoves some watermelon in his mouth. One guy kept throwing water on him and another guy would electrocute him, repeatedly, trying to get him to talk. But he doesn't. It was horrible."

Zitao looked at him confused. "You keep having visions of him?"


"Does he have a name?"

Taekwoon nods. "Lu Han."


Author's note:

omg.... I really have an excuse for the horrible late update. I moved nearly two months ago and I've been using my tablet to write updates and I can't use my computer for reasons that would take to long to explain. And so, I couldn't edit this completely because I use word to check spelling and whatnot. Also, it takes too damn long to make an update not look like one big paragraph....

And on another note: I have no idea where I am going or what I'm doing with this fic anymore... It's a mesof what I find interesting ad I'm sorry if this chapter is lol. It'll be better next update.

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07/10/14: I have the 5 chapter finished, but I just need to edited it first. It may take a day or two.


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Chapter 6: I like the that they know about Lulu, better save him..poor Lulu..u updated after a long time bt it was a nice chapter...:)
Can't wait to see what their next step will be especially Baekkie's...^_^
Chapter 5: Nice to see you here again!
This was a long update qnd worth waiting for.
I really like your characters and I would love to see them more developed.
It looks like the story is changing a bit or it is heading somewhere that wasn't thought before, I love it^^.
bdz357998 #3
Chapter 4: Please update soon!!
Chapter 4: I cant remember if i read this before and if i ever suscribed or anything. I hate when that happens to me.
Well, i really, really like this fic, im just amazed ♥.♥
Hope you can update soon (looks like i have to write that)
Seriously, this is promising.
Chapter 4: Yo new reader here~ I really REALLY like this story so far OuO
the concept is lovely <3
quote, the world revolves around Baekhyun, end-quote *shot*
Anywayyyss,, update soon and fighting! ^^;
reirathroiben #6
Chapter 3: Baekhyun's like this wise old geezer guardian that knows everyone else.. Haha. I love it.
Chapter 3: eeeeeeeep chanxing *wwwwww* this is a lovely update;;;;
Chapter 2: I loved it, totally. Hope you can update soon cause i want morer.
Chapter 2: I am lost at the end of the chapter. Care to explain? Sorry If I'm such a bother. ^^;;