Part four

Let me be your light.

[Note: This chapter isn't edited yet. I don't have anymore time to edit it. It's already going on 5am and I can't stay on any longer to edit this. So i you read it, there are most likely going to me errors and parts that don't make sense, but I will fix and edit it later. Also, I will explan new characters later too when I'm able to have more time to explain it]

"The place Baekhyun talked about should be around here somewhere," Yixing says thoughtfully while looking at the directions in the text message that was sent to him by Baekhyun. The directions kept telling that he was right where he needed to be, but there were far too many houses, and none of them had addresses that were in plain sight, so he was at a crossroad. This was infuriating him and he had wished that someone would come out here and at the very least, show him where the house is.

Almost as if he heard his thoughts, Chanyeol walked ahead of Yixing and looked at a house horribly hidden behind a mess of vine covered privacy fences. Yixing followed behind Chanyeol and nearly bumped into him when he stopped walking, “why did you stop stop so suddenly?”

"This is the house, Yixing ssi," he answered, ignoring the wave of dizziness. "The house that you are looking for, this is it."

"How would you even know that this is the house? If you hadn’t noticed, there isn’t an address anywhere."

"It’s because I had Nix take a look around for Baekhyun in the houses on this street. Nix found him in this house."

Yixing stood there dumbfounded, “how do you know what he looks like?”

"Nix can see pictures, images as well as communicate with people via mind," Chanyeol lies, rubbing at his bare arms. "You must of been thinking about Baekhyun enough for him to catch an image."

"Well, Baekhyun is going to kick both of your asses if you don’t get in this ing house," says an angry Baekhyun as he emerges from behind the privacy fence, through the gate. "Don’t just ing stand there when there is a person dying in here!"

Baekhyun was worrying too much, he knew that, but Jongin was looking like death itself, and it happened so quickly. “We were just showing him what Zitao could do, we even assured him that it was safe,” he says, dazed, and lost his thoughts. “After we showed him a bit of Zitao’s power, I don’t know… I guess that he thought that we would get hurt despite what we told him? So he used his power to bring us here, but then collapsed, and got worse after I talked to you.”

"Baekhyun," Yixing begins, throwing the blankets off a highly perspirating Jongin, "I’m going to telling you right now that worrying yourself sick is not helping either of you, it’s only making things worse. If you are counterparts, like I suspect that you are, I need you to calm down or him won’t accept the healing that I am going to give him, he’ll reject it. Now, you mentioned that he was gone for a period of time; that he was in a different place. Also that he didn’t eat anything or drink anything because he wasn’t hungry or thirsty, right?"

Baekhyun nods, “that’s right. He was gone for a month.”

"Okay, so that rules out all but one thing. Zitao, I need you to help me by getting Jongin ssi into a sitting position, so that you can get and sit behind him. It will be easier to take his shirt off that way. While we are doing this, Baekhyun, I want you to go cook up any food that you can and put water in the fridge to get cold."

Baekhyun nods again and leaves the room without saying another word.

Yixing focused his attention back to Jongin and waited for Zitao to get him up before he took his shirt off. Out of all the things that he expected to see, skin, and bones were not one of them. “For as long as you were said to be gone, you shouldn’t look this bad,” Yixing mumbles, running his hands over Jongin’s ribs. It actually looked as if he had been gone longer, much, much, longer.

"What did you say," Zitao asks, letting Jongin rest against him.

"It’s nothing. Just keep him still."


He was really getting tired of waiting. He was also getting tired of standing in the middle of no where, looking for the man that he hired but a few weeks ago. He had thought that by hiring him, he would get things done faster, but of course he was wrong. He stomped at he ground out of sheer annoyance and caused the dried dirt road to crack from where he stood to about ten feet away from him, “the things that he makes me do.”

"It’s not my fault that you are an impatient person."

"I’m sorry," he says, turning around to face the tall blonde, "what was that?"

"You heard me, Kyungsoo, and you should stop taking your feelings out on the earth. This world has feelings too," the taller says rather demandingly. He holds his arms out towards the shorter, Kyungsoo, and waits for him to step in between them.

"You’re in no position to be making demands, Yifan."

"I told you to call me Kris."

"Once again," Kyungsoo says, stepping in between Yifan’s arms, wrapping his own around the tallers waist, "you are in no position to be making demands. Must I keep reminding you of that?"

Taekwoon woke up with a start, this vision leaving him with unpleasant feelings. He had not the slightest idea why, but something wasn’t right, and he also felt the need to warn someone. Looking around his dimly lit room, he sighed out of frustration when he found no signs of his boyfriend.

Not bothering to give him any time to come back, Taekwoon got up from bed, and walked over to this closet to retrieve a suitcase and a duffle bag. Holding both in hand, he brings them over to the bed, and lays them down opened. Without putting much thought into how long they would be gone, he starts to shove random amounts of clothing into both the suitcase and the duffle bag. After filling the duffle bag with his boyfriend clothes, said person made a reappearance in the bedroom with a half eaten cookie in between his lips.

"Whoa- what are you doing," he asks, the cookie falling from his mouth, and landing on floor. "It’s nearly midnight…"

"I have to go somewhere."

"Where do you have to go this late?"

"I have to go to a small town located in the southern part of seoul."

Can’t it wait until morning? I mean, you need to rest and there aren’t any open flights this late.”

"Then I will drive."


"Hakyeon," he shouts back, closing both the suitcase and the bag. He looks up at at the older and breathes in deeply, "I have to go, okay? I have no choice. I feel like people are in danger. If i sit here and do nothing…"

"Let me drive then," Hakyeon suggests, nearing Taekwoon, and placing his hands on both sides of the face that he had grown to love so much. "If you really feel the need to go, let me drive you there, okay? Don’t do this by yourself."

Taekwoon smiled tiredly and leaned into Hakyeon’s touch. It was relieving to know that he could count on him, considering the things he knows that he has no power to help him with. He loved Hakyeon’s devotion to him, though, despite not being able to fix his health. But he reassures him that simply being there for and doing whatever he asks for without question is help enough. And this makes him feel useful instead useless.

"Fine, but when you get tired, don’t hesitate to ask me to drive. I mean it, hyung. If you get tired, I will take over, okay?"

"Okay… But as soon as I am rested enough, I will continue to drive."

Taekwoon just nodded and laughed a bit, “hyung, you have cookie crumbs all over your mouth.”

"Do I really," he asks, trying to brush them off of his lips, only to have his hand replaced with Taekwoon’s lips.


From what Baekhyun was able to dig up, he was able to make some sort of pasta dish. It looked promising enough for Jongin to eat and that was that mattered. “But the smell,” he mumbles, wrinkling his nose at the horrible faint odor radiating off of noodles. He placed the plate onto the tray, along with a glass and a pitcher of water, and took the tray upstairs.

When he had gotten there, he had found Yixing to be sitting in between Jongin’s legs, leaning uncomfortably close to him. Despite what he really wanted to do, Baekhyun cleared some space off of the dresser, and places the tray on it.

"Y-Your hands are glowing," Zitao says in astonishment, staring at the whitish green surrounding Yixing’s hands.

"They do that when I am doing this type of healing," he laughs, running his hands over Jongin’s chest and stomach. "Usually, they aren’t like this when I heal. My hands… Sort of… Well, it’s rather hard to explain."

"What’s wrong with Jongin that involves this type of healing," Baekhyun asks, taking the spot on the couch next to a sleeping Chanyeol. "It isn’t anything serious is it?"

"Well, I guess that it could have been that bad, had he been gone longer than you’ve claimed him to be. But luckily, it’s not that serious. All that seemed to happen was that the time that he spent not eating, finally caught up with the rest of him. It looked as if his body began to eat itself in order to get healthy."

"Bodies can do that?"

"You’d be surprised about the things that our bodies can do," Yixing says, pulling his hands away from Jongin. He gives Jongin one last look and nods confidently, "he is okay now, but he should eat almost directly after he wakes up. I also looked at his vital organs, and none of them seemed to have been affected by deprivation, so he shouldn’t have any problems with them. There is only thing that I am concerned about, though."

"And what is that," Baekhyun and Zitao say together.

"Exactly how long has Jongin ssi been having vision problems?"


Minseok was freaking out. It was about three in the morning, and for some reason, he couldn’t get his power under control. When he had first woken up, the entire room was covered in frost. But for the past twenty minutes, it had been doing nothing but snowing, and he couldn’t seem to stop it.

So he crawled his way over to Joonmyeon’s futon and shook him gently, “Joonmyeon-ssi, wake up. Joonmyeon-ssi.”

Joonmyeon stirs a bit and groans before his opens his eyes slowly. He looks around the room and it takes him a couple of minutes to realize that it was snowing in there, “why in the hell is it snowing in here?”

"That’s just it," he answers, "I don’t know why. I woke up because I was uncomfortably hot and seen it like this. It won’t stop."

"Are you sick or something?"

"I have an ear infection, why do you ask?"

"Your cheeks are flushed is why I’m asking," he says while bringing a hand up to Minseok’s forehead. "The reason why it’s snowing and the reason why you can’t get your power under control is because you have a fever. Just stay here and I will bring you something for it."

When Joonmyeon came back, Minseok had managed to get his power under control, but now the room was flooded with water. Joonmyeon carried with him: a wash cloth, a glass of water, and small bottle containing small circular orange- almost brown pills. He hands the glass to Minseok, a couple of pills, and soaked the wash cloth with the water on the floor using his power before giving the wash cloth to Minseok. “After you take those pills, lie down, and frost the washcloth to your forehead. That should bring down your fever, if not break it.”

"But the water," Minseok mumbles, placing the tablets given to him in his mouth, and swallowing down with a gulp of water. "Everything is drenched."

"You still underestimate me and my power I see," Joonmyeon says with a smirk while opening up the bedroom window. He pushes the curtains out of the way and turns to face Minseok. He holds his hands out in front of him, and begins to move his hands fluidly, lifting the water up off the floor. Making sure to steer clear of him, he moves the water in a stream around him, and leads it out of the window, being careful as to not hit anyone with it. After he is done with that, he shuts the window and closes the curtains, and lies back down on his futon. "Do you feel any water?"

"I don’t actually."

"That’s good, now go back to sleep. We are going to leave first thing."


When Jongin woke up, all he could see was vast blackness, and that made him want to cry. It was stupid of him to want to cry, it really was, but he can’t see a thing to even know where he was and that frustrated him. You’d think that after dealing with it for so long, he would be used to it; unfortunately, he wasn’t used to it, not in the slightest.

"How is it even possible that he can only see in black and white?"

Jongin heard the voice of another person- a man and felt even worse about not being able to see anything.

"If I knew the answer to that, I would tell you."

This time, he was sure that that voice belonged to Zitao; who, strangely, sounded really as if he were sitting right behind him.

"Though, he couldn’t really give me an answer as to why, he would talk to me about it. Mostly while we were in school and sometimes on the weekend," Zitao continues after suppressing a yawn. "He said that ever since he was young, he’d always have problems differentiating certain colors from all the other colors. Basically, if you asked him what the color of your shirt is, even though it’s a dark shade of purple, he would say that it’s blue or black."

"But that doesn’t sound like anything other than color blindness," the person says while moving to sit on a chair that creaked and shifted under the weight that was being applied to it.

"That’s what everyone told him, but it isn’t," Zitao continues to explain while shifting himself to a more comfortable position that causes Jongin’s head to fall to the side a bit. "He would tell me that he couldn’t tell dark colors apart, but he could see on the smallest difference with lighter colors. Only for a short while."

"It was different when I first met Baekhyun hyung," Jongin says, finally deciding to make it known to everyone around him that he was awake. "I could see him: his curly brown hair, his flushed cheeks, his flawless and soft looking skin. I could even see the yellow surrounding him."

"You could see the color of my aura," Baekhyun questions, astonished. "How…?"

"More importantly," the person says from right beside him, "how long have you been awake?"

"Long enough to know that you shouldn’t be here."

"Jongin," Baekhyun reprimands, "Yixing hyung just healed you and that is all that you’ve got to say?"

"I can’t even see who this guy is," Jongin exclaims. "What do you expect me to say?"

"Baekhyun, put yourself in his shoes and then tell me that he shouldn’t say things like that."

"Well, I guess, but-"

"Just don’t," he says, putting an end to the fight before it goes any further. "Allow me to properly introduce myself. My name is Zhang Yixing, and as you now know, I’m a healer. I went out of my way to come here and heal you, so I would appreciate it if you would talk to me with some respect. Or I can just take back the healing that I just gave your body."

"I’m sorry for being rude," Jongin says while feeling his way around the bed that he seemed to be laying in. His hands bumped into a pair of legs and he continued to move his hands until he found an edge of the bed. He pulls himself over the leg and ends up falling off the bed due to his foot being tangled up in the blanket. His face meets carpeted floor and he groans at the slight ache in his face, but it thankful nonetheless that it wasn’t tiled or hardwood floors. "Can I have some help here please?" And someone does; Jongin recognizes Zitao by the roughness of his hands and the strength he puts around his shoulders to help bring him to his feet. "Thanks, hyung."

"Shut up and lay back down," he says with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"You definitely need to rest," Yixing agrees. "You may feel completely okay, but you aren’t strong enough to be moving yet."

"I get that, but I really need to piss."

Zitao shoved Jongin away from him and held his hand up as if to say that his help ends here. “There are things that I am willing to help him with, but that isn’t one of them.”

Baekhyun took this as his cue and got up to him guide Jongin to the bathroom.


Joonmyeon felt embarrassed out of his mind. Not only has his many calls to his friend- Baekhyun failed, but the apartment in which Baekhyun is living in seems to have been left unoccupied for about three days now. Or so his landlord says.

"Do you know where he went by chance," Joonmyeon asks, rubbing his temples in annoyance. "Has he mentioned anything to you?"

The man shakes his head. “He doesn’t really talk to me much unless it’s about his rent. Oh, but I did overhear him talking with some boy about a chinese friend of theirs. Hang Zeetoe? Fang Citowel?”

"Huang Zitao?"

The man looks over at Minseok and snaps his fingers. “Yeah, that’s the name. Huang Zitao.”

"Well, thank you for your time sir," Joonmyeon bows respectively, and both he and Minseok leave the apartment building. Joonmyeon stops about a few buildings away and turns to face Minseok. "How do you know this Huang Zitao?"

"He’s well known in martial arts," Minseok answers, and brings his hand up to Joonmyeon’s neck to frost it in hopes to cool him down. "Everyone knows who he is in this town."

"Does he have an address?"

"Of course he does, but he doesn’t like surprise visitors. It’s best that you call him."

Joonmyeon sighs in frustration. “Then can I have his number?”

Minseok nods and pulls out his phone, dialing the number before handing it to Joonmyeon. “Don’t look at me like that… I just have his number because I take his classes from time to time.”

"I never said anything," Joonmyeon whispers, getting even more annoyed at the never ending sound that is signaling that it is ringing. "Are you sure that this is his number?"

“I’m pretty sure that it is because it’s his personal phone. He doesn’t have a home or work phone. I’m not sure why though…”

“This is not getting me anywhere,” Joonmyeon groans and hands Minseok’s phone back to him. He rubs at his aching head and then begins to walk again after something crosses his mind. “I’m sorry for what I am about to do ahead of time.”

Minseok follows behind him and gives him a questioning look. “What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to lie to a few cops and you’re going to help me.”

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07/10/14: I have the 5 chapter finished, but I just need to edited it first. It may take a day or two.


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Chapter 6: I like the that they know about Lulu, better save him..poor Lulu..u updated after a long time bt it was a nice chapter...:)
Can't wait to see what their next step will be especially Baekkie's...^_^
Chapter 5: Nice to see you here again!
This was a long update qnd worth waiting for.
I really like your characters and I would love to see them more developed.
It looks like the story is changing a bit or it is heading somewhere that wasn't thought before, I love it^^.
bdz357998 #3
Chapter 4: Please update soon!!
Chapter 4: I cant remember if i read this before and if i ever suscribed or anything. I hate when that happens to me.
Well, i really, really like this fic, im just amazed ♥.♥
Hope you can update soon (looks like i have to write that)
Seriously, this is promising.
Chapter 4: Yo new reader here~ I really REALLY like this story so far OuO
the concept is lovely <3
quote, the world revolves around Baekhyun, end-quote *shot*
Anywayyyss,, update soon and fighting! ^^;
reirathroiben #6
Chapter 3: Baekhyun's like this wise old geezer guardian that knows everyone else.. Haha. I love it.
Chapter 3: eeeeeeeep chanxing *wwwwww* this is a lovely update;;;;
Chapter 2: I loved it, totally. Hope you can update soon cause i want morer.
Chapter 2: I am lost at the end of the chapter. Care to explain? Sorry If I'm such a bother. ^^;;