Part one

Let me be your light.


“My name is Kim Jongin. I am a senior in high school, I dance almost every chance I get and I can rap.”

“It says here in your application that you were deemed blind recently,” A judge says curiously while reading over the rest of the application.

“That is what I was diagnosed as, yes, but I am not really blind,” Jongin answers with a small stammer. “I see things in only two colors: black and white. But that is only during the day or when lights are on. When the lights are off, I see absolutely nothing.”

“Interesting, but why is that?”

“They’ve done every test that you can imagine and haven’t found an answer.”

“Okay. Well, it looks like you aren’t what we are looking for.” The judge looks up from the paper and flashes him a false smile. “You can go.”

“But I haven’t shown you what I can do yet!”

“Send in the next applicant please!”


It was the same dream; it’s always the same exact dream. It was the same small, almost suffocating audition room, the same arrogant judge and the same inconsiderate rejection. His mind never ceased to let him forget that horrible memory. It was only two years since it had happened; since he had auditioned for the most famous entertainment company in all of South Korea and was rejected simply because of how he views the world, but it felt like it happened yesterday.

He couldn’t help that he seen the world how he did, he was born that way. He was born without being able to see the world in color and without being able to see the beauty that the night held. Over time, Jongin has been consumed by the darkness. His heart corrupted by it and it had been long since his mind has been taken over by it.

Everyone tried to understand him; what he has gone through and what he does go through, but they either get frustrated because of his lack of participation or they get bored. All he knows is that no one wants to be around him because everyone knows about him and if he were to be honest with himself, he could care less. He has been by himself most of his life with only his parents by his side. That changed, though as soon as he graduated high school and left for college. They would call to see how he was during his four years of college, but that too stopped once he finished it.

To explain the corruption of his mind and his heart, he wouldn’t be able to. Not because it wasn’t possible, but because he hadn’t found the right words. But he has come to the conclusion that he should explain it in form of a small story.

It was in his first year of high school; he had just moved from the country to the big city of Seoul and he was suffering symptoms of a cold. His mother gave him some cold medicine and a face mask then sent him about his way.

At first, Jongin thought that his symptoms were odd for someone with a cold. He didn’t have a fever, it was the exact opposite. Summer hadn’t ended yet and the temperature was still high, but somehow he was as cold as if it had been twenty degrees outside. He would cough, but wouldn’t sneeze. He had the feeling that he was going to sneeze, but he never did. He would get extremely nauseous to the point of vomiting, but he would never actually vomit. It was completely weird and he didn’t understand it.

It was at lunch time that something went wrong. He was taking his lunch and sitting down at the table furthest away from people so that he wouldn’t have to talk to anyone and end up making a fool of himself. He felt a sneeze coming on, but ignored it like the thousands of other tickling sensations and began to eat.

He was on his second bite of pepper steak and rice when he finally sneezed. He didn’t open his eyes, he was afraid to. He sneezed rather loudly and he was afraid to meet the eyes of judgmental people. He sneezed once again and his ears were greeted with the screams of terrified teenagers. He opened his eyes and seen that people were running out of the cafeteria, not sparing him a second glance.

All but one other student was left in there. He recognized him as his fellow classmate Oh Sehun. Sehun got up from his seat, lunch tray in hand and walked over to sit beside him. He sat his tray down beside Jongin’s and began to eat again.

Jongin was wary at first, but Sehun reassured him that he wasn’t going to treat him like those other people did. Somehow, Jongin trusted him. He didn’t know why, but he did.

It was their second year of high school when things began to change Sehun and himself. Sehun had explained that it was a power that Jongin had. He wasn’t sure on what it was exactly, but it was a power of the mind. Sehun’s power was that of the air, wind to be more specific.

Jongin didn’t want to believe him, but Sehun demonstrated his power in the old school that was going to be torn down. He said that the demonstration would be better there because of how drafty the place was. He held his hands out and Jongin watched them in fascination as small tornados began to form in his hands. “Look behind me,” he whispers softly with a smile; which was odd because he barely smiled. Jongin forced his eyes to move from Sehun’s hands to the life sized tornados behind him. His eyes widened and his mouth fell agape. “It’s cool, isn’t it?” Sehun asks rhetorically. “I learnt that I could do this by accident, just like you did.”

“How,” Jongin breathes, “Did you find out?”

“Just like you did,” Sehun answers, blowing on the small tornados in his hands that cause them and the bigger ones to disappear. “I had a cold that was abnormal. My head felt like nothing was there, I was freezing even though it wasn’t that cold and when I finally sneezed, I blew everyone at least ten feet away from where I stood.”

“Are there more like us?”

“There are two: a transfer student whose name is Huang Zitao and another that is also a transfer student and his name is Lu Han. Zitao isn’t that great with speaking Korean as well as he can understand it, so Lu Han has to speak for him. Their powers are similar to yours: powers of the mind. Zitao can stop time, well he can stop anything, but he has classified it as stopping time. Lu Han can move things with his mind. He read up on it and researched it to find that scientists believe it to be a mythical art that they named telekinetic or telekinesis.”

“Why do they make it sound so special?” Jongin asks, not quite understanding what Sehun is telling him. “I mean, it’s not that special, is it?”

“Telekinesis is said to only be possible for those that can use both sides of their brain freely and often. At least that is what Lu Han told me.”

“Then what is it exactly that I do?”

Sehun just shrugs and places a hand on his shoulder. “I don’t know, but we will work on it. They don’t tear this building down for another week or so. We still have enough time. Come on, we are going to be late for English.”

With the help of Zitao and Lu Han, they were able to figure out that Jongin could disappear and reappear in places that he wanted to. In other words, he could teleport. The old school building got torn down and they couldn’t use it anymore, so Lu Han let them use his house that he lived in by himself. He promised that it was fine because his parents rarely care what he does in it or who he brings in so as long as he doesn’t destroy it.

“Okay, so this time around, we are going to have you try teleporting someone else along with you.” Lu Han stands up and pulls Jongin up with him. “I can’t risk Sehun or Zitao to go with you, so I will volunteer.”

“But what if something goes wrong?” Jongin exclaims. “I haven’t tried this with another person and I am not as confident when other lives are resting in my hands.”

“You’ll do fine,” Lu Han reassures, flashing him a warm smile and wrapping his arms around Jongin, pulling him against his chest. “Now, just like you’ve practiced. Picture that place in your mind, see it as if it’s right in front of you and don’t lose sight of it.” Jongin nods and closes eyes, doing as Lu Han said. He wraps his arms around Lu Han and hugs him closer. Lu Han nods, whispering praises in his ears that comfort him. “Now teleport us there, Jongin. Take both of us to your world.”

Within a matter of seconds, Jongin safely teleported the both of them from their world to his. He gently patted Lu Han’s back to let him know that that they were there and Lu Han pulled away, looking at the vast darkness that surrounded them.

“So this is your world?” Lu Han breathes. “This is the world that Kim Jongin originates from.”

“It’s not just vast darkness that this place carries,” Jongin corrects him politely. He walks past where Lu Han stands and stops a few feet from a beam of light coming from the moon in the sky. “Sometimes when I teleport here, there is just enough light that illuminates every inch of it for me to see. What I see varies.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s hard to explain really. I see things that are invisible to others. Like right now, there is a small thing of flowers at the end of this beam of light. I can’t tell what colors they are because I can’t see in color, but I can see them.”

“What about me,” Lu Han asks; afraid to hear the answer that he knows Jongin will give him, “Can you see me?”

Jongin turns around and walks back to where Lu Han stands. “I can hear you, I can smell the sweetness of your cologne, but I can’t see you.”

“How sad…”

“Anyway, we should get back before we end up stuck here.” Jongin pulls Lu Han against his body once again; holding onto him tightly and teleporting back to his living room. When Jongin appears all the excitement that filled the entire room, diminished when Sehun asked where Luhan was. Jongin looked around everywhere: the kitchen, Lu Han’s bedroom, his parent’ bedroom, everywhere, but not one sign the Lu Han was in the house.

“What did you do, Jongin?” Zitao asks in broken Korean, his eyes full of terror. “Where is Lu Han? What did you do with him?”

“He was holding onto me before we came back, I was holding onto him… I don’t- I don’t understand how.”

“Try going back to see if he is there,” Sehun suggests, holding Zitao from getting to Jongin. “Go, now.”

And he did. He went back to his world and searched everywhere. He couldn’t see anything but darkness, all he seen was darkness. He tried teleporting to different places and then back to his world in hopes that it would shed some light there, but it didn’t work. Lu Han was gone and it was entirely his fault.


Author's note:

This isn't baekkai/kaibaek filled... That happens in part two. 

A few things, I didn't fully read up on Telekinesis, so anything that I said about it, may not be accurate (other then the obvious moving things with his mind.) Luhan isn't going to make to many appearances in this fic, maybe once or twice more, that's it. 

Um... Not sure what else to say. Thank you for reading and subbing~

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07/10/14: I have the 5 chapter finished, but I just need to edited it first. It may take a day or two.


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Chapter 6: I like the that they know about Lulu, better save him..poor Lulu..u updated after a long time bt it was a nice chapter...:)
Can't wait to see what their next step will be especially Baekkie's...^_^
Chapter 5: Nice to see you here again!
This was a long update qnd worth waiting for.
I really like your characters and I would love to see them more developed.
It looks like the story is changing a bit or it is heading somewhere that wasn't thought before, I love it^^.
bdz357998 #3
Chapter 4: Please update soon!!
Chapter 4: I cant remember if i read this before and if i ever suscribed or anything. I hate when that happens to me.
Well, i really, really like this fic, im just amazed ♥.♥
Hope you can update soon (looks like i have to write that)
Seriously, this is promising.
Chapter 4: Yo new reader here~ I really REALLY like this story so far OuO
the concept is lovely <3
quote, the world revolves around Baekhyun, end-quote *shot*
Anywayyyss,, update soon and fighting! ^^;
reirathroiben #6
Chapter 3: Baekhyun's like this wise old geezer guardian that knows everyone else.. Haha. I love it.
Chapter 3: eeeeeeeep chanxing *wwwwww* this is a lovely update;;;;
Chapter 2: I loved it, totally. Hope you can update soon cause i want morer.
Chapter 2: I am lost at the end of the chapter. Care to explain? Sorry If I'm such a bother. ^^;;