Peach - Do Kyungsoo

EXO song fics



My eyes keep going to that white face

Why don’t I even get sick of you?


The sunlight seeped into the white kitchen through the almost transparent curtains, making your black hair look like dark chocolate on its melting point. The fragrance of newly trimmed grass found its way in through the open window alongside the smell of warm concrete, bringing the fresh summer morning into your house and heart.

You glanced at your bedroom door, it was wide ajar and your drawer had a few peaches on it. Its mellow colour glowing in the curtain covered light. You couldn’t help but to smile when you thought about your boyfriend Kyungsoo sleeping in there. He looked so peaceful and heavenly when you were trying to untangle yourself from his embrace earlier. His soft and slightly swollen lips, his messy hair and snowy skin. An angel.


You shook your admiring thoughts out of your head before  you started to make him some breakfast. You knew your cooking weren’t the best but Kyungsoo was not a picky person and honestly, he loved anything you made even if it would taste like a dead rabbit. Ofcourse, he would not tell you that if that was the case.

You decided that he was worth making peach cupcakes for, something unususal but sweet just like him. You looked up the recipe on your  turquoise clad phone before you started taking out the ingredients. The flour dust whirled around in the air like snow on christmas eve when you poured it in you pink bowl.


You were already stirring the bowl like a mental patient when you suddenly felt a pair of silky arms wrap themselves around your waist and a low chuckle next to your ear.


”Are you trying to kill someone?” Kyungsoo laughed.


After hearing your boyfriends voice still filled with sleep you quickly turned around and gave him a peck on his pink lips, before your expression turned into a pout.

”I was practising for your murder. Why aren’t you sleeping? Go back to bed babe, you must be exhausted.”

Kyungsoo smiled, he loved how you always cared for him. Not in a obsessive way but in an adorable way that made him want to wrap a sheat of cotton candy around you.


”I was sleeping until I heard some freak hitting a bowl in the kitchen.” He said and pulled you closer. You faked a frown upon hearing his comment and lightly hit his shoulder.

”I was kidding babe. You know I love you.”


”Of course. And only a babo like me would love you back.”


You saw a small frown on his face in a split second before you pulled him in for a kiss. You smiled into the kiss and so did Kyungsoo. When you pulled away slightly gasping for air he smiled his cute lovable gummy smile, the glistening sunshine shone upon his milky face making making him squint his normally big doe eyes into tiny crescent moons. His messy bedhair looked caramel under the light, his white shirt was wrinkly and revealed those snowy collarbones that were filled with rose coloured marks.

His lips were like peaches, sweet and slightly pink.


How can you be so pretty baby?

How can I explain this feeling?


The fresh fragrance of Kyungsoo slicing peaches brought you back to reality and you realized that you were standing there like a fool in the middle of the kitchen, with the whisk still in your hand. Dripping the dough on the wooden floor.


”______, you know I like to clean from time to time, but I don’t always enjoy scrubbing the floor from sticky dough.” Kyungsoo said to you, slightly laughing at your blank look before you looked at the floor and began to quickly walk around in the room in order to look for a mop.


”O-Oh, Jagiya, I’m sorry. I’m so clumsy sometimes..I’ll try to find a mop and I know I shouldn’t let you clean in the morning, especially after a concert. I’m just messing up the house. Where is the mo-”


Your babbeling was interupted when your face suddenly hit Kyungsoos chest and he brushed his finger along you jaw, tilting your head up before leaning in for a kiss. It was sweet, litterally, and so innocent you wanted to melt. You have missed him so much during his recent promotions abroad that you almost forgot how romantic and careful he was with you. Kyungsoo smiled when he felt how you began to relax in his arms before a loud thud was heard. The kiss did not only make your mind hazy and dim but your hands seemed to have lost their muscle power as well. You bent down to pick up the whisk while Kyungsoo did the same, and you lifted your head up to look at him.

A smile played on his lips and you were so immersed by his eyes peeking out under the thick lashes and how his lips were slightly parted, just as you began to slowly lean in he quickly pecked you o the lips and stood up, scaring you a little bit from the sudden action that you landed on your . Kyungsoo couldn’t stop laughing at you, almost on the verge of no sound coming out and only weird laughing movements.


”Do Kyungsoo. Not. Funny.” you said with a pout as you slowly stood up to brush off the invisible dust on your to just have some sort of thing to do with your hands.


”Oh, come on. You should have seen how you looked. Your eyes were closed and.. hahaha you’re just too cute” Kyungsoo laughed and pinched your cheeks. Even if you wanted to remain mad at him, you still could not help the red blush that was creeping onto your face.  He noticed and chuckled a little bit before turning around to put the whisk in the sink. You looked at your boyfriends back and felt amazed by how perfect he was. You had never felt so comfortable with anyone before, boy or girl. You two could spend your day by just a simple everyday activity, a picnic in the park or a two-person water fight.


Oh how you loved Kyungsoo. His velvety voice that sounded like an angel choir when he sang, his soft hands that fitted yours so perfectly , his adorable jokes that could be so lame but cute at the same time. And you especially loved his big teacup eyes that would look so innocent and surprised when you called his name, but you knew how much of a ’innocent’ he was behind those eyes.


Oh, with what word can I explain you?

All the words of the world is probably not enough

You went to the kitchen drawer to get a new whisk and started to stir the ingredients together again. You did your usual stirring before you felt D.O’s warm chest pressed up against your back and you immediately froze.


”You should really take a cooking class or accompany me when I am cooking.” His low voice were inches away from your ear.

Somehow you managed to stay rather unaffected by his closeness and resumed your baking.

”Well, I don’t actually that much at cooking. I just have my own style of doing things.” you replied while moving the whisk in square movements.


”No, you’re doing it the wrong way.” D.O gently laid his soft hands on yours, making you freeze once again. He smiled when saw what effect he had on you and helped you move your hands around in delicate circles.


”You have to use the right amount of speed” He quietly murmured and you could feel his hot breath against you neck.  Your hands started to tremble a little bit and your heart started to race. ’Aish, what is he doing’.




Hi! It's been so long lol but I have been busy with schoolwork. I am probably gonna fail every class I have -.- I have like 3 test next week, 23879 essays and a speech. I don't wanna live no more. And my spanish!! OMG I don't even wanna think about it Quiero morir. *showing off le language skillz* However, I wrote this fic yesterday + today , 7 word pages haha not a very wise decision since my study time got shorter.. well well

anyway, this turned out to be some sort of failed semi- at the end. pretty awkward lol but he is just too adorable and I feel like he is hiding something beneath those doe eyes haha. I think I made a lot of grammar mistakes and it might be a few typos and weird sentences so please tell me if you find any so I can improve my writing til' next time.

I think I will be able to update before may. That's all I can say haha.

he is such a squishy just look at him!!! he looks so innocent I just wanna pinch his cheeks and sdaskjklj

but then he's like

AND HIS BODAAAYYY!!!" I swear, his body will be my death.

On the other hand, I've just realised that I have a very little amount of  'innocent-D.O' pictures on my computer..

But then again, it's all about your imagination ;)


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temporary hiatus


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Aw, so far I am really loving your scenarios!
hottest98 #2
Chapter 2: authornim. soooo sweet. like those innocent rosy peaches. hihi