Chapter #4

Between Identities


Chapter #4


As you and Kai made your way to Soo Man's office you noticed a bit of a commotion on one of the practice rooms "What's going on?" You asked yourself as if the answer would come by itself. "Oh it's SHINee" Kai said calmly forgetting that he's still dressed as a girl. "Why is everyone so energetic at this moment?" You asked this time looking at Kai. "Well they have been in Japan for a few months only coming back for a few days and then going back to Japan" he explained. "Really? I haven't noticed till now" you said trying to remember the last time you saw them. "Well you have been too busy with training and preparing for your debut" he answered yet again. "Oh excuse me but I don't think your supposed to be here" a young man's voice said. When you looked at the voice's direction you found out that it belonged to none other than SHINee's BlingBling Dino Jonghyun "hey haven't I seen you before?" He asked. "Oh I'm sorry! I'm Song Chae Rin, Song Hyo Rah's little sister" you lied as you bowed on a 90 degree angle. "Oh no need to be so formal, my name is Kim Jonghyun but you probably already knew that" he said a bit flirty. "Um and this is?" He asked referring to Kai with a higher flirting tone. 'haha poor guy' you though. You looked at Kai and almost laughed but kept it in and quickly made up a name for him "Ka..Kayla! Yes! Kayla! This is my friend Kayla!" You introduced the fake female. "Nice to meet you Kayla" Jonghyun said flashing a flirty smile as he shook Kai's hand. "'s a pleasure" Kai struggled to have a convincing girl voice. "So are you looking for your brother?" Jonghyun asked. "No actually I'm here for my uncle, he wanted to um have dinner with me and Kayla" you managed to say. "Really? Um but SHINee is also having a dinner with him" Jonghyun said a bit confused. 'Oh shoot now I've done it' you though. "Um maybe I got the day wrong! I'll go ask! Bye!!" You said as you quickly pulled Kai with you away from the SHINee room. "Um bye?" A confused Jonghyun was left alone. "That was close" Kai said as you both came to a stop. "Geez! Why am I so bad at lying?" You said hitting your head with the wall. "Bad? Hahaha now my name is Kayla!" Kai laughed because of his new fake name. "Hahaha yeah and I guess Jonghyun totally liked you!" You said laughing as well. "Ew!! I'm not gay!" Kai tried to bring you back to earth. "Hahaha oh really?" You mocked. "Yes! Really!" "Well prove it!" And with those words Kai took a hold of your face and kissed your lips. You froze at his action, this was actually your first kiss and you didn't know what to do. Once he pulled back he was a blushing mess, probably because it was also his first kiss but it felt awkward. "S-See?! I'm not gay! Now bye!" He said as he walked away awkwardly from the crime scene.

Kai's P.O.V.

'What did I just do? Did I really kissed her? Aaaarg! What's wrong with me?!' He tough speed walking to his van 'I know I'm just tired! Yes just tired! Some good night sleep shall get me thinking straight once again' he though as he got in his van. "Sir? Are you going to the dorms dressed like that?" The chofer asked looking at the extremely red Kai. "Huh? OH! I TOTALLY FORGOT!" He ran out of the van and in to a private bathroom to get changed. After a few minutes he came back out and re-entered the van. "Thanks for waiting, now we can leave" he said. "Is everything alright?" The chofer asked concerned. "Um yeah why?" "We'll you have been acting weird and you even forgot that you were still dressed as a girl" the chofer confessed. "Oh I'm sorry maybe I'm just tired....I just need some sleep" he said as he closed his eyes thinking about everything that had just happened.


March 30


"Yah! Jong In! Wake up!" Chanyeol shook Kai trying to wake him up. "Mmm wha?" "Don't 'Wha' me! C'mon! We'll be late!" he argued. "Go on without me I don't feel well today" he lied. "What? You? Sick?" Chanueol jumped on him as if to check his temperature. "Yah! Just let me rest! I'll try to catch up later" "fine but you have to drink medicine" "all right, all right" finally a convinced Chanyeol left the room and left with the rest of EXO-k. Kai rolled on his bed not really getting some sleep. 'Why did I kiss her yesterday? Am I crazy? Old man will kill me! I better stay home with a flu or something' he though to himself as he tried to make up an excuse for staying in bed or not be able to face you.

End of P.O.V.

Your P.O.V.


March 29


You stayed frozen as Kai made his way out off the building. "Wha? What the hell happened?!" You said to yourself as you looked around you trying to regain reality. "Did I? Oh god I totally lost it!.........." Your mind went on a daze as you tried to recall what just happened. "Hello?" A gentle voice said. "Huh?" You turned around and found SHINee's Lee Taemin. "Oh! T..Taemin!" You said nervously as you became a blushing mess. "Hi! Um Jonghyun said you were looking for your uncle and well your uncle just told me to look for you" he explained. "Chincha? Oh no! I forgot!" You remembered that you had to report. "It's alright, he actually sent me to invite to dinner since he would be out for business" Taemin said with a charming smile that just made you melt. "O..Oh....." You said blushing a bit more 'Damn you old man! What are you playing now?' You though to yourself. "Well how about you call your brother so he can eat with us too?" He said. "No!! I..I mean he's probably to tired tonight, I..I mean he's been too busy today with the preparation for his debut that he might be already sleeping" you stammered a little. "Oh right! Then it will only be you and SHINee then" he smiled.


March 30

8:15 am

Last night you had a blast with SHINee, All the guys were total gentlemen and Jonghyun....well he kept asking for a hookup with "Kayla" 'haha poor guy' you though. Today you were once again Song Hyo Rah and you were having a stage rehearsal at SBS Ingi Gayo. You were so busy that you had totally forgotten all about the kiss incident with Kai. Well it was no surprise since all that was in your mind was 'Damn you old man, Damn you old man' but at least he had made something good such as set you up in a private dinner with SHINee! Oh well might as well forgive him.


You and the rest of NepTune has finally finished practicing for the day and now you were heading back to SM to have a meeting with Lee Soo Man. You were officially a group and already had an MV that would be lunched a week before debute, so what was missing? A Dorm!! You all need a place to stay, but of course you all wouldn't be sleeping at the same place since you were a mixed gender group. You would all be sleeping in different dorms: the girls in one and the boys in another. But where would you stay? Well Soo Man would tell you.

"NepTune! Here are your Dorm keys!" A very unusually happy Soo Man said. "But before you leave there's something you need to know" his happy face turned serious. 'Is he really going to reveal my gender now?' You though to yourself a bit confused. "What is it?" One of the girls said with her voice full of curiosity. "Well what you need to know is......"

To Be Continued........




Yaaaaaay!! This is the longest yet!! What did you think?? Was it good? Did it ? Let me know by commenting! Oh! And don't forget to fan me!!! I'm really sleepy but it's hard to sleep!! XD hahahaha do you guys wanna know how does NepTune looks like? Let me know and I'll show you~

Bye Bye till next Time!!!

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