Chapter #2

Between Identities


Chapter #2

-"Wh..What?!" Kai said with an open Jaw.

-"Crap!?" You cursed at your stupidity.

-"Now now Chae Rin don't curse" Soo Man said as he slowly stood up and walked up to Kai "Come with me Jong In-ah" Soo Man left the room with a still shocked Kai.


April 15

It's been a month since Kai found out about your secret. He really felt awkward around you since that day till now. He wasn't mad since Soo Man had explained everything to him and somehow convinced/forced him to help. He would always get nervous or really curious around you, asking questions like "Were you forced?" , "How can You be so manly?" Or your all time favorite "Do you like boys or girls?" It was amusing how the Charismatic Dancer could be such a Child at times, I mean isn't he supposed to be a flirting machine with his y smirks or his y self?! Anyways you just simply continued with the plan, only that this time you had help from Kai.

-"Are you like Amber Noona?" Kai asked you as you to sat on the café that was near SM.

-"God! For the hundredth time! Yes! Only that no one knows I'm a girl" you whispered annoyed of his questions already. "You've been asking me this stuff for a month now, why do you want to know?" You asked annoyed.

-"I just wanna make sure that my best friend fills me in on everything" he said with a smirk as if he just hit the jackpot or something.

-"Geez well stop it! I already told you everything"

-"hehe ok, ok I'll stop.....sooooo~" he began as to ask yet another question.

You let out a huge sight of annoyance as you glare at him "On with it"

-"hehe um so what exactly are you doing for your image on the upcoming group!" He asked curious.

-"mmm well I'm gonna be the lead Rapper so I'll go for something edgy and um my hair........." You stopped as you began to think.

-"what are you going to do with it?"

-"I'll dye it um.......Red!" You said as you smiled for the first time in a month.

-"" Kai said blushing as he noticed your smile not being manly at all.

-"Yes! It will be burning a tomato red!!" You said amused of your own words.

-"Weirdo" he said as he laughed with you at your idea.


April 29

A few weeks of intense training has passed by and today was the day that you would find out who were the ones chosen to be in the new mixed group. You already knew every detail of the group and their type of songs. And of course the name of the group.

-"NepTune!....." The teacher said as he pinned a piece of paper in the wall. "If your name is in there then follow me..." He said as he slowly left the room.

-"Yes?!" A loud shout from Han and Junheok was heard all over the room. "We're In!!" The two boys screamed they're lungs out with excitement as they jumped on you.

-"Congrats" you said to them laughing.

-"Yah! Your in to!!" Han said with a huge grin.

-"Chincha?" You faked your surprise.

-"Yes!! Come on!!" He said as he dragged you to where your teacher have gone alongside three other girls.


10 Minutes Later

You arrived at a studio where you would be recording your first single "Mystery Kiss" but first you were introduced to your new Manager Mr. Choi YongHee. A Tall well sculptured man with handsome features. 'Aren't we supposed to be the Kpop stars? He can easily be mistaken by an Idol' you thought to your self as you bowed to your manager.

-"So You are Song Hyo Rah-ssi" he said smiling at you.

-"Y..yes sir" you said pretending to be shy.

-"no need to be shy, your uncle had told me to make you work extra hard so be ready" he said with a serous face.

-"Yes Sir I will" you answered.

After the introductions you all began to record since you were behind schedule. Your debut was supposed to be for next week but thankfully it had to be pushed another two weeks. It was unlike Lee Soo Man to be so unorganized but he was testing everyone in the SM building. He just wanted to know is everyone could solve problems in a crisis without him. But anyways you had to do your job as well and record your single along the rest of the group.

It's been 5 long hours and you have all successfully finished recording your single. Thanks god that your teacher had given all of you lessons with your own song because otherwise it would have been a disaster. But now thankfully you all had the rest of the day off, well most of you. You still had to report to Lee Soo Man but for your surprise all he wanted to tell you was to "take the day off as a girl" you were shocked since you were supposed to be a boy.

-"Chae Rin you need to take a break before your debut" he said.

-"a break? Sir I'm supposed to practice.."

-"no you don't! I arranged everything so Kai can take you out and have some fun.....I also prepared some girl your days off you will be Sony Chae Ri or Song Hyo Rah's little sister" he said as he stood up to lead you to where your things were "now go" he said as he pushed you out of his office.

-"What?!" You Said completely shocked of what had just happened.

To Be Continued.............


Hey guys!! So here's Chapter #2!! I know I know it's not really good and I'm missing a lot but I'm not really a patient person when writing so yeah :/. But hey! I'm learning!! Anyways I hope you guys like my story and support me!! Oh and I'm needing someone to help me with the posters or cover 

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