Beautiful. Artistic.

Art and torture

"Ahjumma, clean him up. I'm going upstairs and if he makes a nuisance, send him out."

"Yes, Seunghyun. Anyways, your lunch is on your work table." 

"Thank you ahjumma. And you, little kid. Don't mess around with me."

"Seunghyun, dont be mean." 

Seunghyun? That is his name? God, a beautiful name for a beautiful man. I saw him glaring at me and walked off after bowing towards...well, he addressed her as ahjumma. Hayi taught me that ahjumma is when people wanted to address someone older than you. Maybe she is his mum? Such a kind lady. She smiled at me and lead me towards the bathroom. It was bigger than my room and there was a big white shallow bowl, full of water and big bubbles. I looked at her with confused eyes. What is this big thing? 

"Go on inside." 

"Inside? Where?"

"The bathtub."


"Its a tub where you bath. Go on in and wash your body, alright? I will leave a towel and clothes outside. Take your time. Oh, what is your name again?"

"Jiyong. Kwon Jiyong."

"Hello Jiyong. You can call me ahjumma. I am a maid here so make yourself at home. I will be right downstairs. Call me if there is anything."

Wait, maid? Then where are his parents? Siblings? I'll leave all the questions later. I bowed and she walked out, closing the door right after. I looked around the bathroom. Am I in heaven or what? White walls with beautifully carved roses all around the corners. The bathtub, that's what ahjumma called it, almost filled half of the bathroom. I walked closer towards the tub and ran my fingers all around it. Squeaky clean. I bent down and saw a carved name; Choi Seunghyun, T.O.P. What is this? Is he a rich brat that have to carve his name on all of his things? I shrugged and took off my clothes. I sat on the edges of the tub and slowly dip in my feet. Warmth. I quickly submerged myself into the water and rub everything off from my body. I felt so squeaky clean and never filthy. It has been awhile since I bathe. I did bathe but it was not that kind of bath. I dont own a soap to wash myself. I only used water. Let me get this straight. I collected rainwater and used it for bathing. Yes, I know. Creepy but my mum refused to pay the bills. I thank God since I have been rescued by a stranger. Artistic and beautiful stranger. I scrubbed everything before getting off from the tub. Refreshed. I turned the doorknob and peek through. No one. I looked down and saw a blue towel and freshly new clothes. I took them and closed the door again. I quickly dried myself and wore the clothes. It look big on me but i'm still thankful. I went out from the bathroom while still drying my wet hair with the towel. I went downstairs and saw ahjumma sipping a cup of coffee. She saw me and smiled. I bowed and went towards her. 

"Jiyong-ah, if you dont mind, can I ask you a few questions?"

"Yes ahjumma?"

"Where are your parents? Seunghyun told me that he found you in the forest and then he refused to tell me about you."


"Continue, my dear."

"My mum kicked me out from the house."

"Oh dear. Then do you have any siblings? Father?"

"No and my mum never tell me about my father. She hates it and she hates me. But I love her though."

"Come here. Here's a hug."

Ahjumma grabbed me close and wrapped her arms around me. So this is a hug. Hayi told me that if there is anyone hug me, I have to treasure it because that someone will treat me special and kind. Tears rolling down my cheek. My mum had never hug me like this before. She despises me. She despises hugs from me. Ahjumma my head. Suddenly, someone cleared his throat. Ahjumma kissed the top of my head before releasing the hug. I need more. I'm in need of hugs. I looked to the left and saw him. His brown coloured hair was wet. I gulped. My heart was beating fast. Beads of perspiration forming on my forehead. Why is this man the reason why my heart is beating too fast? 

"Yah, little kid. You're just an outsider. I've set some ground rules for you to follow."

He threw a scroll of white paper towards me. I took it and read it out loud. 

"Number 1: Don't make a nuisance in my house. Number 2: Sleep before 9pm and wake up by 6am. Sir, must I have to wake up by 6am? I mean, isn't it too early for me?"

"Everyone in this house wakes up by 6am. Not following the rules? Out you go. And its good that you've started to call me Sir. I'm only allowed for ahjumma and my driver to call me by my name. Remember, you are just an outsider. You hear me little kid?

"Yes Sir."

"Read the rest of the rules and adhere to them. I'm going out for a walk, ahjumma. Make sure this kid..."

"Arrasso Seunghyun. Aigoo, so protective."

He glared at me before bowing towards ahjumma. He turned his back on us and took his black sweater before heading towards the door. His broad shoulders made me gulped. Aish, this man is going to kill me for sure. So beautiful. So artistic. Suddenly, ahjumma called out for me. Oh? When did she get off from the sofa? She laid some dishes for me and a small bowl of rice. I tried to contain my tears. I'm so contented. Ahjumma my hair before getting back to her work. What do maids do exactly? Hayi have a maid too but she told me that her parents dont like to bring her maid out together with their family. She only told me that maids usually help their masters with everything willingly. I took a spoonful of rice. It tastes like heaven. I swallowed everything down within 5 minutes. Ahjumma laughed at me before giving me some red round thing. Oh God, what is this? It looks so cute. I looked at ahjumma with a questioning look. 

"Its a fruit, Jiyong. People call it an apple."


"Its good for your body. Hold it on your hand and bite on it. Try it."

It took me awhile to adjust with the apple. It tastes sweet. The juice that comes out from the apple somehow quenched my never ending thirst. It tastes so good. Ahjumma started to laugh. 

"You're a cutie, Jiyong. Have you never eaten an apple before? An apple a day keeps the doctor away?"

"I dont go to school, ahjumma. Hayi taught me a few of what she had learnt in school."


"She is my neighbour. I treated her as my own dongsaeng. She is nice. She is beautiful."

"Do you like her, Jiyong?"

"Like? What is the difference between like and love, ahjumma?"

"Sorry? I...I've got no say about this."

While I was pondering and thinking about my question, the main door swung open. There stood the most magnificient person, Choi Seunghyun. God, is he an angel or what? He glanced towards me and gave me that disgusted look before heading to his room. I looked away quickly. What is wrong with this man?

"Seunghyun is like that. Always."


"You will get used to him."

"Where are his parents, ahjumma? Siblings?"

"His parents were involved in an accident when he was 6. I watched him grow. From a baby till now. He lost his twin sisters, together with his parents. They were not born yet since his mum was carrying them during the accident. He is cold towards strangers like you because he thinks that people like you can live without people's help."

"I...I dont understand ahjumma."

"This is his first time bringing in a homeless person. He never hates someone like you but he preferred to think that you are better off without a person's help. He have the sense of empathy in him but he didnt show it."

"How old is he?"

"He's 28 this year. He look young for his age huh? He have loads of sponsored skincare products. Thats why his face is well taken care of."

"Sponsored skincare products?"

"They are for your face. Sometimes for your body too. Seunghyun is a model and thats why he received sponsored goods."

"Wait, what? He is a model?!"

"Part time model. He's into teaching so he is a teacher in a prestigious school nearby."

"I see."

"Jiyong, its getting late. You have to get up tomorrow morning. Remember, by 6am alright?"

"Yes ahjumma. Thank you so much."

I bowed towards her before kissing on her forehead as a thank you kiss. I smiled and headed towards my room. Ahjumma said that my room is located beside his room. My insides screaming for joy. I turned the doorknob and went inside my room. I didnt switched on the lights and went straight to bed. I wrapped myself with the blanket and closed my eyes. I felt so fortunate yet I miss Hayi. She must have been feeling upset with me since I didnt leave her a note to tell her that i'm leaving. My fault. I surpressed myself from crying. Its tough. Suddenly, someone cleared his throat. I screamed.

"Yah, yah, yah! Err, hello! Please turn on the damn lights kid!"

Oh my God, its him. I ran towards the switch before apologising a million times. 

"Alright, thats enough. Here, take this. Its a document for you to go to school."


"Dont tell me you dont know what is school. Dumb."

"Yes, I know what is school Sir. But who will take care of the school fees? I mean, its very expensive."

"Do you want to go to school or not? Sign the ing document or.."

"I will sign it Sir."

I took the pen from him before scribbling my messy signature on the paper. Hayi have taught me how to sign but it took me ages to learn. She might be disappointed in me if she see this messy signature. I sighed. 

"Whats your problem now kid?"

"Nothing Sir. I'm sorry."

"I know what is on your mind. You dont understand the document, do you? Its nothing. I just enrolled you into my school. Happy?"

I looked at him in the eyes. Is he for real? A cold stranger enrolling me in a prestigious school? What in the world? He snorted before heading out through the door. I'm so elated. He is kind anyways. Not so cold. He's opening up to me. I snuggled to bed, sleeping my happy thoughts away. Seunghyun. Choi Seunghyun.


The next day ~

I woke up at 5am. I washed up and waited by the dining table. Ahjumma was preparing breakfast. My eyes darted at his door. God, when is he waking up? I fidgeted with my fingers and tried to compose myself. Why are my feelings like this? I'm a healthy 17 years old boy. I chanted that everytime in my mind. 

"Jiyong-ah, here's your breakfast."

"Thank you ahjumma but isnt Sir eating his breakfast too?"

"He eats in his room always."

"Is it because of me?"

"No dear. He's like that ever since he lost his parents."

"I must be luckier than him."

"What are you trying to talk about Jiyong?"

"He lost both of his parents yet  i'm here, still having my mum but she kicked me out."

"Seunghyun is a tough guy. Dont compare yoursef with him. Get that in your mind alright?" 

"Yes ahjumma."

"Oh, before I forget. Seunghyun have your new uniform and school bag. After finishing your breakfast, go to his room."

"I'm going to school today?! But..."

"Kid, are you done yet? We're running late for school. Here are your uniform. Get your in this uniform and grab the bag."

"Y...yes Sir."

I grabbed the uniform and bag from him and changed out of my PJs. He was waiting for me by the door before proceeding to his car. His car was so fabulous and big. He had gotten himself a driver. Ahjumma told me that he preferred having a driver rather than driving by himself. He hates it. I wondered why. He sat beside me and strapped himself with this long thing. 

"Yah, dont tell me you dont know how to wear a seatbelt?! You're so sickening!"

Great, what is a seatbelt? He deeply sighed before scooting himself towards me. My heartbeat was racing. His breath tickles my right ear. No, my hormones. Not now! I closed my eyes tightly, feeling a the long thing strapping over my chest. I opened my eyes, looking at my right. He was certainly pissed. Throughout the drive to the school, it was a deafening silence. I had loads of questions in my mind but I preferred to stick to one. 

"Sir, I didnt have the time to study. I will struggle in school. May I know is this appropriate?"

"Yes, you didnt have time to study. Yes, you will ing struggle in school and yes its appropriate because you are old enough to be in school. I enrolled you into a school for kids so much younger than you. You will be like a senior there. And let me tell you this, dont ever make trouble in school. I hate troublemaker kids."

"I got it, Sir. Are you going to help me throughout my journey in school?"

"Damn it! I hope this is your last question. Stop asking more. I was forced to help you. Ugh, and I had to be your teacher. Pissed!"

I choked on my throat. He's my teacher? Damn it, this beautiful and artistic face of a man. Butterflies in my stomach. I was smiling to myself throughout the ride. When we got off from the car, I followed him from behind. I looked around and saw little kids carrying their bags, looking forward to school. These kids reminds me of Hayi. If only I could meet her again... I looked down, biting on my tongue. Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice.

"Good morning, Sir Choi!"

"Morning Hayi. Have you finished your homework that I had given to you last week?" 

Hayi?! I looked up. There she was.

"Yes Sir. Oh? Oppa? Jiyong oppa!" 

She ran towards me, wrapping her arms around me tightly. Tears forming in my eyes. I miss her so much. I looked up to Sir, he must have been angry since I had already made a nuisance of myself early in the morning. Kids were surrounding us. Sir left us. Hayi led me to her classroom and her classmates were kind towards me. I'm glad. While waiting for him, I told Hayi everything and she told me that my mum is leading a happy life with the guy right now. Part of me was sad while another part of me had never cared. Sir Choi will be here to guide me along. I trust him. Suddenly, the door swung open. There he was, with a bag on his right hand. I felt so elated, it made me realised my feelings towards him. This beautiful, artistic, cold stranger. This Seunghyun. Choi Seunghyun. He will be leading my life to a whole new level. I trust him. I like him. 



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