Chapter 27

Best Absolute Punks
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The nurses had provided Jaehwa with the same blankets as Yongguk, the atmosphere between the two boys was awkward as they just stared at Eunsol in silence.

By the time morning had come, both the boys had their heads leaning on either side of Eunsol’s hospital bed.

“Um…excuse me…but we must clean up Eunsol’s sheets and dressings…so both of you will need to leave” a nurse timidly asked after spending 10 minutes waking up both the sleeping boys. Could you blame them for being so sleepy? They literally only had 6 hours sleep between them…Both wanting to stay awake the longest, but somehow they ended up falling asleep around the same time.

Yongguk’s face began to turn pink as he got up swiftly, exiting the room. Jaehwa followed lazily after Yongguk, closing the door behind him as he went.

“So…how do you know Eunsol?” Jaehwa wasted no time investigating the boy he’d never seen before. He was NOT happy to have seen his little sister’s hand locked with this dodgy looking boy last night.

“We’re classmates…” Yongguk replied carefully, gulping hard. He was never one to be intimidated…but he felt he needed to make a good impression on Jaehwa for some reason…approval perhaps?

Jaehwa nodded understandingly.

Then unexpectedly, he threw a punch in the direction of Yongguk’s face. Yongguk although startled, managed to grab the bundled fist that was quickly coming in his direction.

“Impressive” smirked Jaehwa, as he took his fist away.


“JAEHWA HYUNGGGGGGG!” a shrieking Hyunsik came bolting towards his older brother, only to be scooped up and spun around.

“Hyunsik! How’s my favourite little brother been?” Jaehwa held Hyunsik close to him, their cheeks firmly touching as they shared a loving moment. Yongguk couldn’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy, he was so used to being the one that Hyunsik was so star-struck with, it didn’t occur to him that Hyunsik was probably more in awe of his REAL older brother.

“Jaehwa…” a soft voice called.

The boy walked up to his mother that had called him, and kissed her on the cheek.

“Have you been well mother?” he whispered, his mother’s cheek affectionately. Jaehwa could tell how distressed his mother had been when she had made the call to him yesterday telling him about what had happened to Eunsol. He'd decided to take the first train he could down to his hometown to be with his little sister. He wasn’t clear of all the details because his mother was too busy sobbing to fully explain everything. It was obvious his little sister wasn’t the sort to associate with ‘thugs’ or gangs so to speak…he knew how much she hated them with a passion…so the fact she was hurt because of one seemed to make no sense to him, unless someone had dragged his baby sister into the scene of violence…

Which is why he didn’t like Yongguk.

‘It seemed like he had a guilty conscience when I walked in on him holding her hand…’ Jaehwa clenched his fist as he glanced up at Yongguk who was talking with Hyunsik. Jaehwa was more than willingly to beat Yongguk’s if he found out that he was the reason Eunsol was in that condition.

He wouldn’t hold back.

“Yo Yongguk hyung!” Zelo and the rest of the guys, including Jinyung were making their way down the corridor towards Eunsol’s room.

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 7: Lol only a dirty dream.poor yongguk lol XD
Chapter 9: let's not fall in love lol
Chapter 7: that was a damn dream lol
Chapter 5: daehyun nice but no i ship her with yongguk lol
Chapter 1: you go girl XD
ok let's go
exo_dinka #7
leecika #8
Chapter 37: Great story! As much as I hated daehyun for being an at the beginning, although he's my bias, but to be honest, I was glad that he was. I couldn't bear the thought that one of them will end up having a heartache when their love wasn't reciprocated by her. Wow! I know that authornim spent quite some time with their story. But 205 hours? That was nearly 100 days?? Wow! I couldn't say anymore except, thank you so much for sharing! xoxo =)