A New Home

Fix You

   Taemin had just arrived at the rehab facility a few days ago. He hadn’t done much since he got there. He’d met and talked with his assigned nurse some and unpacked the little amount of belongings he had. During the day, the white walls of his room were almost suffocating so his favorite part of the day was when he got to walk about on his own.

   There was nothing here anyone could use to hurt themselves even though he wasn’t that type. There was no access to any kind of medicine. If you had merely a headache you were sent to the doctor for an evaluation to make sure you weren’t lying just to get the meds. And everyone ate under strict supervision with those stupid plastic sporks.

   To be quite honest, he hated this place. It was dull and lifeless. He couldn’t dance or sing or do anything fun. He had classical music in an old CD player in his room, along with a few books he’d gotten the nurses approval for. Why would his parents send him to a place like this? Was he really that ed up that he had to be taken out of school and sent away?

   As Taemin made his way down the hall to the cafeteria for dinner he shook his head, wondering for the millionth time how he’d ended up here. Shuffling into the large eating area, he smiling kindly to his nurse and bowed his head. Why she was required to eat with him? He didn’t know. He never ate the whole meal and she was fully aware of that. The first day he refused to eat anything but with enough prodding and cavity inducing sweet words, he ate a few bites just to shut her up. She was cute and nice but she was his nurse after all so his thoughts had stopped after cute.

   Following the already boring routine, Taemin grabbed the tray of food that seemed to have a sort of mystery meat on it along with a salad. Maybe it was chicken. Too bad he wouldn’t find out since the young boy didn’t plan on eating any of it. He took his usual seat across from his nurse and they exchanged a few words. She watched him excitedly as he took a few small bites of his salad before pushing the tray across the table in the direction with an anxious expression.

“I’m done.”

She pouted cutely, “Oh no Taemin. That’s how much you ate yesterday! You really should eat more than that. You have to stay healthy. ”

With a snort he shook his head, “You know I don’t like eating noona. That’s more than I used to eat so you should be happy.”

With a defeated sigh she sat back as well, “Fine. We will have to work together on this you know. It’s my job to make sure you get better.”

   “I know I know. You said that yesterday and even this morning at breakfast.” Just as he finished his sentence his attention was caught by something across the room. Something reflected under the light, sending a flash of light in his direction. After a moment he saw a blonde male, walking, no, strutting gracefully to his spot at one of the tables. Taemin’s eyes trained in on him as his head tilted a bit. He heard his nurse talking but he ignored her, intrigued by this boy across the room. He seemed so confident and sure that he didn’t belong in the place, hell, he was even sitting by himself in a room full of people that looked at him like that would love to sit with him.

   Standing up from his seat, Taemin walked to the table where the blonde was sitting despite his nurse’s protests. He felt other’s eyes on him as if they all knew exactly where he was headed. Maybe there was a reason this guy was sitting alone. Was he violent? He maybe he’d lost more than just a few screws. It’s didn’t matter though, he was curious and as he sat down he was sure he’d find out soon enough.

   The moment he pulled his chair out the other’s eyes trained in on him, one of his eyebrows quirking but he stayed quiet. He wanted to see what Taemin was going to do. When Taemin sat down and finally situated himself he parted his bow shaped lips.

“What do you think you’re doing?” He sounded bored but Taemin could see that he also seemed a bit amused by the fact someone came to sit with him.

“Well umm… You were sitting alone so I decided to come say hi.” Taemin’s words came out nervous sounding and he mentally scolded himself for it.

“Oh how cute.” The male across from him leaned forward with a smirk, “You must be new around here.”

“I am. I got here a few days ago.”

“Well you should know that I sit alone by choice. No one here interests me enough that I would want to sit with them. So you can leave now.”

   Taemin shook his head with a frown, he didn’t want to go. He wanted to know more about this guy. He didn’t know why he did but he wasn’t going to leave just yet.

“No, I don’t feel like going. If I go back to my seat my nurse is going to try and make me eat some more. She looks too scared to come over here so I’m staying.”

   With an exasperated sigh the other leaned back in his seat, using his spork to push some of his food around on his plate.

“Fine, you can stay. But only for today and because no one has ever told me no like that.” The blonde frowned a bit, raising his eyes to look at Taemin, “Now tell me your name kid.”

“I’m Taemin” the younger said as he held out his hand politely.

   Ignoring the gesture the older male let out a small snort.

“Call me Key.”


Sorry it took me so long to post the first chapter. I'm gonna start the second one soon.

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BenjiKS #1
Chapter 1: It's a really good chapter! :D So Taemin has anorexia or what? And this rehabfacility, is for all kinds of different mental illnesses or what? ^^
Chapter 1: Omo~ i wonder whats going to happen~