4.Barista boy

Life With The Big Three

You just spent more than an hour with him in the library without even realized it . “Luhan? Great .” you thought and sigh .

“I didn’t hear it rang . Mianhe .” Luhan apologized to Kai . Kai and Sehun just nodded . “Sorry . I didn’t know anyone was in here .” the librarian apologize . You and Luhan just bowed to her . Then Kai and Sehun turn to look at you .

“What are you doing here ?” Kai asked you . You just look at him and said “I came to read a book . What else would you be doing in the library ?” you replied . Kai just cough a little and scrub the back of his neck . You just rolled your eyes .

You  noticed that Sehun keep staring at you . You look at him . “Have I seen you before ?” Sehun asked you . Luhan and Kai suddenly turn to look at you . You got startled but just shook your head . “I don’t think so .” you answered slowly . Sehun make a weird face but just let it go for a while .

Kai suddenly asked “Wait , did you guys talk to each other ?” Luhan and you got startled . He was about to reply when you said “Ani . He was sleeping while i was reading a book . We just noticed each other a few minutes ago .” Luhan got surprised by your sudden words but just nodded “Ohh..dae .”

Kai make a weird face but he just nodded “Arasso .” he said . You sigh and said “Well then , I should go .” and was about to go when you turn to look at them and said “And don’t worry . All this , never happened .” you bowed your head a little and left . The boys got surprised a little .

Luhan smirked and Sehun chuckled while Kai make an annoyed face . “Who does she think she is ?” Kai complained . Luhan taped his shoulder and said “Just forget her . She’s still new here .” and walk away . Sehun followed behind him . Kai sigh and catch up to them .

You went to your locker and exhale a relieved when you finally arrived there . “Today is such the worse first day I have ever head .” you thought and bumped your head on your locker .

“Yaah , Park Hanna !” Gyuri suddenly screamed your name . You got surprised and turn to look at her . “Wae ?” you asked . “Did you forget that we were suppose to meet at the café like an hour ago ?” she said with an almost angry expression .

“Ahhh..” you said and sigh . “Mianhe . Something happened and I couldn’t contact you since I don’t have your number . Chincha mianhe .” you keep apologizing . She sigh and said “Arasso kenchana .” you just sigh in relieved and open your locker .

“What happened anyway ?” she asked you while leaning on the other locker . You paused for a while and said “Umm , nothing really . Just some few technical issues .” She make  a weird face and said “O..okayy .” You just nodded .

“Well then , I should go . I have an extra class to attend .” Gyuri said . “Ahh , arasso . I see you tomorrow . Thanks for showing me around .” you said . She smiled and waved at you . You waved back and she left to class .

As you were arranging your locker , you suddenly remembered the books you were suppose to borrow from the library . “Aishhh , the books .” you said to yourself . “That dude make me forget about them .” you sigh . “I should just bought them from the book store .” you said and close your locker .

You went to the café at your college since you can just go home after this because you don’t have any other class . You enter the café and ordered a Cappucino Latte . You take your drink when its done and sat at a table there .

You were taking a sip of it when a pile of books suddenly drop on the table . You got surprised and look up . Standing there was a smiling guy who is also quite tall . You look at him weirdly and look at the books and recognize it were the books you were suppose to borrow from the library .

“Its yours right ?” he suddenly said and sit down infront of you . You got even more surprised when you notice it was Sehun , one of the TB3 dudes . “Ahh dae .” you nodded slowly . “I borrowed it for you . Take it .” he said and smiled . you smiled awkwardly and take the books . “Gomawoyo .” you thanked him .

He nodded and look at your drink . His eyes widened and said “I knew it . You’re the Cappucino Latte and jelly doughnut girl right ?”  You’re trying to catch up to what he meant “Dae ?” you said . “I’m the barista boy who works at the café near your condo . remember ?” he said .

Then suddenly you remembered back the barista boy at the café you always go since you moved to Korea . The ‘hi’ ‘how are you ?’ friend . No wonder he looks familiar for you . “Ahhh , dae . I remember you .” you said . He chuckled a little and said “So you did remember me . Wae didn’t you say anything when I asked you earlier ?”

You remembered when he asked whether he have seen you before when you were with the TB3 dudes . “Ahhh , right . I don’t want to ruined your image infront of your friends or anything .” you replied .

He chuckled and said “I’m not like the others . I don’t care about my image that much .” You make a weird face and nodded slowly . “Ahh chincha ? I thought you guys are like the ‘Gods’ who have an image to take care of and not talk to some common people .” you said randomly .

Sehun just laugh and said “Gods ? Chincha ? Is that what really they called us ?” You nodded slowly . “Atleast from what I heard .” you said . He laugh again and that’s enough to drew some attention from some students in the café . You just ignore them but put your head low .

He noticed it and stop laughing . He cough and said “Ahh , its true then . Well , we all have our own image . but whatever they heard most about us are false . We’re not ‘Gods’ .” You nodded “Not surprised .” you said with a ‘ofcourse-you-guys-are-not-gods-we-all-know-that’ expression .

“We practically have some things to protect but we’re okay .” he said . “So , the Kai dude is not a playboy and Luhan always talks to people . And you’re nice even when people messed with you ?”  you asked .

He got startled a little your quick questions “Umm , well , I wouldn’t say he’s a playboy . just play with a lot a girls and Luhan hyung only talks to few people sometimes but he still talks to them .” he replied confident with his answer . “And you can still be nice when people messed with you ?” you asked him again .

He paused for a while to think and said “Well , sometimes..” “Yeah , sure . You guys are pretty much alike with what I’ve heard from people .” you replied and stood up . He watched you stood up . “It was nice bumping you here . Thanks for the books too .” you said and took the books . You left the café with people staring at you . Sehun watched you left and sigh but then chuckled . “Yeah , bump .” he then left the café .

That night , you are home alone since your mom always comes home late . You were arranging your books . “I guess I don’t have to buy any books then .” you said and feel bad about being a little rude to Sehun who were just helping you with the books .

Next morning , Mr.Lee sent you to college like yesterday but today , you asked him to just dropped you off near the college and walk there . He just followed it . The reason is that , you don’t people to stare at you like yesterday .

As you were heading to the new wing , you saw Luhan seating near  the fountain near the college garden . He look at you and you just look away . Suddenly people start to look at you . “What’s with these people ?” you thought . Suddenly , someone said “Hey .” you got surprise and look beside you it was Luhan .

You make weird face but just say “Ohh , hey .” “That’s why people are staring at me .” you thought . “So , about what happened at the library .” he said . You stop walking and look at him . He look at you weirdly . “Like I said . No worries. That never happened . I won’t tell anyone .”  you clearly made your point and walk away .

He’s a little taken aback with what just happened and chase after you which makes people stare at you both even more . “Wait a second .” he said blocking your way . You got surprised and sigh as you noticed people stare at you guys .

“What now ? I think I clearly made my point .” you said with a cold attitude . He sigh and said “How would you know if I’m gonna talk to you about that ?” “Look . I know you don’t want people to know that you had a conversations with me yesterday because you have the ‘cold-cool’ image that you have to take care of . I get it . Now can I please go ?”  you said .

He sigh again and said “What happened to the each people have their own problems and don’t hate people like that and stuffs ?” You look at him weirdly . “People change their mind right ? Besides , I didn’t know you were one of those people .” you said and walk away . “What kind of those people ?” he asked .

You paused and turn to him . “People who think they’re great for having many people loves them when they themselves don’t know the feeling of love .” you explained and walk away again . He make a curious expression after you said that and left to class .

Like yesterday , you don’t have a class for the first 2 periods . You went to your locker and bumped into Gyuri . “Hanna ! Let’s eat !” she said to you excitedly . You chuckled and said “I already ate but I can accompany you .” She nodded and you both walked to the cafeteria which is at the old wing .

While you were walking with Gyuri , you noticed a door at the end of the hallway . You stop walking and asked Gyuri what room is that . “Ahh , that’s the old dance studio . No ones been there anymore .”  she said . “Let’s take a look .” you said but then Gyuri pulled your arm and said “No no . Students are not allowed there . Besides , its probably haunted since no one have been there for 4 years .”  she explained and pulled you to the cafeteria .

You followed her to the cafeteria . After she bought her food , she sat with a bunch of girls and asked you to sit with her . The girls stare at you because some of them saw you talking with Luhan earlier this morning . “Umm , I’ll just wait for somewhere . I have some works to do .” you lied ,

Gyuri frowned but said “Arasso . don’t go far okay ?” you nodded and left the cafeteria . You were walking to the hallway when you remembered the dance studio from earlier . You turn back and walk towards the dance studio .

You arrived infront of the door and noticed the door is not lock . You make a weird face but just entered the dance studio . You closed the door back . The dance studio was quite big and have a lot of mirrors like the other dance studios only more . You look at the floor and noticed its not dusty .

Even the mirrors are not dusty . “That’s weird . I thought Gyuri said no one have been here for 4 years .”  you thought to yourself . Suddenly someone said “You’re not suppose to be here .”


Hello everybody ! Done with my update. Sorry for the late update ! I'm busy :/ Hope you guys like this chapter . sorry if its bored . Thank you and keep reading :) xoxoxo

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Chapter 31: Wow this is sweet story. Truthfully TB3 is my bias in EXO. I like read story that involved 2-3 of them. Actually i have guessed that Kris will have something with Hanna..... you know the love-hate thing wkwkkwk

But i am glad that she didn't heart their feeling with choosing one of them
ExoLkpop #2
peuntee #3
Chapter 31: Wow, this story is so unpredictable & exciting, i like it ! :)
thmbs up to the author.
milkainah #4
Chapter 3: chapter 3' THANK GOD U DIDNT DELETE THE FANFICS or stop writing I'm loving this fanfic MR ANTICIPATION kyaa~~~ feels
I somewhat imagine in the oc cause I'm also in college and going to enter sem2 this coming mon two days away

viennalee #5
Chapter 31: omg...i can't believe Hanna actually ended up w/ Kris...this story is really different from others... but i'm glad too cuz i'm actually ship them together...!!!!lol
LeeSunghui #6
Chapter 33: YES A SEQUEL!!!
Shine_Gurl97 #7
Chapter 33: Jinjja ddaebak!!! I really love this fanfic, authornim. I really like you too, authornim (gosh, I hoped you are a girl because it will be very weird for me to write 'I like you' to some random boys when I am a girl). Keep writing good stories and I'll support you >///< (There... you've earned yourself a fan)
Chapter 33: will wait for the sequel <3
Chapter 32: I totally loved this!!!
This was the first fanfic i read back in June on AFF :)
Could you please make a sequel?
Awesome story author-nim~~