What's Life Without Surprises?

The Girlfriend


A/N: Yay, I edited it~ ^^ I tried a new writing style, so I hope you guys liked it. :)



Jonghyun thought he had seen it all when he first moved into the college dorms.

He shared a living room and kitchen with three other boys, one of which shared a room and bathroom with Jonghyun. On the other side of the living room lived Minho and Kibum (a.k.a. ‘Key’).

Key was… an interesting fellow (weird would be too general a description, but it fit too). His hair was bright blond with pink bangs that would be in hair rollers every morning while he went into the kitchen and made breakfast for everyone. No one asked him to, he just did it. Just like how no one asked him to nag about their laundry, or pick up the couch cushions, or remind them to call back their parents.

He would wear kohl on his eyes and panual jewelry on his body, often seen decked out in the latest fashions and brand name shoes (he would not be caught dead in anything else)—not that Jonghyun knew what they were. Jonghyun decided that the feline man was an okay guy, at least better than Key’s roommate, Minho.

Minho was a tall, alien sort of guy, with big, soul-stealing eyes and an irritatingly low bedroom voice (Jonghyun would never admit this aloud though). Minho woke up every day in the wee hours of the morning to go for a jog. The sounds of him clambering through the kitchen for that damned water bottle he never seemed able to find quietly echoed frustratingly loud throughout the dorm, at least until Key stomped out and made it appear magically from one of the kitchen cabinets that Minho always forgot to look through.

The tallest had a few other (aggravating, according to Jonghyun) peculiarities, the most annoying of which was an obsession with winning any and all competitions, be it the video games he completely dominated in (Jonghyun was down fifty-thousand won), drinking until he was the only one coherent enough to make sentences (it happened often, okay), or reigning over a twenty-yard potato sack race down the dorm hallway (that Jinki was still distraught about losing, especially since he consequently sported a fairly large bruise on his left hip for days with nothing else to show).

Ah, see, in his (not) rant Jonghyun almost forgot about the most important one of them all—his roommate, Jinki.

Jinki was a cool guy, although at the same time really, really strange (in a good way, of course). He was sociable and always fun to talk to, constantly coming up with lame puns, shooting corny jokes out of nowhere, and doing body gags that made Jonghyun’s sides ache from laughing so hard.

The eldest had pretty brown eyes that turned into crescents when he so much as smiled the slightest bit, with a button nose and fat pink lips. He was taller than Jonghyun (much to the younger’s chagrin—that made him the shortest of the bunch), and slim. While Jonghyun’s body was well-built and defined, Jinki was lean and muscular in a noticeable, but not in-your-face sort of way. Plus, everyone on their floor noted that his well-packaged lower half (you know, that elephant trunk they all beheld as it swung between Jinki’s legs whenever he was truth-or-dared into standing in the hallway for five minutes) was no joke.

Although, none of that actually made Jonghyun really wonder about Jinki. He knew Jinki was gay (the older man told him straight up on the first day, but also that he was taken, and that Jonghyun was not even his type, so he need not worry), which was why it confused him so much that every morning his girlfriend (read: not a boy) would visit their dorm.

“I’m Taemin, but everyone calls me Taeyeon,” the pretty long-haired blond introduces one fateful morning, her voice low for a girl but surprisingly y. She was there to pick up Jinki and go on a date. Taeyeon was a freshman so she stayed in the freshman dorms, but at times she looked younger than that.

She wore glittery make up and thick mascara, lips always in some shade of pink, the apples of her cheeks always tinged with blush. She had a dazzling smile with a perfect row of pearly white teeth. All in all she was gorgeous in every way, although seriously lacking in the chest area (what? Jonghyun was simply being observant, okay), but she had a nice and mile-long legs.

Jonghyun never really got a chance to talk to her because she and Jinki would be gone within a flash of her appearence, or she would be in Key’s room talking to him about his latest wardrobe and designs for the fashion class they shared with Jinki (who, honestly, was only in there to be with Taeyeon).

It is nearly a month after meeting her that Jonghyun finds out.

“Oppa,” Jonghyun (currently in the kitchen making a sandwich) overhears Taeyeon breathe into Jinki’s ear, the couple sharing a small portion of the couch in the living room. She is wrapped all over him, Jinki’s lips sticky and pink from her lipstick. Her blond hair is a mess from Jinki’s fingers, glittery pink skirt riding up her thighs to reveal more of the fishnet-stockings covering her legs. Jinki is not so subtly groping her , and now Taeyeon’s glossy lipstick was smudged across her left cheek. “Oppa, let’s go to your room.”

Jonghyun pretends not to pay attention as Jinki and his girlfriend make their way into the room, but nods in understanding when Jinki shoots him an apologetic look. This exchange happens at least once daily, but usually earlier in the morning when she comes over and Jonghyun is gone for morning classes (whereas Jinki, who abhors waking up, attends afternoon classes). It was later now, which probably meant Jonghyun would be sleeping on the couch for the first time (of, what seemed like, the prelude to many nights on the couch) since Taeyeon would likely stay the night.

When the sounds from the room start to get a little too for Jonghyun’s taste (he would rather not hear how it sounded like Taeyeon lead the entire operation—poor Jinki), he stuffs the headphones in his ears and shuts his eyes, falling asleep after a few minutes of being lost in his own composed work.


It is around four in the morning Jonghyun wakes to the sound of rummaging in the kitchen. He assumes that it is Minho searching for that damned water bottle again, even if it was an hour earlier than the tallest typically woke up.

This time though, Jonghyun knew exactly where it was because he put under the sink on purpose as a prank to throw Key off his game whenever he finally went to retrieve the bottle. However, Jonghyun obviously did not know at the time that he would be sleeping outside and get jerked awake by the sounds, making him groan angrily.

“Calm down you alien,” Jonghyun grumbles aloud, flicking on the kitchen light and squinting in the brightness towards the cabinets under the sinks. “Maybe if you the lights for once, it would be easier to find your .”

“Sorry for waking you,” a hoarse voice responds, and Jonghyun freezes because, holy , that was not what Minho sounded like at all.

Jonghyun flips around to see…

What the hell was he seeing?

There was a half- guy wearing a pair of Jinki’s boxers (Jonghyun knew this only because their laundry got swapped all the ing time). He was tall and slender, covered in hickeys, familiar lips swollen and still… a bit… glossy.

Same chin, same nose, same eyes, but short brown hair and still no s—all indications that, including the slight bulge in the boxers, this person was very obviously male and not female—Jonghyun’s mind slowly connected the dots, finally overcoming the usual jumbled mess his brain was in when he first woke up.

“Taeyeon?” he gasps, puppy eyes wide.

She (well, he apparently) chuckles softly, the same pretty smile he has always had gracing his features. “Yes, hyung?”

The word ‘hyung’ sounds odd and different to Jonghyun’s ears (although the croakiness of it may have contributed to it) when it came from Taeyeon’s… no, Taemin’s mouth.

Still somewhat dazed from shock, the elder man demands dumbly, “So… you’re not a girl?”

(It really was not his best question, but he had to know for sure this time.)


“I can’t believe you didn’t know!” Key is screeching now, practically rolling on the floor of the kitchen. Taemin did not have any clothes or makeup to dress up like usual, so he just wore Jinki’s things and walked around the dorm room looking like any other guy, which still made Jonghyun’s eyes widen in awe.

“Shut up!” Jonghyun protests around a mouthful of cereal, cheeks ablaze. “It’s not my fault he’s so convincing.”

Minho is judging him from across the breakfast table, a smirk playing on his round lips, bug eyes twinkling with amusement. “Everyone else knew, hyung. How could you not realize?”

Jonghyun opted to ignore him, choosing instead to fix his gaze on Jinki and Taemin, who were making starry-eyes at each other. They kissed a few times (more than a few actually, but you did not need to know that), and to Jonghyun it was so weird seeing Jinki making out with Taemin and not… Taeyeon, even if they were the same person.

That actually explained a lot though, like whenever Taemin would accidentally call Jinki ‘hyung’ instead of ‘oppa.’

Just goes to show that you can never judge a book by its cover (not that Jonghyun would go around doubting if girls were really girls, but, you know).

A few months later Taemin stops cross-dressing (because apparently he changes his image often—just the previous year his hair was champagne red and he wore shredded clothing) and starts working out with Minho at the gym.

Pretty soon it is not just Taemin yelling out ‘oppa’ in the bedroom, although that was one thing about Jinki that Jonghyun would rather not picture.



A/N: This was supposed to be a short, funny drabble. IDK what happened there. This fic is a total crack fic though, sorry for making you guys suffer through it... v.v;;;

Oh, and Tae has some great legs.



here’s more just because





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Kyattchan #1
Chapter 1: I'm still not totally over that performance... and that was AGES ago... lol Taemin looked really hot! XD
I loved the story! The end made me crack me up so much! Taenew? XD
Chapter 1: I am rolling with laughter. The story AND Taemin dress as a blond bombshell. LMAO
Though of course Taemin is prettier that any female idol.
This was hilarious! And Cute :-)))
Chapter 1: This was so cool and awesome and sweet and funny and hilarious and I loved it!!
Especially these last line were the best, seriously, I laughed so hard :D
Chapter 1: This is the most adorable thing ever! I finally saw the video about a month ago, and he is perfect in these pics!!! XD
tw2111 #6
Chapter 1: Haha, clueless Jonghyun! And I agree, Taemin has got some great legs. Better than mine, not fair!
Chapter 1: lol This was awesome and hot and funny! I really liked it! :D I thought it was cute how taekey talked about fashion and how ontae got all steamy on the couch. >:3 I am totally a er for needy Tae. And I actually really like the ending. Top Tae... priceless XD
SadisticSinner #8
Chapter 1: omg. tae topping onew?
thats the hottest thing ever XD
Chapter 1: LOL OMFG.
"Pretty soon it's not Taemin who yells out oppa" LOL WHATT
And I like how you based Taemin's images here by his previous looks xD
Chapter 1: This made me laugh, it would be like Jjong to be this clueless and the fact Key just mothers everyone! I love how you wrote the characters and at the end...well the thought of top Tae just does something to me! unnf! lol