Page Two, Introduction

The Journal

Haha, I'm Shin Aera

Just a normal girl who's gotten a journal to write her feelings in.

Please ignore the mistakes!


I've gotten a journal because... I wanted proof.

Proof that I was actually was here... Actually alive.

So you future people to whoever's reading this, I will take you into my life as a teenage girl.

All the hardships and everything.


Good luck.




Why was Aera's journal here?

More importantly... Why in my apartment?

She's never lived here before... Right?

I know she lived in a apartment, before she's moved in with me...

But I've never been in it, nor seen it.

She told me to never come over to her house, or even follow her, so I don't know exactly know where she lives.

I turned the next page, but only to see big, dark red words:




I dropped the book, which was now closed shut.

What the hell? What does it mean to read it tomorrow?

It's not like words are gonna magically appear...


Psh, who am I kidding.

like this cannot happen.

I sighed.

Maybe I'm just tired. I should go to bed.

I picked up the book from the floor, and put it on the nightstand next to the bed.

I threw the covers over me and closed my eyes.


Maybe I'll check on the journal tomorrow...

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I hope everyone is satisfied with the ending this time. lol enjoy


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Marylandheng #1
Chapter 9: The last part was scary but I liked the rest tho . I love it
Chapter 9: Ummm sorta confused but nice story!
Angel_HunHannie #3
Chapter 9: i lOve this stOry! I really like ur stOry auThoRniM :)
Angel_HunHannie #4
new reader here ;-)
Chapter 9: It sounded freaky and I was reading this at midnight omg. Wait... There are two Shin Aera's? And how did the Shin Aera know his Shin Aera? I'm confused :S
Chapter 9: yea. i think it's better =)))

twisting the plot like that.
This is actually a really nice story!
Keep up the good work.
Chapter 9: OMOO ! I am sooo satisfied !!! ♥
Chapter 9: I meant to say entries*** not energies...
Chapter 9: Woah....
That's... Just so sad yet sweet but how did she know about the other Shin Aera and how did the energies keep coming out of the blue? 0.o?
Hope you write more author-nim stories that are like this... :) <3 fighting!!