Blonde hair stranger 2

Zelo my new classmate ?

In the previouse chapter our main character Malina, who attends Souel High finds out that yet another celebraty would
be attending her school and also might be in her class, on her way to visit an aunt on the other side of town, she runs into two
blonde hair strangers who saved her from sudden danger, will she ever reach where shes going or will she just keep meeting
more blonde hair boys who conveniently happen to save her when shes in trouble. This just isn't Malina's day
trouble some , trouble some. The story continues....


35 minutes pass and the stranger who she slept on was kind enough to wake her up, he touchs her on her shoulder, the aouncer
announces the stop and tells the passengers to please whatch their step while getting off,
she fully gets ups and realises she was leaning on the person next to her shoulders this whole time,
she stands up and bows imideatly apologise.

Malina : Am so sorry, please forgive my rude actions *bows again and rushes off the train with out even look at the person directly,because of how she was holding her bag when she bowed her walet fell out but she didn't notice *

When she does fully gets off she turns around to see just be for the train takes off that it was another blode hair boy.
she turns away

Malina : Argh am so embarrassed.

She starts walking on her way out of the train station and notices a blonde haired boy standing at
exit looking around very fidgety, even thou the person had a hat on and it in such a way you cant see his face, she was still able to see his blonde hair , all she saw was his blonde hair, playing back the memories in her mind she slowly approches him thinking
what if its one of them that saved her, if only i could meet them again, if only she though as she drew closer she begins to notice the person and she thinks I ve seem him some where before, the closer and closer she gets she is positive shes met him before, and walks faster
closer and closer now shes just a few feet away from him and still walking even closer . The Blonde hair stranger just only now noticing her bends his head down, but she still continues to approch him since she positive she knows the person. Now face to face with the person she bends down to look directly at his face.

Malina : Wait... *still bending down looking up at his face* Mintea is that you ?

Blonde Hair person smiles and it is who Malina thought it was its Lee Teamin from the famouse Kpop band called Shinee. She calls him Mintae as a code name so that people wouldn't know exactly who he was, its a way of keeping his identity a secret as not to cuase and uproar of crazy screaming fan girls and paparazzi. Its acutually Teamin's name backwards Mintea but she pronounces it as Minty

Teamin lifts his head up laughing he askes
Teamin : How did you know ?, I wore and cap and everything i thought i was perfectly disguised.

Milana : You stick out of the crowd like a sore thumb, your wearing leather pants and a jacket, a cap isn't enough to hide you Mintea, and not to mention your blonde hair spilling from the cap
*its actually the reason i came up to you* she thinks

So what are you doing here ?

Teamin : Im meeting Mir here he promise we ll go hang out.

Malina : Great two blondes going out i could only imagine the attention you guys are going to draw seriousely if Mir dress even half as good as you are right now you guys will draw attention especially since  you guys hair are blonde , Blonde !

Teamin : Really ? do i stand out that much

Malina : Yep... your hair is Blonde  !
Why is it blonde ? Why teamin ? *alittle disappointed it not one of the blonde hair guys before*

Teamin : Not sure ... Key's blonde too.

Malina : ....blushes while way...laughs oka Mintea i have to go now you've wasted enough of noona's time, i have some where to go
*waves bye and starts walking off*

Teamin : Wait ! Lee Noona can i have your number again ?

Malina : Huh you lost my number ? no.. wait.. you lost your phone again didn't you ?

Teamin nods

Malina : *Sigh*...

They both pull out their phone and exchange each others numbers

Malina : Okay Mintea i really have to go now hope Mir comes soon to meet you Bye bye !

Teamin : Bye Bye !... Lee Noona !...

Malina : Yeh.. *Looks back*

Teamin : ..Call me ! *makes the call me hand gesture*

Malina : laughs... I ll think about it. Bye Mintea *walks away*

Malina makes her way out of the station not before turning back to see Teamin who suprisingly just meet up with Mir .
Wow she thinks ,Mir even wearing Leather pants, a jaket and a cap with his blonde hair spilling out. Look how much the stand out from here and am like far away, am going to see them on news or on the papers  thers no way people wouldn't recognize them.Malina stomach growls and she
enters the nearest foodmart to buy a snack. Since she didn't want to sploil her appetite to much since her aunt did cook her favourite food.

Walking throw the the iles she picks up a few snacks with her younger brothers in mind knowing they'll ask her what she brought for them she then procedes to take up two drinks, she heads to the nearest casher which just happens to have only two people. Im taking up all this stuff Malina thinks Do i even have enough money ? she digs in her bag, she digs and searches,

Malina : No.. no.. no no no dont tell me i lost it , did it fall out on the train ? nooo this can't be happening, in a frantic mode she tells the person to skip infront of her the persons bows and thanks her.

Malina empties her bag on the floor and searches throw her stuff ,but theres no sign of her wallet.

The casher finishes cashing the person she let skip infront of her and had already finished cashing her stuff and was bagging it.

Malina : Wait.. I... dont have any money to pay for the things i bought , embarssed and teary eyed she bows and askes the casher to please for give her for the inconvenience.

Casher : What are you apologising for here *Hands her the bag with the stuff she bought*

Malina : Wait ... *Wipes her eyes* i don't have any money .. are you giving me.. it for free ?

Casher : Free ? No the guy before you, paid for you ?

Malina : Paid.. ? For me ?..*points to herself* for me.. are you sure ?

Casher : Yeah don't you guys know each other ?  by the way your friend is very handsome,  blonde hair really suits him

Malina : Blonde hair ? She looks to see if she catches a glimps of the stranger that paid for her but all she saw was the hoodie
and something around his neck

Malina : Wait what about his change ?

Casher : He doesn't have any, he paid the exact amount even before i started cashing it , either he's really good guesser or a geniuse.

Malina : Ah.. yeah... *She takes the bag and proceeds out of the store she looks around to see if she could see him again but hes already long gone*

Malina starts walking heading for her aunt home which isnt too far from the station she opens a pack of snack and begins to eat it, while passing a park she hears music and see a group of people and it catches her attention. she stops and walks into the park getting closer to the crowd she could hear someone rapping as she gets closer she sees that its just not just some one rapping but people dancing.

Street battle she thinks amazing only tv do you see these things, its the first time shes seen and experience a street  battle, there is even an anouncer, the anouncer anounces that its now time for the Three blode Warriors. Malina turns with  out even thinking, she heard blonde and imidately turns to see these 3 blonde warriors, the anouncer was right out of the crowd 3 blonde hair boys wearing caps and jump suits which seems to be stained with paint step out of the crowd. Before they even begin performing you could tell that they were extreamly talented you could just tell by their mer prescence that they mean business and when the began to perform it was mind blowing their ora is amazing you could feel their passion throw their rapping and dancing one of them especial stood out.

suddenly Malina Phone rings before answering it she notices the same hoddy wearing guy who paid for her standing on the other side of the crowd this time his hod was down and you could see his blonde hair.

Malina : Cahser unnie was right he does have blonde hair.. it does look good on him amazing...*answers her phone* Amazing..

Tayin : Amazing ? Hello Unni ! hello ? where are you ? lina unni ? Lina Unniiii !

Malina : Yeh, what is it Tashi ? Why are you shouting ?

Tayin : Unni where are you ? you taking soo long ? Unni !

Malina : I'm in the park just down the street, am watching this street battle thing

Tayin : Street battle ? Oh ! OHHH ! Today is Monday ! Aigoo ! Zelo is suppose to be there today !

Malina : Zel... o ?

*Crowd suddenly starts shouting ZELO ! ZELO ! ZELO ! *

Malina : huh ? Zelo ? ... Tashi ? are u there.. , guess she hung up.

Turns to see who is this elo Person the crowd is shouting for

 (Clean version ^^) *Tyga Rack City Stars playing*
Malina : Waaah ! American music !

A till skin boy step out from the three blonde warriors and starts dancing, the crowd goes crazy, his movements are amazing, malina stands in aw of his talent. His movements move so intime with the beat its crazy its as if he wasn't in control of his movements anymore instead of listening the music and just watching the dance it was the opposite you were watching his dancing more than even listening to the music. The more the crowd screamed the more he brought it, its crazy how you could feel the energy going back and forth  throw the crowd and the dancer.

Crowd Screams : GO ZELO ! GO ZELO !

Tayin *Screams* : ZELOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZELO OPPAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Malina Jumps from Tayins sudden appearence and her loud screams.When did she get here malina thinks.

The song ends and crowd still continues to scream

Announcer : I think its obviose who won here

Crowd screams : Warriors !!!!  Warriors !!!!

Tayin : Warriors !!!! ZELOOO !!!!! OPPAAAAA  !!!!! I LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SARANGHAEYO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OPAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Malina  still in a daze with how mind blowingly awesome that was snapps her self back to reality and check the time on her phone, it says its 5:48pm

Malina : Woah look at the time ! Tashi am going *Malina starts heading to her aunts house leaving Tayin who waited in line to get a pic with the 3 blonde warriors and zelo's autograph*

Malina reachers her aunt house and drops off what she was suppose to and eats the food her aunt made just for her, her cousin Tayin didn't come home till like a whole hour after and Malina was already preparing to leave. She stays alittle longer to talk to Tayin
and then leaves. On her way to the sub station she thinks back to the crazy day shes had and once again trips and falls on the walk.

Stranger behind her gives her a hand and help lift her to her feet and even picks up her bag and hands it to her.

Malina : *bows* Thank you *raises up* huh a jumsuit ?

Stranger : Yeh its a jump suit *laughs*

Too cute Malina thinks his laugh is adorable. She tries to get a look at his face but the way he's wearing his cap it was inpossible for her to see, she still couldn't help but still steer.
Stranger : Are you oka noona ?

Malina : Ah yeah am fine

Another jumsuit wearing boy in the distance shouts Hey !!

Malina and Stranger looks to see someone waving off in the distance

Stranger : Ah i have to go, please watch where your going noona , later.

Malina : Yeh *she watches as the jumpsuit wearing stranger runs off in the distance to meet up with his other jumpsuit wearing friends, the person who paid for her was also there waiting*

Malina : Wah they all have blonde hair She stears as they conversate in the distance and then proceeds to get in a car that seemed to be waiting for them.

Malina reaches the sub station and finally enters the train she searches to see if she saw her wallet but it wasn't there.

Malina : *sigh* its gone for good and i don't think i ll ever get it back, ah well anyong wallet.

Her phone rings, she checks to see the time its 7:30pm she answers it

Malina : Hello

Lina : Lina, hey are you home yet ?

Malina : No am on the train am almost there though, whats up ?

Lina : I heared throw an anonamos source about who will be attending the school !

Malina : Anonymous ? Really Kimli ?  Not that i care but what does your so call anonymous souce say ? who its this time ?

Lina : I heared its either Kai from Exo K or Some one from this group, ah.. what is their name again..umm they are to debuted thou,
they all have blonde hair ah ... ahh.....?

Malina : Blonde.. Hair ? .. it couldn't be

Lina : Yeah blonde , Do u know them ?

Malina : No am just.. *Train stops* i ll talk to u in school tommorow Kimli i have to go now k. *Hangs up*

Malina finally reaches home and during the whole time she replays the all the scences in her head over and over and wonders if they where apart of this new rookie her friend talked about. She a reaches for her laptop to search up blonde hair rookies but instead lays back on her bed. Impossible she thought and quickly falls asleep.  

To be Continued.......


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