Blonde hair Stanger

Zelo my new classmate ?

Malina rushes into class breathless because she actually ran just to catch the bell

*School bell rings*

Malina : Yes !, i made it in time. From the school yard to class 50 seconds flat think
thats a new record.

*The whole class turns around and clears at Malina*

Teacher : Excuse me Miss can you give me  a reason for you interrupting me ?

Malina : Huh ? wait.. what class is this ? *steps out the class to check the sign outside and realises its
class B3 and steps back inside* ah so sorry about that, i thought this was A3 *Bows* Am so sorry
please forgive me teacher.

Teacher : Its oka, now please go on to your correct class, if am not wrong the teacher for A3 hasn't
arrived yet.

Malina : Thanks *Bows again*
* Malina leaves and walks over to A3 which was just before B3, meaning she ran past her correct class*

*Malina enters class and jumps because she was startle by whole class bursting out in laughter*

Malina : Wha.. What ?

Lina : Everyone saw when you went running by the class, i even called out to you but you flew
by so fast *Laughs*

Malina : Your kidding me ?

Classmate Kang Jihoo : Yeah we did see you Ma noona and Lina did call out to you.

Class nods in agreement

Classmate Choi Ryu Teases Malina: For a class representative noona you sure do come late often, aren't you suppose
to be here before everyone ?

Malina makes a fist and shakes it in Ryu direction: You wanna say that again.

Ryu : Apprently your not just incapable of getting here on time but your def too.

Malina : What ?....... Stears at Ryu seriously and starts to approch him.

*Teacher sudenly comes into class and Malina stoppes and rushes over to her seat quickly*
Teacher : I saw that Malina, your late again aren't you ?, and treaterning classmates aren't you the class rep your suppose
to show your fellow classmates warmth and love not anger and aggression.

Ryu : I agree teach !

Malina looks over to Ryu and gives him the am watching you hand gesture
Ryu replies with the same hand gesture
Malina makes the your dead hand gesture

Teacher : Malina !

Malina : Yes teach

Teacher : Plaese meet me in my office later i think we need to have a talk

*Class laughs*
Teacher : Oka settle down class, How was everyones summer vacation ?


Teacher : Don't know about you guys but i had an AH.. Mazing summer ! , just being away from you guys.. hmmm trust me it
 was a great thing on its own very relaxing, veery relaxing indeed.

*Class Laughs*

Teacher : You guys think am joking huh ? anyway all jokes aside hope you guys had a relaxing summer vacation and are ready for this new semester.

Oh before i forget i have some good news and bad news for your guys, which one do you guys want first ?

Majority of the class shouts out Good News 1st then Bad news

Teacher : You guys sure ? What say you Miss Class Rep ?
Malina : Bad news first then Good news

Teacher : Oka the Bad news is that Lee Taemin would no longer be attending the shcool

All the girls in class*AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Noo ! Why ?! WHYYY ?!*

Teacher: Yes i know were all so sad but Shinee's has an up coming world tour and
he has to practice and would be travel around world for a year to perform in different countries
to spread Kpop and cheer to the world and well for their foreign fans off course.  

Classmate Kwon Yuri: But we didn't even get to say good bye

All the girls in class shout in agrement : Yeah !

Classmate Chan Rinri : Why didn't he tell us before ?

 All the girls in class shout in agrement : Yeah ! Why ?!

Teacher : Clam down he was only told during summer vacation and he personally told me he'll come see you guys and spend sometime with you before he leaves okay

So nobody destroy anything or do anything crazy oka.

*Girls in Class cheers*

Teacher : Alright settle down now you guys are being to loud.

Malina : Was that the Good news and bad news all in one ?

Teacher : Yeah but i still have just one more announcement.

*School bell rings for class to start*

Teacher : Okay i ll tell you guys later on in the day

Class : NOO !! *chants* Tell Us ! Tell Us ! Tell Us !

Teacher : Okay Okay , Its hasn't been confirmed as yet if it will be our class or not but we ll be geting in a new celeb student this year.
 Not sure who he or she is; you ll guys will have to wait to find out.


Some Boys in class : Hope its a girl this time

Some girls in class : No ! It has to be a boy !

*school starts and ends*

Lina : Hey Lina lets walk home together

Malina : I ll walk you home but i have to go over to aunt on the other side of town k.

Lina : Oka KimLi Understands *pout blink blink*

Malina :......

Lina:  *laughs* i ll stop now .

*Malina drops of her friend at her home and is now heading to the subway*

*On the way she spaces out and trips on the incline on the street that she didn't see, luckly some catches her and she looks up to
see who it is and to her suprise its a handsome blonde hair boy. Both suprise and embarrassed she says sorry*

Blonde hair stranger : Sorry ?

Malina: Ah ...yes.. ah.. thank you, am sorry *she quickly rushes off not before glancing back to quickly see him standing puzzeled and
smiling as he looks at her in the distance*

Malina : How embarassing, argh am so stupid, i need to concentrate where am going.

* She reaches the sub station while wating for the train, she thinks back to the blonde stranger that saved her before.
So handsome she thinks to her self, i ve never seen anyone like him before when he looked at me directly in
the eyes for a second i couldn't breathe and my heart stopped she shakes her head why can't i stop think about him*

*The announcer announces that the train is approaching, people start pushing and rushing, Malina in a daze standing
in the front row is push to the endge of the track and she begins to fall over into the track where the train is quickly

Malina still in a daze thinking : Am.. am.. falling... good.. maybe... i ll .. see.. him..again...

Just before she was about to fully fall onto the track where the train was approaching a hand reaches out and graps her, the person pulls
her to his chest, the train passes (VOSH !) the sudden blast of wind brings her back fully to her senses and it registers in her brain that
she was just about to be hit by a train,  and she lets long scream and emindiately begins to crying, she didn't mean to but she was
so shock and scared that her body just reacted on its own. The person holds her tighter only then she relases that someone was holding
her, she didn't care she just really need someone to comfort her so that she could calm down. She holds him tighter so tight she could
hear his heat beat, its so so calm she thinks it relaxs her. It seemed liked forever that they were holding each other, like time
had personly stopped for them but truely it wasn't more than 2minutes.

Before she could even thank him or get a clear look at him he quickly turns her around away from him to face the train
which was almost full and left, she turn back to see who it was but all she saw was blonde hair . Another Blonde hair guy she thought
still in a slitght daze with what just happen she snaps her self back to reality and finally enters the train and
manages to get the last seat.

Was it the same blonde hair guy that i met on the street she thought no this one seemed different he was definately taller she thought

*Her phone vibrates its a incoming message from her cousin Lee Tayin*
*The message reads*

*Hey ! 8D Lina unni are you still comming ? If yes, My mom cook Your favourite ;)
if no : ( then your loss i ll just have to eat all my self ;D*

Malina: Oh its Tashi

*Malina texs back: Yeah am coming am actually on the sub way on my way there *

*Tayin texts back : Oka am waiting unni X3 *

Malina yawns why do i feel so sleepy ? checks the time its only been 15 minutes since she been on the train, oka i still have 35 minutes
to go whopie, sigh..i know i probarly shouldn't sleep *yawns again* , but am so tired she begins to close her eyes and she eventually falls asleep
unconsciously leans on the stranger next to her shoulder..

To Be continued....


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What B.A.P members you think she met , who when and where comment and let me know you just might be right ^^

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