
A Night to Die For


It was early, the sun just barely reaching over the horizon as Jiyong lay prone on his bed. Maybe it was the fact that he had been up for the whole night, but he could feel right in that moment that today would be absolutely dreadful. Being the son of a multi-billionaire sounded like fun, right?

Wrong. It was more like torture, Jiyong thought bitterly as he made his way around his apartment. Ever since his father's business had taken off, Jiyong had heard nothing but his father’s own paranoia. 'Stay indoors, Jiyong.' 'Be careful, Jiyong, they only want to be your friends because of your money.' 'Don't trust strangers, Jiyong, they are only looking out for themselves.'

A rather loud 'beep' echoed through the empty apartment, and Jiyong found himself practically running to his computer. It had been a few weeks since his father’s constant paranoia had rendered him completely shut off from real outside world connection, so in an act of desperation, Jiyong had found himself joining an online dating site.

Despite the early hour, Jiyong could only hope that T.O.P, the guy he had met two weeks previously, was actually messaging him and not some weird creep. A smile tugged at his delicate lips as he opened up the chat window, finding a message from the only person he wanted to talk to right now.


                T.O.P : I know it's really early and you're probably still asleep, but message me back when you get this.

                G.Dragon : Haha, No, I'm awake. What's up?

                T.O.P : Why are you up so early? O-O

                G.Dragon : The real question is why are you? (I couldn't sleep last night)

                T.O.P : Touché. (Neither could I.)

                G.Dragon : So what's up?

                T.O.P : Oh... Well...

                G.Dragon : ... well?

                T.O.P : I was thinking.. and...

                G.Dragon : Yeah?

                T.O.P : I want to meet you... like, face to face.

                G.Dragon : That... would be really awesome.

                T.O.P : How about this weekend?

                G.Dragon : That soon? O.O

                T.O.P : If you want to? We don't have to...

                G.Dragon : No, no I really want to... This weekend then?

                T.O.P : How about we meet at the movie theaters?

                G.Dragon : That sounds like a plan... how will I know how to find you though?

                T.O.P : Uhm, I have blue hair?

                G.Dragon : Haha, that is awesome... So movie theaters, look for the guy with the blue hair... what time?

                T.O.P : Noon?

                G.Dragon : Noon it is :)

                T.O.P : See you then, GD

                G.Dragon : See you then, TOP :)


And just like that, it was done. That was it. That was all it took. Thoughts raced around Jiyong's head as excitement bubbled up in his chest. Flinging himself from his chair, Jiyong grabbed his phone and was dialing before his thoughts really caught up to his actions. "Youngbae!! I need help, please, please, please!!"

Jiyong knew he was lucky, and fortunate enough to have a friend as good as Youngbae. They had practically grown up together, and despite the increase in his net worth when his father had hit it big, Youngbae was still there for him, treating him no different. The second the doorbell rang, Jiyong found himself running to the door, instantly throwing his arms around his friend’s neck, "Omo! You won't believe this!! C'mon c'mon c'mon! I have so much to tell you!!"

Jiyong was sure that, if it were possible, by this point he would have talked Youngbae’s ears right off. But even with the onslaught of nonstop talking, his friend continued to go through ever last article of clothing in Jiyong’s expansive collection.

After an exhilarating five and a half hours, Youngbae finally voiced the question that had been on the tip of his tongue the whole time he had been with Jiyong. “So… Jiyong… When do I get to meet her?”

Jiyong froze up as Youngbae’s question washed over him. As amazing of a friend the other was and despite the fact that they generally told each other everything, Jiyong still had his own secrets. With a deep inhale of breath, he racked his brain for a way to answer Youngbae’s question.

There was only one way.


“You’ve been on your feet for so long now, Youngbae… you should go sit down for a little while.” Jiyong said, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he worked through the idea forming in his head.

Youngbae raised an eyebrow in question, “Uh… Why-“

“Just go!” Jiyong said with an exasperated sigh as he pushed his friend out of the closet so that he could collect his thoughts and recompose himself. He never thought that he’d actually have to tell his best friend the dark secret he held within in such a manor, but… it was now or never.

Youngbae reluctantly sat on the Jiyong’s pristine, perfectly made bed, watching the doorway as Jiyong took a moment for himself. With a deep breath and a dramatic sweep of his arms, Jiyong stepped out of the closet.

“I’m out!” he said, a light smile tugging at his face as Youngbae continued to stare blankly at him.

“Ohhkay…” Youngbae said slowly, “And this means….?”

“You know… I’m out!” Jiyong said, motioning back to the closet before pointing to the ground he stood on.

“Well, yeah, you’re out of the closet—ohh!” Youngbae jumped up as it hit him, “Dude! I knew about that this whole time!”

“Oh hush, no you did not!” Jiyong laughed, accepting the hug as Youngbae walked over to him. “It’s not like I hit on you or anything.... yet~” He gave his best friend a joking wink as Youngbae punched him the shoulder lightly.

“Alright... Let’s finish finding you that outfit now...” Youngbae said. “After all, we can’t keep your man waiting all night!”

“What? No! The date isn’t until this weekend...” Jiyong said as he followed Youngbae into the closet once more.

“Seriously, Jiyong?” Youngbae laughed, shaking his head as they began to sort through the clothes.

Even after Youngbae had left, Jiyong couldn’t get rid of the smile that seemed permanently attached to his face as he fluttered around the house in a flurry of excitement and excess energy. He’d checked his computer multiple times throughout the day, hoping for some sort of message from T.O.P, but the chat window remained bare. Figuring that the other male was just simply busy (as not everyone had the sort of spare time Jiyong did), the blonde shrugged it off and didn’t give the possibilities of meeting this ominous blue-haired man a second thought.


Jiyong rolled over lazily with a heavy hum as he tried to find a comfortable position once more on his fluffy bed. It took him a good, long five minutes before his mind clicked into action and his eyes snapped open, staring at the luminous alarm clock next to his bed.


The covers were tossed haphazardly as Jiyong flew from the bed, grabbing his night pants from the ground and pulling them up and over his boxers as he ran from his room to the bathroom in a hast to begin getting ready for the day. Curses flew from his mouth faster than a leaky faucet as he realized the short 45 minutes he had to get ready for the date. He barely gave the water time to heat up before he was stripping down and climbing in, letting his hair soak as he squirted the shampoo into his hands.

He’d surprised himself after managing to cut down his usual forty minute showers down to five minutes flat. His towel was slipping from around his waist as he left watery footprints all over his floor as he rushed about to find the clothes that he and Youngbae had picked out.

Thirty minutes to go, and he still had to fix his hair.

, I’m going to be late. Jiyong inwardly groaned as he took up his usual spot in front of the mirror and began to style his hair, deciding to go for a simple, every day relaxed look. He pouted as he stared at his reflection before looking down at his watch. It’d have to do.

Jiyong grabbed his phone and wallet, shoving them into his pocket as he pushed his feet into his shoes, hopping on one foot as he fixed the back heel of the sneaker while shutting and locking the door behind him. His phone buzzed with a notification from the mobile app of the online dating side. Jiyong barely gave it a passing glance as he read over the short preview of T.O.P’s message, letting him know that he was already at the movie theater.

He was at a loss of how to reply, what to say with their meeting so close. So instead, he picked up the pace and swiftly speed walked the three blocks to the local movie theater, thanking the heavens for the cool weather so that he didn’t break a sweat.

His hands were shaking by the time he reached for the handles of the entrance doors, the cool, refreshing air from the AC units washing over him as he took a step inside. His mouth felt dry as he looked around at all the families and couples milling about in the main lobby. His eyes scan over the crowds as his heart thuds against his ribcage, the mysterious and apparently blue haired male was nowhere to be seen. Unable to hold down the nervousness that is still churning in his stomach, Jiyong makes his way to the men’s restroom, going straight to the sink and wetting his hands with cool water, dabbing it on his cheeks as to not ruin his eyeliner that he had worked carefully on making perfect. He grabbed a handful of the rough paper towels and carefully patted off his skin as he stared at his reflection. “C’mon Ji… You can do this… stop being such a wimp.” He mumbled to himself as he tossed the paper towels into the trashcan as he shoved open the door.

Of course, Jiyong’s luck had it that just as he stepped out, someone was going to head in and the young blonde ran smack dab into their chest, his hands flying up to keep himself from falling over. “Sorry!!” He looks up to see just who he managed to run into when his heart all but stops. Needless to say, for once in his life, Jiyong felt completely speechless. Hopefully, there wasn’t too many blue haired men in Korea, because, he defiantly wanted this one.

“T…T.O.P?” he asked carefully, his voice coming out way softer than expected as his heart beat continued to thud against his ribcage.

“Well, actually, the name is Seunghyun, but… yeah… I’m T.O.P…” His smile was warm and friendly as he rubbed the back of his neck in apparent nervousness, “I’m really hoping that you are G.Dragon?”

Jiyong could feel his cheeks burning a deep red as he nodded, “Y… yeah… You can call me Jiyong though…” He said, returning the smile as they stepped away from the men’s restroom door so that they weren’t blocking the way for other people. “U…uh… Shall we?”

Seunghyun nodded and fell into step next to Jiyong as they headed first to the front counter to get their tickets.

“What movie do you want to see?”

“Anything but a chick flick…” Jiyong said jokingly as Seunghyun nodded in agreement. They decided on a random, comedy romance and after getting the tickets, purchased to separate drinks and a bucket of popcorn to share. They chose their seats, trying to get as close to the middle as possible.

As the previews played, they found themselves just talking about nothing, joking and trying to make the other laugh. Several times, they were forced to apologize to the other movie goers as they were shushed for being loud. Overall, the mood was good. Jiyong couldn’t help the girlish grin and flush of red that was spread across his face every time he would reach for popcorn and his hand would brush against Seunghyun’s.

And when Seunghyun pretended to yawn and stretch out his arms before draping one lightly around Jiyong’s shoulders, the blonde felt that he might actually have a heart attack.

Jiyong was sad by the time the movie ended, he wasn’t ready for the date to end.

As they walked in silence out of the dim theater and into the bright lights of the outside world, Seunghyun seemed to grow nervous, rubbing the back of his neck, “Hey... Jiyong... I really don’t want to sound weird, or... make  you uncomfortable... but...” He paused before blurting out his request, “But, uh, would you like to come back to my place...” The blue-haired man’s cheeks turned a bright and vivid pink as he quickly waved his hands as if to erase his sentence, “Uh.. I mean, hang out with me... like... maybe have a drink or something, that is if you want to...”

Jiyong couldn’t help but giggle as he nodded, “Yeah... I’d like that.”


With each step towards Seunghyun’s home, Jiyong couldn’t help the nervous anticipation that churned in his stomach.

Where is this going to lead to?

What if he just thinks I’m easy?

Oh god, what if I move to fast? Will he think I’m some sort of erted freak?

... What if I actually start to fall for him?

Seunghyun cleared his throat awkwardly, pulling Jiyong from his spiraling thoughts, “We’re here...” he said, smiling just a little as he let Jiyong into the apartment complex and to the shiny doors of the elevator.

Once they were alone and moving up to the floor that Seunghyun’s apartment was on, the blue-haired man spoke up, “So... uh... you mentioned before that you live with your dad... what is it he does?” he asked somewhat awkwardly.

“Uhm, yeah...” Jiyong looked to his feet, a bit embarrassed to go on. “Uhm, well, he’s a CEO of a major corporation...” He mumbled, his cheeks going red as Seunghyun patently waited for him to go on. Jiyong puffed out his cheeks with a heavy sigh, “He’s just... not around anymore. I feel like he doesn’t even know I exist half the time... You’d think with the kind of power he has, he could give himself a day off once in a while to hang out with his only son.” He laughed bitterly.

Needless to say, Jiyong was sure he was blushing once more in surprise as Seunghyun shifted over just a little and put his arm around Jiyong’s shoulder and pulled him into a side hug, “Well... he’s a bastard for not paying attention to you then...” He said, smiling as Jiyong continued to blush. The elevator dinged softly, and Seunghyun led Jiyong out and into the hallway to the door to his flat.

Jiyong’s jaw would have hit the floor had that been physically possible as he looked at the interior of the fancy apartment. The décor truly was amazing, the gleaming white surfaces spotless and elegant. “W...whoa...” His voice was quiet, as though he were afraid just the slightest sound would ruin the otherwise perfectly spotless furniture.

“S... sorry... I’ve just always had a thing for white rooms...” Seunghyun said as he took off his shoes at the front door, waiting for Jiyong to do the same as they headed further into the apartment, “Can I offer you a glass of wine?” he asked as they headed to sit on the couch.

“Aren’t you scared of spilling it?”

Seunghyun laughed lightly, “I’ve cleaned up worse stains then a little bit of wine...”

Jiyong smiled softly, “alright then, if you insist.”

Seunghyun smiled, getting up and going to the cabinet that was set into the entertainment center, pulling out two sparkling clear glasses before ducking down and taking his time to choose between the collection of wine he had.

He walked back over after a minute and set down the glasses, pouring a generous amount into both. “I want you to see something...” he said with a light smile before running his finger gently around the edge of the glass, smiling as it created a higher pitched whistle.

“Crystal?” Jiyong asked, leaning forward with a smile.

Seunghyun nodded, looking up at Jiyong as he leaned away from the glass. The space between them was smaller than expected as they shared air. Jiyong wasn’t sure who had leaned forward first, but soon Seunghyun’s hand was at the back of his neck as their lips sealed together perfectly. The kiss was soft, and Jiyong found himself wanting more as he slowly brought his hands up to Seunghyun’s chest, pushing them slowly up to wrap his arms around the others neck in hopes to deepen the kiss.

Before he could really get into the kiss, Seunghyun pulled away, taking quick breaths as their heart rates accelerated to the same tune. “S...Sorry... I just...”

Jiyong shook his head, reaching for his wine glass before downing half of it rather quickly, he didn’t even mind the burn of the alcohol in the back of his throat as his lips still tingled from the kiss. “It’s fine... I liked it.” He admitted, his cheeks burning a dark red.

“No. It was to forward... I can’t afford to get attached. Not now.” Seunghyun looked from the glass of red wine in Jiyong’s hand before standing up abruptly.

“What do you mean...” Jiyong stood to his feet to match Seunghyun’s stare. The wine glass tumbled from his hand, bouncing slightly against the once pure couch as the rest of the contents spilled out onto the soft material and splashed onto the floor, the white hungrily soaking up the red coloring. Jiyong’s whole body felt over heated, and so cold at the same time as his knees began to buckle beneath him. He fell to his knees as he stared up at Seunghyun in both fear and confusion.

“This is just the way it is.” Seunghyun said softly as Jiyong felt the rest of the way to the floor. The blonde’s breath was coming out in sharp, rasping gasps as his heart failed him. Seunghyun smiled gentle as he reached down and moved the dying boy from the ground back to the couch, gently brushing his bangs from his eyes as Jiyong continued to stare up at him, pleading... begging. “I’m sorry.” Seunghyun repeated. Seunghyun sighed softly as the terrible rasping noises finally stopped and he leaned forward, pressing the gentlest of kisses to Jiyong’s already chilled cheek. “Good-bye, Kwon Jiyong. It really was a pleasure meeting you... but it was never meant to be.” Seunghyun pulled back, staring into the lifeless eyes that stared back, “Maybe... if things had been different...” he smiled sadly before standing up and turning away from Jiyong and pulled out his cell phone, hitting the number 2 speed dial, “The job is done. The subject is no longer breathing.” Seunghyun said with a soft sigh.

It wasn’t the first time he’d been sent out to kill the sons of wealthy men in power, but it was the first time the misery and pure regret over what he had done actually made itself known in his chest. He glanced back at the motionless figure, schooling his features. It had merely been a job, that was all. Seunghyun leaned forward, kissing Jiyong one last time on the lips before standing up straight. He ignores the single tear that escaped his strong bravado as he walked away.

The door clicked shut behind Seunghyun, and not once, did he look back.

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Getting ready to update! My Unni?Oppa is the best! I love my confused older sibling!


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vododoll #1
Chapter 1: Whaaaat , top you !! Aaaah please author update what happened to jiji updateeeee
hmm...I didn't really pay attention to the title so I wasn't prepared for the ending. I usually never do...hmm maybe I should change that...

Keep writing ;)
sweets123 #3
Alrigth guys! You have left me thinking, and i have been plotting a sequal all day! So part two should be up in a few days, Or tomorrow if tonight goes well, i am also startoing a 100 challenge so i'll need ideas! Thank you for all the comments! It means alot! <3
Should i expect an update since it's not marked as complete?

This was really good by the way. I knew Seunghyun was going to kill Ji it was obvious from the title and then when he asked him to go to his apartment. But still... You broke my otp and that's unforgiveable. *pouts* so i do expect an update to fix what you have broken.
Chapter 1: Whoa, okay, that was not what I was expecting, but... I love the twist!
Chapter 1: I love it.

This is supposed to be a oneshot, right?
Chapter 1: that was really good...but it's not the end right? Ji can't be dead, u will continue with the story cut it has so much potential to grow...ty
Chapter 1: I knew that cause of the title that something wasn't 'right' in the story (as in the fluffy date and all), and I was still surprised a little when Jiyong was killed T.T But I loved it, great work.
i cant wait to know what would happen next tho ~~ how will this story unveil itself .. ^^