New Friend

Changing My Childhood Friend {Hiatus}

When the bell rang, everyone went out of the classroom and rushing to the lunchroom.

"Yah you nerd, switch seat with me. You don't deserve to sit next to my Luhan oppa." The queenka said to Eun Mi.

Eun Mi nodded her head slowly but the queenka didn't seem to notice.

"Answer me. You make me want to slap you." The queenka raised her hand ready to slap Eun Mi when a hand stopped her.

"Leave her alone. If you don't, say goodbye to your popularity." The person said.

"Who do you think you...oh,we'll leave." The queenka quickly replied.

"Your okay?" The person asked.

"Yea. Thanks." Eun Mi replied.

"No problem. By the way, I'm Sammy." The person introduce.

"I'm Eun Mi."

"What was that about?" Sammy asked.

"That queenka wants to change seat with me because that new student sit next to me." Eun Mi replied.

"Oh. I see. She think Luhan will fall for her if she flirt with him. Like that will happen." Sammy said to herself.

"What do you mean when you said if they don't leave me alone they will have to say goodbye to their popularity?" Eun Mi asked.

"Well, let's just say my dad owns this school. I'm hungry. Let go to the cafeteria." Sammy told Eun Mi.


The both of them went to the cafeteria and ate their lunch. Afterward, the bell ring and everyone went back to their class.

"So what do you have next period?" Sammy asked.

"History." Eun Mi replied.

"Me too. Let's go together." Sammy said.

They both went to their history class and sat at the back of the classroom. Then, their teacher came in.

"Class, we are going to take a test so put away your stuff and take out a pen or pencil." Mr.Kwon told the class.

The student groan as they put their things away. Then, Mr.Kwon pass out the test.

"You have this whole period to finish the test. You can begin now."

The class begin to do the test. After 30 minute of doing the test, Eun Mi and Sammy both finished. Since they finished, Mr.Kwon let them leave first since it was the last period of the day. Finally get to go home. Eun Mi though to herself. Then she said goodbye to Sammy and went home. She was one block away from her house when suddenly she bump into something or more like someone.


Author's note: sorry for taking so long to update. I didn't know how to write the bullying part so that part is really bad. Again sorry for updating very slowly.

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exoshidae32 #1
Chapter 5: Oh pls pls pls update soon ^_^ JEBAL
JungYoonji #2
Chapter 5: Update soon please i love your story ♥
Fangirl123 #3
Chapter 4: Soooo good! Update soon
Chapter 4: Well that means before he knew she was his childhood friend he thought she was cute? XD
Chapter 4: so far so good. update soon <3
AuroraBlue #6
Chapter 4: Update soon!
Puppydog #7
Chapter 1: good so far update ^^