Invisible love
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Eunhyuk glanced down at his watch, noting how slowed the time passed. He had been standing awkwardly there, alone, in the middle of the living room, for some quite time, but the person he had been waiting for still didn’t appear. Finally that day has come; he's about to Donghae to his mother’s party. He can’t believe how he felt strangely excited to attend and too thrilled thinking about the outcome of this fateful meeting.

At the time being, Eunhyuk couldn’t wait for Donghae to arrive, feeling anxious because of waiting. He too cannot contained himself from looking at the mirror to make sure that his was dressed up nicely  according to the party’s dress code as he’s being told.

Just as he started thinking about how to act up his character soon, his phone rang, receiving a text message. Immediately, he walked off to the elevator as he doesn’t want the other to wait for him for too long and causing them to be the party pooper for their lateness.

Once he stepped outside the building, the same red Ferrari greeted his sightline. At his appearance, the door of the red Ferrari opened. Still uncertain,  Eunhyuk didn’t move from his spot until the familiar smile of Donghae met him as he stepped out of the car.

“What are you doing? Let’s go.” He shouted, waking Eunhyuk up from his daydream. He then quickly joined Donghae, taking a sit at the passenger seat. The moment the door shut, the red Ferrari sped off on the road to the party. The night of truth; the night to present their relationship to Donghae’s mother finally gonna starts. And the journey that full of silence towards the party seems so quick to him when the car suddenly came to a stop, clearly they had arrived at the location.

Donghae quickly jumped out of the car, saying something to the chauffeur before he went to the passenger side. Eunhyuk too jumped out of the car after managing his nervousness and became little bit calmed. The car also was brought away the moment after.

Donghae was already standing on the steps, while he was still unsure about his own decision on agreeing to come to this party. Maybe he should think twice before agreed. Maybe he still needs time before meeting Donghae’s mother.

“Now…” Eunhyuk snapped out of his daydream as Donghae is back beside him again. “… I’m not too sure what’s going to happen in there, so please, be patient with everything that might happen.” Eunhyuk nodded, understand. He cannot take back his words now. At those, Donghae half smiled and thread Eunhyuk’s arm through his own. “Thank again for helping me.” He heard that whisper as they made their way inside.

At the luxuriousness of the setting, Eunhyuk could not help but being mesmerized and overwhelmed by it, despite his nervousness from earlier. No wonder Donghae could offer such a large sum of money for this job, maybe to him that was probably a cheap expense.

Eunhyuk suddenly inched his face close to Donghae’s own, “This is really a fancy party. What to do? I don’t know what to do.” He whispered to him, panicky seemed attacked his nerves again.

Donghae chuckled at him, whispering back, “Just stay by my side. Then be yourself.”

Eunhyuk smiled awkwardly, looking around at all the people gathered there. There were hundreds of people milling about the place,  all of them seemed older by several years at least than Donghae and Eunhyuk himself. “Are we expected to go and talk to all of these people?” Eunhyuk queried, making sure to sidle slightly closer to Donghae as he noticed the looks the people gave to them.

“No, they are all my mother’s friends. We just came to talk to my mother, represent her our relationship.”

“In front all of this peoples?”

“My mother will make sure that’s not gonna happened. I’m sure the moment she saw us here, she will chase everyone out or drag us into a deserted room so nobody would hear us.”

“I’m sorry, Donghae… but how can that happen when this is the first time we are going to tell her about us. She might think that I’m just your friend before that happen.”

“She definitely will understand when she knows that I’m attending her party… because I never attended any of her party except for once when I want to represent her my relationship with EunAe. Also, I have given her some hints about us.”

“You have?” Eunhyuk yelped, his gaze finally returned to the man he’s talking with.

“Yes… and now I’m just going to show her how serious I am.”

“So then maybe we should go looking for her?” Eunhyuk queried, while eyeing around. The stares peoples thrown to them made him uncomfortable, the way they looked at them as if he was some kind of alien therefore causing him to let out such a nonsense suggestion. Maybe it’s better facing the iron lady than facing all these judging eyes.

“No need. She eventually will just find us at her discretion.” Donghae told him simply, didn’t bother with the stares as he was so used to it.

“Till then, what should we do?” Eunhyuk fidgeting anxiously beside Donghae, this high class party is really making him uncomfortable.

“Let’s have some drink.” Donghae suggested, noted at the uneasy  feeling Eunhyuk was suffering about.

“Um… yeah… maybe we should….” Eunhyuk nodded, before quickly following Donghae towards the buffet desks. “What do you usually do at parties like these?” He inquired again as taking some bite of fruits as he doesn’t want to let the silence creep in between them even though there’s one slow music played at the background.

“Usually…. I came for 5 minutes then I fled .” Donghae told him bluntly.

“So, you don’t like to party?”

“Not really. Only parties like this.”

“High classes?”

“And parties for oldest.” They both chuckles at that said.

“Then, do you want to do something unusual?”

Donghae looked at him, unsure what Eunhyuk mean with that question, “Like what?”

“Till your mother find us, let’s scoping the place out.” Eunhyuk placed the plate at his hand back on the table, only to grab Donghae’s wrist, dragging him down a wide corridor, filled with people. “Since this going to be my first and last time attended a high class party like this, therefore I’m just curious of how far back the rooms e

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Chapter 5: OMG so interest!!! I'm new reader :D. I love you story.. Please keep to write it ?? Hwaitiinggg!!!! I can't wait for next chap
Chapter 5: oh please continue this story, i love it so far :)
dont take it personally abt the unsubscriber, you did had a loyal readers tho ^^

well, im curious, when will hyuk be hae true love ? :)
keep writing, fighting ^^
257471 #3
Chapter 5: really curious about what's gonna happen next...
please continue this story, thanks :)
Chapter 5: I'm just curious if Hae's girlfriend really want to be with him or what Hae's mom said is true, which is she is a gold-digger.
Hae's mom was so furious and kind of pathetic because she said she regret gave birth to Hae.
Luckily Hyuk was there beside Hae and Hae can feel someone is by his side. He's not alone thou.
nevergrowingup #5
Chapter 5: Is it wrong for me to hope that Hae's mom will actually like eunhyuk for donghae like for real as the story goes on?? LOL i'm hoping for the impossible! XD

thank you for the update!! and Hyuk, just stay strong :)
koutaroux #6
Chapter 5: Hyuk, that was kind of daring... I don't like Hae's mum, why is she like that?
Thanks for the update♥
Chapter 5: love hyukkie's character here, he was so brave, hope hae's girlfriend will cope up with hyukkie's new role as her friend kkk cant wait until they meet up.
Chapter 5: You go Hyuk! Tell that old hag about herself!!

This story is gonna turn upside down for these two and I cant wait xD Nice update! Hope to see another soon^^
pinkapple04 #9
Chapter 5: WOW things are heating up! please update soon^^
New reader here :)