
[One Shots!] [Apply please!]

This is a request from Sarapyon. Enjoy!


Sangrae reached back and swiftly tied the smock around her waist. The distant sound of laughing students could be heard through the windows. She smiled to herself as the sunlight filtered in through the glass.

Just as she picked up her brush, a slam interrupted her silence, causing her to jump. She looked past her canvas and studied the student lying underneath a pile of easels. Her eyes widened when a groan escaped his lips.

“Omo, are you okay?” she asked, rushing to help him. She held her hand out and lifted him from the floor.

“Sorry about that,” he mumbled sheepishly. “Do you mind if I hide in here for a while? Those girls are crazy.”

Sangrae stared at him before noticing the mess on the floor. “You can stay if you put these back,” she said, motioning towards the fallen easels. “I don’t want to clean up after you.”

Her footsteps echoed as she made her way back to her canvas. All sounds became invisible as she lost herself in her own world. Feathers of color bled from her brush, releasing her emotions onto the blank canvas. The soft shuffling of the other student returned to her as she cleaned her brush.

“So, do you come here every day?” asked the other student.

Sangrae nodded silently before emptying the cup of muddy water. She silently refilled it and walked back to her canvas.

“You don’t talk much, do you?” he asked.

Sangrae didn’t reply as she resumed painting. She saw him slowly shuffle towards her out of the corner of my eye.

“Don’t you think they’re gone now? The people you’re hiding from,” she asked.

“Oh, um, well they’re very persistent. I think it might be safer to stay a little longer. If you don’t mind, that is,” he replied.

“Suit yourself,” she murmured as she busied herself once again.

They sat in silence as she continued to paint. Sangrae could feel his eyes watching her, studying her, but she said nothing.

“My name’s Lee Kiseop,” he said.

“That’s nice, though I already knew that. We’re in the same class,” she answered.

“We are?” Kiseop asked. He scrunched his eyebrows together as he tried to remember her face.

“Yeah, I sit in the back corner by the window,” she said, slightly annoyed.

“Oh, well what’s your name?” he asked.

“You’re not gonna leave me alone, are you?” she asked. “Park Sangrae.”

“Park Yoochun’s little sister?” he asked with interest.

“Yeah. How do you know him?”

“He played on the soccer team, right? I used to play on the same team.”

“Really?” she asked as she cleaned up her table.

“Yeah, he was pretty cool. How is he doing these days?”

Sangrae gathered her brushes and started drying them. “He’s doing well, I guess. He’s studying hard to become a doctor.”

“Cool,” commented Kiseop as he watched her carefully dry each brush. “What about you? What are you planning on doing after getting out of here?”

Her hands paused slightly as his question reached his ears. “I’m not sure. I want to go on to art school, but I don’t think my work is good enough,” she answered, throwing a sheet over her canvas.

“Are you leaving now?” Kiseop asked. “I’ll walk with you.”

Sangrae kept her protest in. Though she felt it unnecessary, her brother would greatly appreciate it.

His visits became routine, as he frequented the art room to hide from his unwanted entourage. Sangrae opened up to him, and they chatted comfortably. Eventually, he accompanied her straight to the art room, earning a few harsh glares from the other girls in the hall.

“Did you see the look on Mina’s face?” laughed Kiseop. “It was priceless!”

Sangrae shook her head in amusement as she walked towards the supply cabinet. She gathered her materials, unaware of Kiseop’s advancing form. Tubes of paint fell from her arms as she ran into his chest and lost her balance.

He caught her in his arms as she lost her footing. “Sorry about that, I just thought you might want some help,” he said quietly.

She felt her cheeks flush when she felt the low rumble in his chest as he spoke. “Well, I do now,” she mumbled.

“I have a surprise for you,” Kiseop announced, placing her paint tubes on the table. He rushed to the other side of the room and dug through his bag.

Sangrae watched curiously as he rummaged around. “Close your eyes,” he ordered.

She could feel him stop in front of her. “Can I open my eyes now?” she asked.

“If you want,” he replied.

Her eyes opened to find a small bowl of ice cream in his hands. “Happy birthday!” he exclaimed. Sangrae laughed lightly as she took the bowl from his hands.

“When did you get this?” she asked.

“That, my dear, is a secret,” Kiseop answered. “I also have this for you,” he said, producing a small yellow present in his other hand.

“What is it?” she asked curiously.

“Open it,” he replied.

Sangrae’s eyes lit up at the sight of its contents. Inside sat a set of colored pencils and a sketchpad. “Thank you!” she exclaimed, throwing her arms around his neck.

Kiseop smiled at her reaction, overjoyed at their current position.


Sangrae had left to finish her class leader duties before heading to the art room, leaving Kiseop to himself. He slowly paced towards the familiar door as he waited for her arrival. The scratch of the sliding door interrupted the silence that filled the hall as he stepped inside.

His curiosity claimed his heart as he walked towards her canvas. She had been working on a new painting, but refused to let him see it. His hands carefully pulled away the cloth that covered her masterpiece.

He stared at the canvas, surprised at what colored it. It was a painting of him staring out the window. The emotion reflected in his painted eyes took his breath away. Kiseop jumped as the sound of the opening door brought him back to reality.

Sangrae stood frozen to the spot as she saw Kiseop in front of her canvas. A wave of embarrassment washed over her as she stumbled back towards the door.

“Sangrae!” Kiseop called as he raced after her. “Sangrae, wait!”

He reached for her arm and pulled her back to him. Short pants escaped his lips as he caught his breath. “Why are you running from me?” he asked.

Sangrae didn’t reply. She stared at her feet, unsure of how to respond. “You were looking at my painting,” she stated.

“Is that it?” he laughed. “You were embarrassed weren’t you?”

Sangrae hit him lightly as she tried to free her arm from his grasp.

“It was beautiful you know. Not to be vain or anything, but it was amazing. I could feel the emotion as I looked at it,” he said. “Sangrae, look at me will you?”

She stopped struggling and lifted her eyes to meet his.

“It’s beautiful. You’ll get into art school for sure,” he smiled. “And also…”

Kiseop leaned down and caught her lips in a warm embrace as the sounds of chattering students filled the courtyard below them.


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i applied!!! :D
man ur an amazing writer!!! im so loving ur stories n d way u write!!!
Applied for a oneshot.:)
Hello I've applied for a oneshot!
Hi! I applied!~
I subscribed and applied :)<br />
Now will start to read the other stories.
Sarapyon #7
Wah! Thank you so much *O* The one-shot in Chapter 7 is totally cute and sweet ^~^<br />
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I really enjoy reading the story and it made my day really great ^O^ Thank you for making me one ^O^<br />
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I really love your cute one-shots ^~^ So please continue writing *O* FIGHTING ^~^