Chapter 8


     'So warm' Key thought as he woke up, not openning his eyes. 'So comfortable' Key thought again moving around a little. Key hugged his pillow an- 'Wait pillows don't breathe' Key thought to himself as he ran his hand up and down his so called pillow, still with closed eyes. 'And they don't have abs' Key opened his eyes and realized his warm and comfy pillow was actually Jonghyun. "Ahhh!" Key yelled pushing Jonghyun off his bed making him land with a thud.

    "Ow! What the-" Jonghyun asked confused as to why he was on the floor. "What are you doing in my room! More specifically in my bed! And to make it worse, With me!" Key yelled at the top of his lungs. "Oh Key I'm sorry I-" "And I thought you left!" Key added. "I came back... and watched you sleep...... but then fell asleep." Jonghyun explained sheepishly, not daring to look Key in the eyes. "Oh that makes perfect sence you stalker!" Key continued yelling.

     "Stalker?! What's going on!" Onew entered the room with one of Key's frying pans in his hand. "Oh" he said when he realized it was only Key and Jonghyun. "So I guess I'll be going?" Onew said and walked out. Jonghyun turned to Key with a smirk. "You liked it though" "What? Me? Oh please I wouldn't dream of" Key scoffed. "I was about to leave when you hugged me and I fell asleep" Jonghyun said still smirking. "Wh- I don't have any control over what I do when I'm asleep" Key defended himself.

     "It was still your fault" Jonghyun said getting back into Key's bed. "No! You were the one who came to sleep with me!" Key attempted to push Jonghyun off again but failed. "Fine! Sleep here all you want." Key made his way to the door and went into the kitchen leaving Jonghyun in his room. "What was all the yelling about?" Taemin asked when he saw Key going into the kitchen. "That IDIOT came into my room and fell asleep with me" Key made a frustrated noise with his throat.

     Taemin smirked. "Did you like it?" "You too! No I didn't like it" Key said and Taemin burst into laughter. "I'm just joking" Taemin said and Key stuck his tongue out at him. "Hey" "D-don't do that!" Taemin jumped when Jonghyun unexpectedly appeared next to him. "That's what you get" Key laughed. "I'm so sorry I didn't realize how creepy he was until now.

     "Hey I'm still here!" Jonghyun pouted. "Yeah I know I'm just kidding" Taemin chuckled. "Dare me to scare Onew?" Jonghyun asked and recieved a nod from both Key and Taemin. "Ok then. That's his room?" Jonghyun asked pointing one of the three doors. "No that's mine, that one's his" Taemin pointed to the last door. "Ok I'll be right back." Jonghyun said heading to Onew's room. "Poor old man, he's gonna have a heart attack" Key said grabbing a glass and pouring orange juice in it.

     "So how did yo-" "Ahhhhh! What's wrong with you!?" Key was interupted by a loud scream. Taemin and Key burst into laughter. "Tell this idiot to never hide under my bed again!" Onew said angrily as he came out of his room followed by a laughing Jonghyun. "He was under my bed and when I was walking by to get my phone from the nightstand he grabbed my foot and I almost died!" Onew put his hand above his heart. "Told you" Key said as he watched Jonghyun wipe the tears from his eyes.    



    "I'm bored" Taemin said after a while. "What activity do you expect to do while we eat?" Key asked. "Something other than talk and chew" Taemin said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Food fight" Onew said grabbing a spoon, putting rice in it, and aiming at Jonghyun. "Don't you dare! Or I will make you clean the mess you make" Key said before Onew did anything. "Doesn't seem so bad" Onew said aiming at Taemin this time. "-with your tongue" Key added with a playful glare. "In that case, nevermind" Onew said sitting down like a scolded child.

     After dinner they watched a movie before going to their bedrooms. "So are you going to leave and come back today again?" Key asked sarcastically. "No, but can I stay here?" Jonghyun said giving Key puppy eyes. "What?! No" Key answered looking away. "But I'm lonely at home. Can I? Oh please, please, please~" Jonghyun continues and pulled at Key's shirt like a little kid. "Fine! But keep your distance or you will sleep on the floor" Key finally gave in after a few minutes. "Thanks" Jonghyun gave Key an ear to ear smile. "Yeah yeah whatever" Key said giving Jonghyun a pair of pajamas.

     A/N: Yes I know, Short boring chapter. I'm so ashamed. *Hides in the shadows and cries* Anyways, Since tomorrow is Monday(In the story, tommorow is Sunday) and so Jonghyun will meet Minho for the first time. Okay so I'll update again tomorrow. Don't forget to Comment and Subscribe. See you tomorrow. Bye~

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9-20: Sorry for not updating yet, I'm still trying to finish the chapter :(


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Chapter 11: glad you updated.its really good
Chapter 10: oh my god, WHO the f*** is that?
Because of that unknown person, I'm not really sure I'm that happy about Jonghyun's conffesion... I mean, ofcourse I'm happy that he fell for Key, but because of that I can't help but feel scared of what's ging to happen Next...

Anyway, I love this story and I can't wait to find out what Keys answer is going to be, who the unknown man is talking about when he says that they won't be too happy and what is up to him and why, who the unknown man is and what exactly is going to happen to Jonghyun and Key.
Chapter 10: really good.liked it
Chapter 10: Waaa please update soon again~
Hwaitin~ ^^
Chapter 9: No, don't stop there!!!! ;( I can't wait to find out what Jjong is going to do ^^ it might just be me but... That teacher just seemed a little to interested in the drawing... Please update soon, I really, really love this story! <3
wikita12 #6
Chapter 9: Nice minho is annoying
Chapter 8: i enjoyed this.nice update
Chapter 8: hmmm... I got nothing to say... seems like they're growing closer though ^^ Jonghyun scaring Onew... awesome! just keep on writing :)
Chapter 7: i liked the chp.thanks for the update
Chapter 6: Hmmm, I guess that kinda make sence...!
It's like I read your mind...? Awesome!!! ^^
Don't feel bad about it!!! To me your story is worth the wait!!! :)
When Key began telling them what had happened I thought " what the hell are you doing? Jonghyun proberly had a good reason to lie about it so just keep your mouth shut" and when he yelled out the window I thought " really Key? Really? For some reason I don't think that's a good idea" I guess he was kinda desperate for them to believe him...! And Jonghyun having awesome timing, facing Key when he's about to change^.^
So... What's gonna happen next? I don't know why but I'm thinking Jonghyun starting at Keys school or something, but then again Jonghyun don't sound like the type to do that so maybe he's just gonna stay hidden the way he was the days before he faced Key for the first time. Minho and Key will most likely continue the way they are for a while. Jonghyun and Minho will have to meet eachother at some point, there's still a lot of time for that though...!
Jonghyun will most likely make them promise to keep monsters and vampires a secret...
Are Jonghyun going to start being in Keys house almost all the time? That wouldn't surprise me...
I guess I'll have to wait for the next chapter to get most of this answered^^
Then I'll wait till then! Please update as soon as possible, but don't stress or anything like that... Just take your time as my diver instructor said "slow is smooth and smooth is quick" ^^ you know, i really love this story which is why you should take your time, the story is best if you take your time to write it proberly:) then I'll seeya next time!!!