Chapter 6


     Key gasped sitting up. "Jonghyun!" Taemin who was sitting by Key on the couch looked at him strangely. "Who?" Taemin asked tilting his head slightly. "Jonghyun. I was with him a-" "The one who brought you here like an hour ago?" "Did he have fangs?" Key asked and Taemin looked at him like he was crazy. "I don't think so but he had silver contacts" Taemin answered slowly. "Then that was him" Key sighed. "And they aren't contacts, they're his natural eye color" Key added. "Fangs? Natural eye col- Key what are you talking about? Did you hit your head?" Taemin asked really confused. "No don't be ridiculous! A vampire knocked me out cold!" Key said with the most serious face he could manage.

      "Onew!" Taemin yelled. A few seconds later he came down. "Oh good he's awake" Onew clapped. "Yeah but he's talking nonsence. Something about Fangs, Vampires, and silver being a natural eye color" Taemin looked at Key with a worried expression. "I know you think I'm crazy but I'm telling the truth. Will you at least let me explain?" Taemin and Onew sighed before giving him a look to continue. "Okay so you know how I told you I've been having this nightmare since I was a kid?" "Mhmm" Taemin and Onew hummed in response. "Well that's him. He's the one from my dream. After school, it wasn't Minho who wanted to talk with me, it was Yuri with some big guy. Jonghyun came before anything happened and took me to his place where he explained a whole bunch of things. And when he was going to bring me home, we ran into some vampires and one of the knocked me out cold so thats all I remember" Key looked at Taemin and Onew who still looked like they were prossecing what Key had just said.

     "If you don't believe me then don't but I know that it happened and when I see Jonghyun again, I will bring him here so you know I'm not crazy" Key said storming off to his room. When Key got to his room, he went to his bed and just lay there thinking of what had happened that day.  He opened the window to his room and stared outside at the sky. "Jonghyun!" Key yelled not too loudly. "I know you're out here! You watch me all the time" Key added but knew that Jonghyun wouldn't really come. Key sighed before closing the window and going back to bed.

     The next day he woke up pretty late. As he went into the living room he realized that neither Onew or Taemin were home. He went to the kitchen and ate some cereal before going back to his room to change. Taking of his shirt Key heard a voice "Why would you do that?" Key flinched at the sound. "Jonghyun. What the hell! Can't you wait until I'm done changing?!" Key blushed, quickly putting on his shirt. "Why did you tell them about what happened? We're supposed to keep my kind a secret. All creatures a secret!" Jonghyun glared. "What? Its not like they're going to tell anybody!" Key yelled back. "Do you know what could happen if anyone else found out? We would be hunted down! Its happened before in the past" Jonghyun said again. "Are you saying you don't trust us? You don't trust me?" Key snapped. "No I'm not saying that at all Key! Its just that I haven't gotten to know your friends the way I have gotten to know you" Jonghyun explained, his glare softening. "Look, if you're that worried, then I'll just tell them it was a dream" Jonghyun thought about it for a second and he sighed "No I don't want you to lie especially to them, they seem really important to you" "They are, they're the only family I have" Key said, not really wanting to think about his past. "Well then. Do you know when they'll be back?" Jonghyun asked. "Nope" Key shook his head. "Then do you want to go get something?" "Like what" Key raised an eyebrow. "Starbucks" Jonghyun answered. "Sure just let me get my stuff" Key smiled.

     "Are you sure its okay for me to tell them?" Key asked wanting to make sure. "I guess." Jonghyun shrugged taking a sip from his mocha frappuccino. "What are you going to say to them?" Key asked. "I'm going to tell them I'm a monster, duh" Jonghyun said as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "Really? Bravo, I would have never thought of that" Key said sarcastically. "Well then, why don't you tell me what I should tell them?" "Because you are the reason that it happened" "My fault? You could've said no but instead you chose to come with me" Jonghyun accused. "I only went with you because I was afraid what you would d-" A little elderly woman stopped in front of their table, smiling sweetly. "Hi, I was watching you two and I was wondering if you two are dating" She asked. Key and Jonghyun's eyes widened. "Damn it! Why does everyone say that?" Key said tugging at his hair in frustration. "Date him? I mean look at him" Jonghyun pointed at Key. "What's wrong with me" Key glared. The old woman chuckled. "You two are too cute" She said smiling. "Grandma. Why can't you leave people alone?" A teenage girl said in embarrassment, lightly pushing her grandma away from the table. "I'm so sorry if she was bothering you" She apologized before walking away. "That old woman was adorable" Jonghyun said smiling looking at the table where she was now seated. "She insulted me" Key said faking sadness. "What?" "She called me your boyfriend" "Oh shut up" Jonghyun said playfully punching Key.

     "They're here" Key said when he saw his red car parked in the drive way. Walking to the front door, Jonghyun rang the door bell. "Why would you do that, I have my keys" Key said swinging the keys in front of Jonghyun's face. "Just felt like it" Jonghyun said and the door opened. "Hi Key and Jongh-" Taemin said trying to remember his name. "Jonghyun" Jonghyun completed Taemin's sentence. Everyone walked in. "Onew. Their here!" Taemin yelled and again, Onew was down in a few seconds. "So this is the vampire?" Onew examined Jonghyun. "Monster" Jonghyun corrected. "Ah, that makes much more sence" Onew said sarcastically. "I'm gonna need proof" Taemin added. Jonghyun walked to Onew and picked him up without difficulty. "Try again" Onew said when he was back on the ground. Jonghyun consentrated before looking Taemin in the eyes. Taemin froze. After a few seconds, Jonghyun looked away and Taemin gasped for air, holding his chest. "Try again. You can't fool me" Onew said refusing to believe what he was witnessing. Jonghyun smirked and whispered something in Key's ear. Nodding and smirking also, Key headed to the kitchen, Key grabbed a knife and walked back to the living room, handing it to Jonghyun. "Okay Okay I believe you!" Onew said as he began to panic. Jonghyun brought the knife to his arm, cutting it slightly. Taemin gasped and so did Onew when the cut healed instantly. Jonghyun walked to Onew and grabbed a hold of his hand and also made a small cut on Onew's finger. "Ow! Why would you do that!" Onew yelled, holding his wounded finger. "Seeing is believeing I guess" Jonghyun said running two fingers over Onew's finger. Onew nearly passed out when he saw the cut disapear before his own eyes. "So you things are real?" Both Taemin and Onew said at the same time. "I told you" Key said smiling.

     A/N: Hi guys. Another update. I wasn't really... inspired by anything so I just wrote what came to mind. I hope it's still a good chapter and you enjoy reading it.

JongKey4evermore: Hi! Most of the time I never answer back because it's like you read my mind O.O I'll be reading your comments and its what I have in mind for the next chapter and so I don't want to spoil it so I won't reply. I was thinking about having Minho at Key's house but I decided not to for different reasons. Like that Key practically keeps his life a secret, how would Taemin or Onew contact Minho if they don't really know or have his number, etc. Key's head doesn't really hurt because he was just like in too much shock of what happened. And lastly, I guessed if Jonghyun stayed maybe Taemin or Onew whould start asking questions or they would get suspicious for some reason, you know? I felt so bad that I had you guys waiting for like a month for just one small update :( I will try yo make the updates as frequent as possible

    With that said, tell me what you think about the story so don't forget to comment and subscribe. next update will be in a couple of days. See you guys then

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9-20: Sorry for not updating yet, I'm still trying to finish the chapter :(


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Chapter 11: glad you updated.its really good
Chapter 10: oh my god, WHO the f*** is that?
Because of that unknown person, I'm not really sure I'm that happy about Jonghyun's conffesion... I mean, ofcourse I'm happy that he fell for Key, but because of that I can't help but feel scared of what's ging to happen Next...

Anyway, I love this story and I can't wait to find out what Keys answer is going to be, who the unknown man is talking about when he says that they won't be too happy and what is up to him and why, who the unknown man is and what exactly is going to happen to Jonghyun and Key.
Chapter 10: really good.liked it
Chapter 10: Waaa please update soon again~
Hwaitin~ ^^
Chapter 9: No, don't stop there!!!! ;( I can't wait to find out what Jjong is going to do ^^ it might just be me but... That teacher just seemed a little to interested in the drawing... Please update soon, I really, really love this story! <3
wikita12 #6
Chapter 9: Nice minho is annoying
Chapter 8: i enjoyed this.nice update
Chapter 8: hmmm... I got nothing to say... seems like they're growing closer though ^^ Jonghyun scaring Onew... awesome! just keep on writing :)
Chapter 7: i liked the chp.thanks for the update
Chapter 6: Hmmm, I guess that kinda make sence...!
It's like I read your mind...? Awesome!!! ^^
Don't feel bad about it!!! To me your story is worth the wait!!! :)
When Key began telling them what had happened I thought " what the hell are you doing? Jonghyun proberly had a good reason to lie about it so just keep your mouth shut" and when he yelled out the window I thought " really Key? Really? For some reason I don't think that's a good idea" I guess he was kinda desperate for them to believe him...! And Jonghyun having awesome timing, facing Key when he's about to change^.^
So... What's gonna happen next? I don't know why but I'm thinking Jonghyun starting at Keys school or something, but then again Jonghyun don't sound like the type to do that so maybe he's just gonna stay hidden the way he was the days before he faced Key for the first time. Minho and Key will most likely continue the way they are for a while. Jonghyun and Minho will have to meet eachother at some point, there's still a lot of time for that though...!
Jonghyun will most likely make them promise to keep monsters and vampires a secret...
Are Jonghyun going to start being in Keys house almost all the time? That wouldn't surprise me...
I guess I'll have to wait for the next chapter to get most of this answered^^
Then I'll wait till then! Please update as soon as possible, but don't stress or anything like that... Just take your time as my diver instructor said "slow is smooth and smooth is quick" ^^ you know, i really love this story which is why you should take your time, the story is best if you take your time to write it proberly:) then I'll seeya next time!!!