May be bad luck

me and my trouble maker princess brat

After the abrupt end of conversation with his cousin, amber walked away from the building he supposed to stay.

He spent hours try to look for the motel he could stay. Although he founded some the price is too high for his liking and he had no other choice but continue searching.

Jet leg and hours of walking took a troll on him eventually and the always energetic and cheerful boy amber couldn’t avoid the depression along with tiredness.

Added to them, the language barrier and the confused map on his hand are only drawing his mood to the down.

He walked and walked and suddenly, the rare sight of twin light visible among these tall building of Seoul made him halt abruptly and enjoy the beautiful sight……….

Mean while …………………………..

Lots of sweat were tickling down her body and she was almost out of breath, but in her mind she is chanting “never stop running” over and over again.

Flash back

Earlier this morning…………

Krystal was at the airport ready to enter the entrance but to her dismay she was grabbed by her two bodyguards.

“young miss, please come with us”, he softly dragged her to the awaiting van.

She knew arguing with them makes only chaos and make her mother image only to damage, so she followed them.

She was observing the situation quietly and one bodyguard entered the driver seat and the other one opened the door for her.

“Oh wait a minute” she bent down to tie her shoelace and suddenly she jumped high causing her head impact with the chin of the bodyguard who open the door for her and causing him fall back.

Then she punched the one in the driver seat square in the face and throw him out of the car and she hopped in the driver seat and drove away.

“f__k” the fallen one quickly fished out his phone and “ code red, code red, she escaped” he shouted.

In the certain office,

“Idiot” the loud shout and the bam sound echoed in entire room and makes the duo standing in front of the lady flinched.

“Krystal escaped” she said angrily and looked into the eyes of the duo sharply.

“Luna and Sulli , do you know why I called both of you in my office” the lady asked.

“No we don’t” the duo answer immediately.

The lady massage her temple and “ last month I almost died from the attack of the D’s gang".

"You two know that I delayed D’s proposal of marriage with krystal for years and this time he is pissed off because he heard about the marriage arrangement of yul and krystal”

"I don’t want my daughter marry with him. D is in the same business field like me and you two know that my business is not so clean.”

"I don’t want my daughter to suffer like me and that’s why I arrange krystal to marry yul. His father is the welled known politician and the government is in his pocket.”

“ but”she heap out a long sight and  “the child of mind is so stubborn and ran off”

“you two must find her before D’s gang found her and before the wedding day”

“just stay as her under cover friends and try to contact her and do whatever it takes to find her,

I will also track her credit card and I will told you when I locate her where about, you two dismiss now”



In the afternoon

After driving away from the airport for hours, she decided to shop the clothing because her luggage is lost at the airport.

She was about to enjoy her late meal after shopping and in the corner of her eyes she saw one of her mother security is approaching.

She immediately ran away from the fast food and at the opposite direction one is also coming.

She entered in the elevator and when the elevator opened, she saw there are more security at the entrance that coming towards her direction and so she took the emergency exit of the building and ran.

She was running really fast street by street and suddenly…….

“Ump” the two body collided and fell to the ground

Krystal Pov

I bump someone and fell onto the ground but I don’t feel the pain because I fell over someone

I looked down when I heard the groan

‘He is so handsome’ my train of thought is interrupted when I heard another groan and he looks like in so much pain

Then I realized that my right elbow is on his throat and my left knee is on his crotch.

Then I heard the shouts not far away and I grabbed him to the corner with me.

As soon as my back touch the corner of the shop I kissed him.

Amber’s pov

‘the twin light in the Seoul is beautiful although there is still the tall buildings’ then

I was bumped by someone and felt so much pain in my groin and also hard to breath because something is on my throat.

Then suddenly I was grabbed forcefully and the next thing I know is my lips are furiously kissed by a girl”

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bizzle030194 #1
Chapter 2: update this plsssss
mikangela14 #2
Chapter 1: Plssss author update this story again plsss
partyrock24 #3
Interesting story you got there author-nim :)