# Tip Number Two ^^

Sophie's Eternal Mind ♥ [ the antidote for writer's block]

hola coca cola!~ *randomly sings Hurricane* *the loaf, the loaf, the loaf is on fire!!*

 Tip #2 Expanding Boundaries, Ceaseless Ideas ~Inanimate Edition~

inanimate meaning lifeless, spiritless, DULL. 

1. Think!

so think of an inanimate object something that possesses no life. ANYTHING. A desk, a pencil, a pillow. Anything in your surrondings, at your school, in your bathroom O_O

Me: something dull? well, a rock.

some of you may ask why a rock? a rock is boring and has no value. Well, you see authors, a rock may just be a rock, but, it doesn't matter, the story that is written based on it does not reflect on the rock itself. Plus, a story using a rock? isn't that interesting? Not everything boring will turn into a boring story.

The point of this TIP is to help show authors that we can get inspiration from anything. We can get boring and dull things twist it with our imagination and turn into something beautiful, unique, and interesting. (p.s. rocks aren't boring if you are as demented as I am @_@)



2. Characteristics!

So think about the attributes of the object. Use all of your five senses. Smell (only ofcourse if it gives off a good smell). Taste (only ofcourse if it is edible). Hear (only if it produces sound). Touch, what is the texture of your object? is it  soft or hard?. Sight, what do you see? how does the object look like? Apply all of your observations to both your story and genre.

Me: A rock gives of no smell. I didn't taste (O_O). Has no sound. It is hard and cannot be broken down easily into small pieces. It has a rough texture. It's gray with a little mixture of other neutral colors. It is round. Cannot be formed, just exists, and can corrode

• it is hard and cannot be broken down easily into pieces. . .what other things possess this attributes? > TRUE LOVE. 

• it has a rough texture> I will apply this to the genre. Rough? so more on angst and melodrama. a sad story.

it is gray with a little mixture of other neutral colors. I can apply this description to the scenes. It is going to be the same tone throughout the story. sad, melancholic, or anything that will be heart-touching. Since there in the description I made I mentioned "with a little mixture of other neutral colors", I can occaisionally add a little bit of comedy, but just a little since is also mentions "neutral colors".

• It is round. So I can apply  this in describing my characters. When you say "round character" (found in the subject Literature), it refers to character who is well-described. You know almost everything about him because of the author's descriptions (flaws, weaknesses, personality, etc.).

• cannot be formed > you cannot force love. Just exists> love happens for no reason, it just exists. [SET BACK] It can corrode; corrode meaning to destroy or damage rock. So this will fit it well with my story since my story will be sad and corrode means to destroy, it will be the destruction of true love.




3. Combine!

Now it's time to combine all. make sure to follow a proper sequence in arranging your sentences and make sure to list it down so you don't forget anything.

• This is a story about a couple whose love is like a ROCK. yes, a rock. They go through a smooth start but then continue into a rough path. Just like rocks cannot be formed, love also cannot be formed and forced, it's a flow. Similarly, a rock and love just exists, for no certain reason. But a major setback about the couples' love is it will be destroyed. Just like how a rock corrodes, love will get damaged too. You can glue the broken pieces of rock back together again, but the cracks will be forever visible, JUST LIKE LOVE.

(in the paragraph ^ I am describing that certain couples' love, not LOVE in general.)


So using inanimate objects is very stupid. But if you desperately need ideas, or seem to come acroos something interesting, or  if you even need a unique idea about how to write a fanfiction, then this will be (hopefully) helpful. Sorry if you think I'm weird and stupid, deal with it I AM.


Copyright 2013 © Sophiekhun


story plot, ideas, description is also mine. STEAL and I will personally RIP off your FACE. ^^


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I sent a review form and chapter idea form for the same story. Take your time, don't rush yourself. Thank you so much for re-opening this shop and give me another opportunity to request again from you. I really love requesting from you because you are friendly and kind. Thank you so much! :)
Hello there! Someone recommend me your blog cause I need help with my fanfic.
I don't know if you can help me, please.
English is not my 1st language so I guess I have many mistakes in my fanfic that I can't see. Basically it's a grammar correction. If you can help me, please let me know.
Thank u very much,

summermist #3
i requested a chapter idea and a beta read.
thank you ^^
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Hi do you do chapter ideas too?
This shop looks beautiful~ I love the layout :D
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I requested for an idea ^^
I'm not 100% sure if you or this shop active, but I requested anyways!
Chapter 2: This shop's really helpful sophie.
But why dont you add the karmas.....200?HOHOHOHOHO JUST KEDDENG~