Ms. Yumi, the school nurse, woke up Hyemi from her slumber. As she opened and scratched her eyes, the falsh backs of what Kris just did to her came to her. But instead of breaking down again, she rose up from the bed then tidied herself up.

"Uhm Hyemi-ah, would you like it if I drive you home?" Ms. Yumi asked.

"Yeah, sure unnie." Hyemi said with a faint smile on her face.

"Before we reach home, would you like to grab an ice cream?" Ms. Yumi, trying to cheer her up, offered.

Hearing that made Hyemi smile. She really likes ice cream so much. She nodded in response and thought that this may help her forget what just happened for a while.

Both of them walked out of the infirmary then towards the parking lot.


When they reached Swirl Land, the ice cream parlor where Ms. Yumi would take Hyemi when she was still baby sitting her.

They both sat down in the farthest corner of the shop, the favorite seat of Hyemi because of the big life size Teddy bear that she used to hug when she was still a kid.


"Ahhh, It's been a while since the last time I came here." I sighed looking at the place where I used call "heaven"

"I know. It's been a while for me too. The last time I came here was when I treated you for passing your high school entrance exam and you topped. I'm really proud of you then and up until now." Yumi unnie cheerfully said while giggling like a child.

"Yeah, we were with Hyesung. She still has her braces back then..hahaha. But now she's off with them. While me, I'm still stuck with my eyeglasses." I let out a chuckle making unnie smile.

"Okay, i'll go order our food now." I nodded then she left. 

"This place never fails to make me happy", I mumbled.scanning the vicinity with a wide grin.

After a few minutes, Yumi unnie came back with our orders.

"Here you go" she said handing me one cheese flavored ice cream and a coffee-mocha flavored one.

"You still know my taste buds." I said letting out a chuckle.

"Of course, I took care of you for almost 5 years. 5 years Hyemi." She said raising a brow and crossing her arms against her chest.

"I know, let's eat now okay." I focused on my ice creams, eating the cheese before the coffee-mocha (I know weird combination)

I was finishing my cheese flavored ice cream when Unnie raised a question.

"Hyemi-ah, I've noticed that ever since Hyesung moved away, the sociable you moved along with her, why is that?"

"Unnie, you know that Hyesung is the only best friend I have. Her leaving me made me sad. I guess that made me lose the urge to make new friends. Hyesung was the only one who knows me well. She is the only who can make me feel like I don't have to pretend. She was the only one who accepted me even if I'm a nerd and a geek. No one likes to make friends with me butonly she did" I bowed my head then played with my second ice cream.

"I know. But that made you distant. Not only to other people but to me as well." I was taken aback by her statement.

Unnie is right. I've also created distance from her. Maybe I was too be sulking at my best friend who went away but still makes time for me and not minding that I still have her.

"Mianhe unnie. From now on, I promise to make time for you. I'll make it up to you, pinky swear?" I raised my pinky and she eagerly linked it with her's

"By making up to me, can you tell me what made you go to the infirmary just now?" I stiffened at her question. But I thought that I must tell her. I need to lessen the burden I'm carrying and I know she can help me.

"Unnie....." I started, I looked up to her and saw she was waiting for me to continue."My parents put me up with an arranged marriage with Kris, as in the Kingka, Kris."

She was quite shocked, obviously. She had wide open as if I told her that I'm pregnant. Well, being in an arranged marriage with him is really worse that being pregnant at my age.

"Wait, I know that Kid is has a Demigod features and a very ecstatic appeal but I know what that kid has been doing. He's been shamelessly sleeping around with girls and he is also treating them like slaves."

"I know that too, and I also know that the whole university knows about it but chose to ignore know, he is filthy rich and his parents are big time business people and the school also depends on his parents' donation and investments. 

Aside from that, he also has a very big, I mean gigantic hate over me, only God knows the reason why. And the reason why I went to the infirmary was because he harassed me. He disrespected my body. But I'm still thankful that he did not took all of me." I cried. Tears were starting to slide down my face.

"What!!!!!??? He dared lay a finger on you.! That son of a dog poop. I'll make him pay!" Unnie was in rage.

"Unnie, It'll only be useless if we take revenge. I know he'll get back at me twice or even three times of what you are going to do, and I know you know that too." I said trying to calm her down.

"What are planning to do now? You can't just let him abuse you like that???" she worriedly said

"I'll just stay out of his sight as much as I could. I know you'll help me right?" 

"Of course. Just come to the infirmary if you want to hide from him okay. I'll always be here for you."

Unnie's soothing words calm me down. Now, I feel light. I think I could get by.

After the treat and the chat with her, Yumi unnie and I went home together. She even insisted to walk me up to my room and help me prepare for bed. She also tucked me to bed. ( aish...I feel like a kid but I like it.hehehehe)

Before she could go, I grabbed her wrist and said. " Thank you Unnie, I love you"

"Nado, now, go to sleep and rest"



I just came from a boring day at school, well it's not that boring. I can still hear Hyemi's pleas and screams in my head. I smirked at the replay of what I did to her in my mind. 

I sat down on my bed and looked at HER picture on the side table. I grabbed and caressed the frame. Seeing her smile in this photo made me smile as well.

"Hey Jes, how are you doing there, where ever you are?. I miss you and I know you know that." I hold on to the photo as if it was the most precious gift I've ever received.

"I'm slowly taking the revenge I promised you in your death bed. I'll make sure that will pay for taking you away from me. I will never forget that because of that Hyemi, you died. And I'm thanking mom and dad for bringing me close to her. I'll give a a chain of misery." I held the photo tighter with my shaking hands.

"I'm just getting started Hyemi." I said to myself smirking at the plans I have in store for her.


Poor Hyemi....lucky she now has Yumi....

But she still has to watch out for Kris.


Who is JES? Who is she to Kris? How did Hyemi caused her death that made Kris extremely mad at her?

....Stay tuned for more updates v:);):):).....


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maxxiee #1
Please read my other stories, though they are not that good...:) thank you for reading MISERABLE LIFE
maxxiee #2
Sorry guys for not updating. I've been M.I.A. because of the typhoon Haiyan. I'll update soon, promise...! :)
skydream #3
Chapter 12: wow!~ i am really excited to read more, it very interesting please update more ~(˘▾˘)~
Chapter 12: Waaaaaaaaaa!!! i read the whole story and it was great~ please! update soon :)