It was 8:00 pm. Kris wants to fly or teleport to where Baekhyun is. He was late. Good thing he has long legs and running is easy for him. He was just worried about his stamina. When he arrived in front of the restaurant he saw Baekhyun and he is still outside. He didn’t approach Baekhyun when he saw that boy. He just stand centimeter away from him and admired him from afar.

You’re beautiful. You’re precious.
I don’t know what are thinking about now.
yet I don’t want to know.

 Maybe because it will hurt me
and I don’t want you to go.
You are everything to me.

Baekhyun notices his presence.


Kris snapped out and got back from reality.

“Oh hi! Sorry … about that.”

“That’s fine. Why are you spacing out there?”



“Yes common. Let’s eat.”

They ordered chicken. Baekhyun loves chicken. So Kris love them, too. Baekhyun was eating so happily and it makes him want to stare at him for eternity. He was so cute. Kris thinks.

“Why aren’t you eating?” Baekhyun looks at Kris with mouthful of food.
“I feel full just looking at you.”

You’re so cute.

Baekhyun blushed. Kris smiled.

Kris wondered until when he can see Baekhyun like that? All his life he wanted Baekhyun to be happy but what is Baekhyun’s happiness? He was afraid to ask? What if he can’t bring Baekhyun what he needed? What if Baekhyun wants someone else beside him? He can’t afford to hear the truth from him.
All he want was to look at Baekhyun’s present.. with him.

“Hey Kris.”

Kris snapped out and looked at Baekhyun.

“Look.” Baekhyun shows Kris a bone. A wishbone.

“Another wish thingy. I don’t know I think you’re really a lucky person.”

“Really? And since you said I’m a lucky person. I think I should give this wish to you.”


Baekhyun pouted. “..because you’re special to me and I want you to have some of my luck in wishing.”


“Did your wish came true?”

Baekhyun fell silent and Kris felt awkward. Moment of blank space.

Kris broke the silence by suddenly grabbing the other part of wishbone. “Okay. I’ll make a wish.”

I wish you find your happiness.


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