Tokyo Lights

It is already 8:15 in the evening but Yong Hwa is still nowhere to be found. Seohyun is standing alone under the dim lights of Tokyo, waiting for her boyfriend to come. She wraps herself tightly in her jacket to protect herself from the unusual cold wind. It is already spring, supposedly. But winter just decided to stay a little bit longer.

                She looks at her watch. Five more minutes have passed and she is getting a little bit impatient. They do not have that much time to be together that night. That is why every minute is precious. They cannot afford to waste the luxury that has been given to them. And Yong Hwa knows that.

                Seohyun feels her nose started flaring up. She looks around, trying to find Yong Hwa in the crowd. When suddenly, somebody covers her eyes, surprising her to death and makes her scream her lungs out. She thought she was being kidnapped.


                “Ya..! Don’t scream.” The person who covered her eyes sounded like he panicked. He immediately retreats his hand from Seohyun’s eyes.

                She grabs the hands before her eyes and snatches them away. Then she turns her body only to find Yong Choding standing behind her with that mischievous smile on his face.

                “Oppa!” Seohyun punches Yong Hwa’s arm as she pouted, “You gave me a fright!”

                “Aigoo..” Yong Hwa pinches his girlfriend’s cheek cutely, “Uri Seohyun was scared.”

                “I thought somebody was kidnapping me.”

                “Ya, do I look like a kidnapper to you?”

                “Yes, you do.” Seohyun smirk, “Merong.”

                “I’m a kidnapper, indeed. I kidnapped your heart.” Yong Hwa lets out a victorious laugh.

                “Ah, cham. You made me had diabetes.” Seohyun rolls her eyes. She can’t believe that after all this time, Yong Hwa is still as cheesy as usual. But still, Seohyun loves it.

                “But you love me, don’t you?” Yong Hwa plays with Seohyun’s hands. He swings them to the air, playing as if they are toys and he’s not 23 years old.

                “Who says that? You’re delusional.” Seohyun looks at Yong Hwa with a playful expression. She was never like this. Before having this relationship with Yong Hwa, she was the kind of girl who looked at things very seriously. But since being his ‘virtual’ wife on WGM, then decided to be in a real relationship with him, Seohyun started to develop a sense of choding-ness. Yong Hwa really has a strong impression on her.

                “So you don’t love me?” Yong Hwa looks panicked. How could she say something as cruel as that?

                “Do you really think I love you?” She likes playing with Yong Hwa like this. His panic expression is priceless. It is so funny and she tries really hard not to laugh.

                This is payback for arriving late and for scaring me, Jung Yong Hwa.

                “Ya, Seo Joo Hyun. Stop joking.” He is getting pissed. If it was a joke to her, then it is seriously not funny.

                “Of course I love you, babo.” Seohyun cups his face beneath both of her hands and pecks his lips. “Why do you have to ask that kind of silly question?”

                “Just because.” Yong Hwa shrugs his shoulder. He then wraps his arm around Seohyun, “Where do you want to go?”

                Seohyun gives him a wide smile and points her fingers to the sky.

                “You want to go up there?”

                Seohyuns nods in excitement, “I have always wanted to go to the top of Tokyo Tower, Oppa.”

                “Okay. Arasseo.” He kisses her forehead before walking forward, “Let’s go!”

                They walk inside the Foot Town building underneath the Tower. The ticket counter is located in the building. They buy their tickets and wait in line for the elevator.

                Since they are standing side by side, fingers are laced into each other’s, people are starting to recognize the two of them. Even though Seohyun already wraps herself in a thick knitted scarf and Yong Hwa is wearing a baseball cap and letterman jacket that covers his face, people still notice.

                They start to hear people whispering about Yongseo couple. This is the time when they don’t like being public figures. Privacy is such a luxury they can’t easily have.

                A girl in front of them snatches her smartphone and starts taking picture of them holding hands. Yong Hwa smiles to her politely. He swears that the picture will be on the internet really soon. As more people recognize them, the elevator door opens in front of them. They quickly get inside and close the door, so that only the two of them ride the elevator.

                “Can’t they leave us alone, already?” Yong Hwa sounds pissed. He understands that being an idol means that people will want to know more about his life. But sometimes, he expects people to understand that he’s human, too. He needs privacy.

                “Gwenchana, Oppa. If people paying more attention to you, it means that they love you even more.”

                “Your love is enough.” Yong Hwa hugs his girlfriend from behind.

                “Don’t say that. Your fans love and support you and your music sincerely. They will be extremely hurt if they know you said that.”

                “I know. I don’t mean it that way. But sometimes I just wish they understand that we need some space, too.” Yong Hwa sighs, “But it’s a package deal. You either take it or leave it, right?”

                “Exactly.” She kisses Yong Hwa’s cheek, “Come on, don’t pout. We’re here.”

                They step outside the elevator, welcomed by Tokyo lights at night. It is breathtakingly pretty and amazing. No words can describe the view that lies in front of their eyes.

                “Oppa.. It’s really beautiful.” Seohyun says in awe. Her jaw drops in amazement. She has never seen something so amazing like this. Suddenly, she feels Yong Hwa wraps his arm around her body, hugging her from behind. She loves it when Yong Hwa is being intimate like this. She feels comfortable, secure, and loved at the same time.

                Looking at the infinite city lights, spring breeze running through her hair, and having Yong Hwa hugging her like this, makes Seohyun feel grateful about her life. She is so lucky to have him in her life. She will never regret the moment she agreed to sign her WGM contract three years ago. Because if she didn’t join the show, she will never get the chance to know the great guy who is now her boyfriend, Jung Yong Hwa.

                He may act childish and immature at times. But deep inside, he is such a gentleman that will never let anything bad happen to her. She knows that he will always protect her, no matter what. And for that, she loves him.

                “Oppa..” Seohyun whispers. She pull Yong Hwa’s hands so that he will hug her even tighter.

                “Hmm..” Yong Hwa answers by kissing Seohyun’s cheek.


                “Wae gomawo?”

                “Nothing.” Seohyun sighs, “I just feel really grateful that I have you in my life.”

                “You should be grateful.” Yong Hwa laughs, “Nobody else would listen to your nagging. Nobody but me.”

                “Ah, cham!” Seohyun pouts. She pinches Yong Hwa’s arm, “I’m serious, Oppa.”

                Yong Hwa, then, turn Seohyun’s body to face him. He holds her face while looking into her bright clear eyes, “No, Hyun. I’m the one who should be thankful. Being with you is the best thing that has ever happened to me. So I thank you. Thank you for everything. For being with me. For taking care of me. For understanding me when I act like a 6-year-old. For being so considerate at times when I’m being annoying. For believing in this relationship. And most importantly, thank you for loving me.”

                As Yong Hwa finishes his sentence, Seohyun feels a tear come crawling down her cheek. Yong Hwa is known to be cheesy with words. But tonight, everything he said has touched her heart. This is the first time she has ever felt so loved by somebody else other than her parents.

                “Hyunni-ah, why are you crying?” Yong Hwa panics. If there is one thing that Yong Hwa is not talented in, it’s handling a crying girl.

                “Aniya..” Seohyun sheds her tears before continuing, “Of course I love you. Who would want to be in a relationship with a kid trapped in the body of a 23-year-old guy?”

                Yong Hwa laughs at her comment, “I know. Only you.”

                “Only me.” Seohyun smiles back at him, “Saranghae, Yong.”

                “Na do, saranghae, Hyun.”

                Then he pulls her back into his arms and kisses her on the lips. Not the passionate, full frontal kiss, but the sweet and loving kind. The kind of kiss that you know it will last forever.

                Suddenly, they see a camera flashes from the side of the observatory deck. Another fan taking pictures of them. Both of them know that their private moment on the top of Tokyo Tower will be headlines all over the internet.

                “You’re not mad that they’re taking pictures of us?” Seohyun whispers to Yong Hwa after they broke their kiss.

                “Nope.” Yong Hwa shrugs, “It’s good, so the world will know that you’re mine and I’m yours.”

                “Ah, cham.” Seohyun laughs at the choding-ness of her boyfriend. It sounds petty, but she likes the idea.

                So the world would know that I’m his and he’s mine. Forever.


Annyeong, Chingoo-deul!

Sorry if this story is too cheesy or lame :p

But still, thank you for reading and subscribing. It meant a lot for me.





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Chapter 3: I hope in real life they have a date at Tokyo Tower ;)
Chapter 3: This story of yours could possibly be a great storyline for a TV's drama... Hehehe... ;p
Thank you for sharing author-nim!
fatenism #3
Chapter 3: cheesey and stuff, i love ur stories anyway ^^
seororo312 #4
Chapter 3: Just like Seohyun's t-shirt said: Love is in the air! >.<
Chapter 3: Perfect...
Chapter 3: lovely as always , even though i don't ever want yongseo to get problems because of a scandal but i would love to see them kissing even in a drama
Chapter 3: wow sp sweet chapter

Thank for writing
oh i dont know if ur story was ended in chapter 3
im sorry
i guess i was too excited until i didnt realize it :D
but please authornim..can u write a sequel?
pretty please?
Chapter 3: just found this fic and this is sooo amazing
u got a new reader here, auhornim! XD

chapter 1:
i was surprised about so many people from SM who support them :D
i hope yongseo are really dating n alot people, including friends, SM staff n fans are supporting them

chapter 2:
seems like cnblue are really have a good friendship
they're always supporting each other even the date matter
yong's bros seem like do really love their hyungsoonim rite? :D
they are just so cute
oh btw, i like jongyoon too
thanks for putting a little part of them in ur story, kk

chapter 3:
oh my gosh
their dating was so sweet
i wonder what will happen after they were being caught by fans
somehow i wish it would really happen in their real life :D
omo! im already smiling widely while imagine about it

cant wait for the next chapter
please update soon, authornim
thank u for ur sooo incredible yongseo's story
cnsdGirl #10
Chapter 3: When the news will come out?
Tomorrow? Okay then. LOL!
Ah~ Life is beautiful, isn't it?
Hahahahahaha!! Being an ahjumma already! XD

Thank you for this, author-nim