Tokyo Lights

From: Hyun<3

Oppa! Guess what? My schedule is clear from 8PM until 12AM^^ Let’s meet at the bottom of Tokyo Tower. See you!

Yong Hwa never thought that he can smile that wide. He was literally jumping up and down like a five-year-old after he reads Seohyun’s reply to his text message a few minutes before. His mood suddenly feels lighter and happier, even though he didn’t sleep much last night, and his flight just now was terrible. Three of his CNBLUE brothers know exactly what happened when they see their hyung acting childish like this.

“So, where are you and hyungsoonim will meet tonight?” Jonghyun asks right to the point. He is not the kind of guy who beats around the bush.

“What are you talking about?” Yong Hwa tries to deny the allegation. He slides his cellphone back inside his jacket pocket to hide the evidence. But his brothers know him best. It’s useless to hide things from them. Plus, he’s a terrible liar.

“Do you think we’re that stupid, Hyung? Sending text immediately after we landed, running around with a wide smile after looking at your phone – most probably reading a reply from your previous text, and jumping up and down like a kid only means one thing: Seo Joo Hyun hyungsoonim.” Jungshin rolls his eyes sarcastically.

Min Hyuk laughs as he saw Jungshin’s funny expression, “He’s right,” Min Hyuk circles his hand onto Jungshin’s shoulder, “Just go, Hyung. I’m sure our manager will be fine with it. Our schedule won’t even start until tomorrow, so I think it will be okay.”

 “I guess lying to you guys will never ever work.” Yong Hwa laughs and gives each of his brothers a tap on their shoulders, a sign that shows that in times like this, they can always count on each other.

Jonghyun taps his hyung back, “But things never come for free, you know.” The former judo athlete lets out a meaningful smirk, “I will gladly let this one slide, like always. If your promise to do one thing for me.”


“Tell Yoona hi from me.” Jonghyun’s cheek goes upward as he mentions a certain member of SNSD. His same-age sunbae in the entertainment world. The one and only, Im Yoona.

“Ya! Jonghyun hyung! Are we expanding our CNSD family now?” Jungshin shouts in shock. He can’t believe that two of his oldest hyungs are into girls from the same group. Well, SNSD girls are pretty and all, so it’s only common if guys find them attractive and eventually fall for them.

“Wae? She’s pretty and cute and funny. I like her.” Jonghyun’s face gets red as he confesses on what he feels towards Yoona. To his surprise, Yong Hwa never imagines that Jonghyun actually has real feelings for Yoona. He thought it was only stories made up by fans who like seeing them together. But it seems like they really are in the process of expanding the CNSD family. Who knows, maybe Jungshin and Minhyuk are next.

“Alright, I’ll tell her you say hi.” Yong Hwa laughs. He then looks at his watch and startled at the time. It’s already 7PM. He only has one hour before his meeting with Seohyun and he hasn’t even claimed his baggage yet.

Yong Hwa decides to tell his manager right away and wish for an angel to touch his heart so he can be excused. He approaches his manager and taps his shoulder carefully, “Hyung…”

“Oh..” His manager turns to Yong Hwa without looking at him. He’s busy reading the schedule in his daily planner, “What’s up?”

“We’re going straight to our hotel right after this, right?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Aniyo..” Yong Hwa hesitates, “Can I be excused for a few hours? I promise I will be back at the hotel right before midnight so that I can still have a proper sleep. But please, hyung. Just tonight.” Yong Hwa bursts. He needs to get the permission or else, he’d die in Seohyun’s hands. As we all know, Seohyun never likes a guy who can’t keep their promise.

“Wae? Where are you going?” That time, the manager stops looking at his daily planner and starts to take Yong Hwa seriously. Yong Hwa was never the kind of idol who breaches his schedule. He’s obedient and discipline. So when he asks something like this, he must really need it.

“It’s just.. SNSD is here and I kinda miss Seohyun so I’m meeting her.”

The manager chuckles. He actually thought that Yong Hwa needs to be excused due to some serious cause. But hearing Yong Hwa’s reason, he can’t help to laugh, “Ya, jinjja. I really thought something bad is happened to you. But I guess I was wrong.”

“Hyung, if I don’t meet her, your thought might actually come true. You know how she is, right?” Yong Hwa looks worried. He was the one who asked her to meet him. If it is him who cancelled, he can’t imagine what will happen to him.

“Ara.. So, you’re going to their dorm? Are you even allowed?”

“Ani.. ani.. we’re meeting someplace else.” Yong Hwa explains, “We’re not in a secret relationship anymore, hyung. So it’s okay for us to meet, right?”

His manager is silent for a while. Maybe he’s thinking about what the impact would be for his band. It’s true, Yong Hwa and Seohyun are no longer in a secret relationship. But that situation only applies for SM and FNC Management. The companies know and already gave their consent about it. However, the public only smells rumors. They don’t know the fact yet. So if the public sees them having a date together, the news will be huge because both SNSD and CNBLUE have a big fan base and not all of them supports the idea of Seohyun and Yong Hwa together.

“I’ll give you until midnight.” The manager shows a stern face to let Yong Hwa know that he’s being serious. “And that includes the time for you to take her back to her dorm. If I ever receive a text or phone call from SNSD’s manager that you’re late,” He takes a deep breath, “Just don’t do it if you still want to see her.”

“I promise.” Yong Hwa smiles, “Gomawoyo, Hyung! You’re the best!”

“And remember, keep it low.”

“Arasseo, hyung. Thank you.” Yong Hwa runs back to his brothers who are waiting in the baggage claim area. He wants to tell them the good news and ask them for another favor.

“Guys! I got the green light. But I need to go immediately if I want to get there on time. Could you please take care of my bags while I’m gone? I’ll make it up to you later.”

Jungshin already knows that this would happen. Yong Hwa hyung would do almost anything for his beloved girlfriend, including something like this. But seeing Yong Hwa hyung like this, so bright and happy, he suddenly feels happy, too. He wants to feel the same excitement. And when his time comes, he wants his older brothers to support him. So instead of feeling annoyed by the burden, Jungshin understands.

“Just go, Hyung. I’ll take care of your belongings.” Jungshin says.

“Thank you!” Without further ado, Yong Hwa grabs his backpack and run to the immigration, the only barrier that separates him from Seohyun tonight.


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Chapter 3: I hope in real life they have a date at Tokyo Tower ;)
Chapter 3: This story of yours could possibly be a great storyline for a TV's drama... Hehehe... ;p
Thank you for sharing author-nim!
fatenism #3
Chapter 3: cheesey and stuff, i love ur stories anyway ^^
seororo312 #4
Chapter 3: Just like Seohyun's t-shirt said: Love is in the air! >.<
Chapter 3: Perfect...
Chapter 3: lovely as always , even though i don't ever want yongseo to get problems because of a scandal but i would love to see them kissing even in a drama
Chapter 3: wow sp sweet chapter

Thank for writing
oh i dont know if ur story was ended in chapter 3
im sorry
i guess i was too excited until i didnt realize it :D
but please authornim..can u write a sequel?
pretty please?
Chapter 3: just found this fic and this is sooo amazing
u got a new reader here, auhornim! XD

chapter 1:
i was surprised about so many people from SM who support them :D
i hope yongseo are really dating n alot people, including friends, SM staff n fans are supporting them

chapter 2:
seems like cnblue are really have a good friendship
they're always supporting each other even the date matter
yong's bros seem like do really love their hyungsoonim rite? :D
they are just so cute
oh btw, i like jongyoon too
thanks for putting a little part of them in ur story, kk

chapter 3:
oh my gosh
their dating was so sweet
i wonder what will happen after they were being caught by fans
somehow i wish it would really happen in their real life :D
omo! im already smiling widely while imagine about it

cant wait for the next chapter
please update soon, authornim
thank u for ur sooo incredible yongseo's story
cnsdGirl #10
Chapter 3: When the news will come out?
Tomorrow? Okay then. LOL!
Ah~ Life is beautiful, isn't it?
Hahahahahaha!! Being an ahjumma already! XD

Thank you for this, author-nim