

Just because she's my twin sister doesn't mean we are exactly a like.

We are just blood related, twin sisters, same surname, same face...

But not same personality.

Not a like.

How did I even ended up here in the first place?

You killed my sister and now you want me.


Why do I feel something weird when I see you?

I feel butterfly's in my stomach, goosebumps everytime I see those dark brown eyes of yours and I feel somehow happy when I'm near you.

But is it normal to feel this way with the person that murdered my own sister?

Probably not, but why do I feel this way?

Is obvious he wants me because I look like her.

He just wants a replacement from her.

He couldn't have her and now he wants me.

But am I going to end up like my sister?

Am I going to be killed or loved?


You (Lee Mi Jin) have a twin sister named Lee Mi Kyung in which she is older then you for 3 minutes. Mi Kyung has always had personal problems in where she would always tell you. You two were like glue, never can be seperated.

Mi Kyung has always had a friend by the name of Kwon Jiyong, but lately she has been avoiding him.

You ask her why and she told you the reason was because he confesed to her but she likes someone else. In which is now her current boyfriend by the name of Woo Jiho also known as Zico.

Days passed and your sister has been acting weird. Scared can be the proper word for what you have seen her react. But why?

One day she suddenly leaves at a very late hour. You as a curious girl you are decided to follow her.

But you never knew that this journey would have changed your life forever.


"Mi-Mi Kyung?


Mi Jin whatever happenes please help him."

"Help who?"

"I have to go, love you Jin."


"You look so much like her..."



"I may look like her but I'm not her Jiyong. You changed..."


"You are defenetely NOT Mi Kyung."

"I told ya."


Do you love me for me or because I look like my sister?....

So this is a dream I dreamed about and well wanted to make it a story.

It is somehow based on the song Obsession by G-Dragon.


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KoalasRULE25 #1
Chapter 2: Stockholm syndrome, I like it
Always adds a twist to a plot
Chapter 11: i think that boy is Jiyong!!
Chapter 10: Is the grandpa still alive? I hope so so that Jiyong will search him LOL .
Chapter 9: Aww they are so cute!!
ChoiRiRin #5
Chapter 8: smart Zico ! fooling around with jiyong! :3 update soon!<3
Yuna_Nuna #6
Chapter 6: I enjoyed this lighthearted chapter. I'm curious as to what Jiyong has in mind.
michily #7
Chapter 3: yeay an update!
chekumi #8
wow, i think this is going to be a good story ;)) please update soon and goodluck