
Just Maybe


“Tell me about your friends.” He said one night when they’re busy blowing their ramen too cool it down.


            “My friends? Jongin and Suho?”


            “Do you have any other friends?”


            “Oh well.. Jongin is a really sweet boy, he live to dance. He won some dance competitions. But he can be dangerous too, especially when people try to hurt him. He knows how to fly kick.”


            Yixing chuckled before continue,


            “He lives with his dad, his step mother and her daughter. His step mother is an evil. She hates him, and always trying to make him kicked out from the house. Unfortunately, his dad always believed in everything his step mother said, the result wasn’t really good. The only reason why he hasn’t kicked out from his house yet is because he’s his dad’s real son.” He paused a little


            “I don’t know why his step mother hates him like that, Jongin is really a nice boy.”


            “Yea, I think he is, I mean he looks nice and cute too.” He said that with a grin.


            “Suho’s parents are rich, seriously rich, but his dad is a jerk.”


            “And you just called your friend’s dad as a jerk.”


            “If it was him, he would’ve called him with worse name though,”


            Another silence.


            “Why are you suddenly want to know about my friends?”


            “Nothing! Just because.”


            “What about yours?”


            “My friends?”


            “Yea, I saw you always hang out with them.”


            “Minseok and Kris are like my own brother. Kris was just like any other normal kids, he came from a normal family, except his Korean , he lived in Canada for almost 10 years.”


            “Canada? Cool!”


            “As for Minseok, his parents left him when he was 8.”


            “Left him? How?”


            “They just left him like that one day when he was 8.”


            “The reason?”


            “No one knows..” he smiled bitterly at the thoughts of his friend.


            “Hah! None of us are normal.”


            “Totally!” And they laugh hard. Now they know that a lot of people have similar life as them, they can laugh at it.


            “Want me to walk you home?” Yixing asked when they finished their late dinner, earning a happy nod from him which Yixing can’t help but to ruffle his hair.


            They was walking side by side, shoulder brushed when Yixing grabbed his hand and shoved them to his pocket. He looked down to their hands and blushed.


            “It’s warmer this way.” Yixing said.


            Indeed, he felt warmer.




            It’s just another night he spent at Yixing’s place, he was watching some TV shows, wrapped in a warm beige colored blanket belongs to Yixing. He can smell the familiar scent of Yixing, mixed of mint scented cologne and pine from his shampoo, and a faint hint of coffee. But he fell asleep in the middle of TV show.


            A light shake woke him up and he cracked one eye open.


            “I closed the store already, do you want to eat something?” Yixing asked.


            “No, I’m not hungry.” He said as he sat up on Yixing’s bed.


            “You want me to walk you home?”


            He bit his lower lip, thinking whether if it was too much to ask, but he did it anyway,


            “I don’t feel like going home, can I stay? Tomorrow is Saturday and... that if you let me though..” he looked down and playing with his fingers.


            Yixing smiled before answering, “Sure, it doesn’t matter, I can sleep on the floor..”


            “No! I mean.. it would be cold to sleep on the floor.. I mean..”


            “But I can’t let you sleep on the floor either.”


            “We... we can sleep here together..” he said still playing with his finger.


            “Oh well.. if you said so. I’ll take a shower, you can sleep first if you want.” Yixing said before grabbed his towel and proceeded to the bathroom.


            He was half asleep when he felt a weight on the bed beside him. He turned around to his right and now facing Yixing’s chest which just centimeters away from his nose. They stayed still like that for some good few minutes before Yixing finally moved, wrapped his right arm around him.


            He tilted his head up, nose brushing Yixing’s chin in progress and finally locked gaze with a pair of brown eyes. His heart pounding hard in his ribcage, he was sure Yixing can hear it.


            He didn’t know who started it first but the next thing he knew was a pair of warm lips on his own. His heart felt like it was about to explode, never once he imagined about feeling that way. His hand reached up and cupped Yixing’s face and started giving a little bit more pressure to Yixing’s lips. The kiss was slow and sweet at first, just pressure of lips on lips, but when Yixing’s hand started to wondering on his back inside his shirt, he gasped and Yixing use that chance to insert his tongue. His hand now dipped in Yixing’s hair as he let Yixing take control.


            When Yixing pulled away he whimpered a little and pulled him back. Yixing smiled at the action. The second time their lips met he felt braver and started to fight for dominance with his hand still on Yixing’s hair while Yixing’s hand drew a random pattern on his back.


            After what felt like forever he finally pulled away for the need of need oxygen. Both of them had their eyes closed, forehead pressed together and gasping for air.


            No words were said as he buried his face in Yixing’s neck. Yixing pulled him closer and nuzzled at his hair, smelling the smell of apple shampoo from his hair.


            That night, they thought, they can’t be happier than that. They didn’t realize of how long they restrain their feeling towards each other.






            He spent his weekend with Kris and Minseok, watching movies and hang out at a small café nearby.


            On the morning after that night Yixing said he can’t visit him there because his friends will be there. He couldn’t hide his disappointment but brushed it off after they shared a not-so-simple good bye kiss before he went home.






            On Monday, he tried to find Yixing on the cafeteria during the lunch break, he kept looking around but he can’t find him. His hope raise when he saw Jongin and Suho entering the cafeteria, but died a little when he didn’t find Yixing with them.

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Chapter 4: short but sweet.
Chapter 4: holysweet!
Chapter 4: Short and sweet. Such a cute LayHan. Thanks for a fluffy read! :D
Is it weird how there's drama and a bit of sap and sadness there but the main thing I noticed was 'Rilakkuma Cafe'..? lol.
Chapter 4: Love this story! Please, make a sequel
bby_tigz #5
Chapter 4: oh gawdd adhivobsdhiuvkjx
all the fkin feels rn
this was too cute!!!!
Chapter 4: Awww Fhdfjkkjsf this was adorable!!<3 wah I love their little family heheh and aw Kai is so cuute~ loveee the LayHan :D and your story is great, don't say it's bad! :D <3 ah so cute hahah
Chapter 4: I just read this all in one go and I think it's sweet and awesome <3 Thanks for sharing ^_^
Chapter 3: Sweet<3 can you write about xiumin&kris' love life?:3
Btw nice story o u o)b keep it up!