BTOB - A Trip to... Wonderland?!

♡ ~A Collection of One Shots~ ♡



                 Yang Yoseob                                          Yang Yoojin


“You twins just won’t stop no matter how hard we punish you huh?”


Yoseob snickered. “Of course not. We’re not entitled as trouble makers for nothing.”

“You’re just wasting your time and energy trying to make us learn.” Yoojin continued.


The infamous troublemakers are currently being scolded by the teacher for the millionth time. They’re widely known as the Yang twins and almost everyone doesn’t want to get involved with them.


“Seongsaenim! Please don’t expel them from school! Jebal!”




Well, everyone except one girl naming Nam Jihyun. Only she has the guts to befriend the two. And only she knows the truth about these two. The two had shared their past with Jihyun, knowing that she can be trusted.

Yoseob and Yoojin are fraternal twins. They are known as the Troublemakers in their school but all they’re trying to do is to be noticed by two important people who never seemed to care about them. Their parents. No matter how many troubles they make or how many times the school had called for them to come, they didn’t care. All they do is work, work and work!


“Why’d you fight with the Jo twins?”

“Isn’t it already obvious?” – Yoseob

“We’d do anything even if we got in trouble just to get noticed…” Yoojin rolled her eyes. There had been something on her mind since they both met Jihyun. “Why’d you even befriend us? Aren’t you afraid of us?”

The latter just shook her head. “I just wanted to know you better. That’s all there is to it.” She smiled.

“You’ll only get in trouble by hanging out with us you know?!” – Yoseob


“I know.” She looked at the twins seriously. “But you guys can’t possibly keep this up for too long. You would need someone to be there. To listen to you or other things. I just wanted to try my luck and befriend you.” She then stood up with a smile on her face.

“You trusted me with a part of your past. I might as well keep being with you since I’m almost the only one who knows about the real reason for all this troubles you’ve been making.”

Yoseob stood up and hugged her. “You’re really an angel sent to us. T.T” Yoojin laughed. Only Jihyun could make her brother act like that.

“Aigoo… Stop your drama now.” Yoojin pulled Yoseob away from Jihyun. “Ey.. You’re just jealous!” Yoseob then tackled Yoojin down.

“Yah! Yoseob! Get off me you- Hahahaha… Stop tickling me!!” Yoojin laughed uncontrollably.

“Andwae! Not until you call me oppa!”

“Never, you giant dog!”

“Yah, you’re words would come back to you, you know? We’re twins! We look alike!”

“Aniyo! I’m way too pretty to be compared to someone like you!”





The twins stopped arguing when they heard someone laughing. They looked to see Jihyun laughing at them. Jihyun noticed their gazes and tried to calm herself down.

“S-sorry. I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. You two looked like you’re having fun while arguing like that. I guess it was a first for me.” She smiled nervously, afraid that the twins would get pissed off cause of her.

“Gwaenchana.” The two mused together.





Yoojin’s POV


After that, the three of us began to chat with each other. That was until, something b*tchy arrived.




(Jihyun and Gayoon are excluded)


“Hey, losers! What are you doing here? That’s our spot!”

“Really? The place doesn’t have a name of ownership.” – Yoseob

“So technically this is not yours nor is it ours, thus making it a free space for anyone.” – Yoojin

“Now please, Off.” We said simultaneously. It really amazes me how we can have similar thoughts almost all the time. Sometimes it scares me though. It’s creepy. Yoseob told me that he thought so too.

“The nerve of you two!” She raised her eyebrow and looked at us angrily. “Don’t you know who we are?!”

“Don’t you know who we are?” Since they didn’t make any movements or whatsoever, we decided to scare them off by punching her and ‘accidentally’ missing her face by an inch on both sides. Their eyes widened and pulled their ‘leader’ away before things got worse.

Jihyun just stared at us, gapping like a fish. “You don’t know who they are?” We shook our heads. Were we supposed to? “T-those were the queenkas! 4Minute!” Our jaws dropped. “T-those.. were the… queenkas?” Then we started laughing like no tomorrow.

“Seobbie-ah! We totally owned those queenkas! Ahahaha!!”

“I know right! If I knew they were the queenkas, I would have filmed it!”

Jihyun slapped our shoulders.

“Stop laughing like crazy hyenas! Those girls will hunt you down for humiliating them.” She looked at us with a worried face.

“Don’t worry.” Yoseob smiled. “It’s not like we could be easily defeated by some girls.”

Jihyun rolled her eyes and excused herself. She said she had to go to the restroom.

With her gone, the two of us began to stop talking. Then we heard something from the bushes. We became alert. “Seob, did you hear that?” He looked at me and nodded. Not long after we heard a soft whimper, followed by a familiar voice.

“Oh no! I’m late for the queen’s banquet! I’m going to be scolded for sure!”

It sounded like… Hyunsik? Why’s he out here? He’s not the type to leave classes. I decided to approach him.

“Hyunsik? What are you doing out here?”




“I am not that Hyun-whatever you were talking about. I am Rabbit, the queen’s royal servant. If I may excuse myself, I am already late for the Queen’s banquet. Milady is surely pissed right now.” The Hyun-rabbit then jumped into the hole on the ground.

Reckless me decided that it was alright to follow so I jumped, causing Yoseob to jump right after me. He didn’t have much choice anyway.

Any trouble that I get into, he’s also involved. This one isn’t exempted.

It looked very shallow from above but it’s really deep. So here we are holding onto each other wishing we weren’t going to fall to our deaths.




A few minutes of falling, we suddenly found ourselves floating in mid-air.

“Phew~ I thought you would die. Good thing I saved you just in time. Hehe.” A tiny voice said. We looked in front of us and saw a light floating about. “Who are you?”

The light popped and revealed to us a tiny Jihyun with fairy wings attached to her back. Okay… It’s getting weirder and weirder. What the hell did I get us into?!

“I’m Luna!” She said and twirled around for a while before bowing. “And I’m your guardian fairy here in Wonderland!”


Wait, what? Wonderland?!




 “You two are here because you two have a mission to accomplish while you’re down here.”

 She then carefully let us down. “But first, let us go see Mad Hatter! He knows best about this.” She noticed that neither of us was following her so she went to us and held our hands even though she could pull us with that tiny figure of hers.

“Aish. You should at least follow. Aren’t you curious about why you’re here?” We sighed and decided to just follow her.

Who’s this Mad Hatter anyway?

If Hyunsik and Jihyun are here then it must be someone we know.

We started to smell tea around us. Ah, that’s right! It was said in the stories that the Mad Hatter seems to like to hold tea parties.


“WELCOME!” A voice yelled. Um… Is this the Mad Hatter?




“Hey, Hatter! I brought them here like you asked.”

Hatter lifted his hat and we got a perfect view of his face.  Wait, is that… Changsub?

“Yoseob, isn’t that…” I looked at him and he nodded, an amused smile playing on his lips.

“Welcome to my humble abode, dear travellers.” He motioned for us to sit near him. “Do you know why you have been give permission to enter this place?” We shook our heads.


“It’s because you must save the prince and the princess from the Queen of Hearts.

“What? Save the prince and princess?” Yoseob asked, his face showing a confused expression.

“Yep. Here’s a photo to help you find them.”


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“Why would we save them?”

“Cause you won’t be able to return if you don’t help us.”

Argh… We have no choice then. This prince doesn’t look half bad at all.

I smirked.

Rescuing him might be a bit fun.





Narrator’s POV


Hatter introduced to them what they may encounter during the operation. He told them all of what he thought would be necessary for them.

The twins were getting more pumped up at getting to go on a rescue mission especially since it’s a prince and princess they were going to rescue. They may not be noticed by their parents but at least they would be noticed by the people down here by rescuing the two.

There’s also another reason why they got excited on doing this. They were both captivated by the two royals and only thought of the safety of the two.

When Hatter decided that they were ready enough, he accompanied them to Caterpillar. Caterpillar was the wisest amongst all creatures in Wonderland. He should be able to tell the young ones all of what they should do.

“Caterpillar, my dear friend! I have brought them here for you.”

“Yes, yes. I know Hatter, I know.” The Caterpillar then faced them which shocked the two. “Eu-eunkwang?!”




“Huh? What?”

“No, it’s nothing. Sorry for the sudden outburst Eun-... Mr. Caterpillar.”

“You can just drop the ‘mister’. Anyway, as of now the only thing that you don’t know are the prince and princess’ names.” They just waited for the old caterpillar to keep on talking, which actually took a few minutes. (-_-)

“Prince Horan and Princess Garin” – Caterpillar (Eunkwang)

“Now that’s over with, you two may go now. Don’t worry though. The Cheshire cat is always around you to guide you. Luna will be coming with you too.”


They nodded and allowed Luna to guide them out of the forest. When they decided to take a rest for a while, a cat boy suddenly appeared floating in mid-air.

“Hello there. I am Cheshire cat, nice to meet you.” They blinked a few more times before they recognized the face in front of them.




Mwoh?! Isn’t this Minhyuk? That popular kid at school?!

“N-nice to meet you too…”


 After a few days of walking around, they finally arrived at the palace. That’s good news. But the bad news is, they both fainted in front of the castle.





Yoojin’s POV


“Poor kids… They should be thankful that Milady allowed them inside.” I heard someone say. That voice… It seems familiar… Where have I heard it before?

I slowly opened my eyes to find two boys looking at us. They wore the same clothes and seemed to have similar of everything.

“Aw… Humpty, you woke the lady up!”

“I didn’t! It was you, Dumpty!”

Humpty & Dumpty? I took a better look at their faces and I recognized them immediately. Peniel & Sungjae.



Peniel/Humpty & Sungjae/Dumpty


These two were like glue and always stuck beside each other. They were the best of best friends.

“Argh… Yoojin?”

“Seob! Yoseob, are you ok?” I endured the pain and stood up just to see my twin. He was in almost the same state as I was. We probably fainted from fatigue and hunger.

“Aw… They look so lovely together. Enduring the pain she feels just to see the other.” The two began to stare at us.

“Where are we?”


“In the Queen’s palace, of course.” – Humpty

“What have brought you two here?” – Dumpty


Yoseob held my hand, signalling me not to do something reckless. We are, after all inside the Queen’s palace. This means, this is her domain, her territory.

“Do you know about the Prince and Princess being held captive here?”

The two gasped. “We can’t talk about that! The Queen would most definitely punish us for it!”

I clutched the sword tied to my waist. Wait, did I forget to tell you that we received swords? Well at least you got to know. Okay, back to topic.

I clutched the sword tied to my waist and glared at them. “I don’t give a damn about your Queen so you better tell us all you know about the captives. All of what you know.”

Humpty and Dumpty was already trembling in fear. Fear of me or the Queen? I don’t really know. I mean, they seem to be the type who could get scared easily with just one threat.

I heard a low chuckle. “Yoojin, calm down. You’re scaring them.” I took his advice and took three deep breaths. “Okay, now can you please talk?”


“Will you protect us from the Red Queen?” – Dumpty (Sungjae)


“Yoojin, Yoseob, remember not to promise something that you, yourself doesn’t know the answer too.”


We all looked up and saw Cheshire floating about in the air. He even smirked at me!

“Aish! I know I can’t promise that but I won’t know until I try it!”

Humpty and Dumpty looked at each other and nodded. “We’ll lead you to the Prince and Princess.”



So there we were, running through long corridors hoping to find the royals fast. When we finally reached the chamber, the Queen was already there.




She held a knife and pointed it to the Princess.

“Hah! You thought I wouldn’t know that you two were sent here by that Hatter? Well, you’re wrong, dear!”

She took a step towards the light and there we saw exactly who we were going to be fighting with.





Yoseob’s POV


I can’t believe it! The Queen of this world is actually that queenka! What a small world it really is.

I stared at the Princess, clutching my sword tightly, preparing to attack just in case she did anything dangerous to the Princess.

I kind of admit that I fell for this Princess. Too bad I’m not from this place.

“Let them go!” I bravely shouted. It’s actually an achievement for me because I got to say it without stuttering. Asa!

Ahem… Back to topic.

I don’t know how this happened cause it was just so fast. We are now currently charging at the Queen and is desperately trying to get her away from the two royals. We managed to get her to let go of the Princess. Good thing Hatter came.

Hatter got the two of them to leave before it endangers them more.


“You piece of-”

The battle continued and the we started to grow weaker and weaker as time passes.

“Wahahahaha!! You are no match for me!” The Queen yelled as she stabbed me.

“Yoseob!” I heard Yoojin call for me.

Yoojin-ah… Mianhae. It seems like I won’t be able to protect you anymore.


Andwae! Don’t lose hope and listen to me.

You have touched my heart with your bravery and true love for your sister.

I have made my decision to save you so that you may be with her once again.


Kamsahamnida, Princess.

I felt something soft and warm touch my lips and soon enough I was up and awake, watching my sister lose herself because of me. Would this happen to me if she were the one who was stabbed?

I was about to go and help her when another voice talked to me. This time, it was the prince.


Don’t worry; I’ll take care of your sister for you.

You’re still not recovered from that wound you got.

It might worsen and make your sister worry for you more.





Yoojin’s POV


I don’t know what happened but when I saw Yoseob being stabbed, I just lost it. So here I am aimlessly slashing my sword to the Queen. I was being wild. That was until, a voice talked to me.


Relax. It’s just me, Prince Horan.

Don’t let anger get the best of you.

You won’t be able to defeat her that way.

Calm yourself and steady your heart.



I did what he told me to do. I took a few steps backward and calmed down – or at least tried to.



Good. Now listen carefully to the footsteps.



I can’t its fast.



That’s why I want you to listen. It’s the only footsteps that you’ll be able to hear. Don’t worry. I’ll be right here to guide you.



I listened.



It’s coming closer.






It’s right behind me!










I opened my eyes to see that I had defeated the Queen. I smiled brightly at them. I felt happier when I felt my brother hug me from behind.

“Yoseob!” I cried and cried as I hugged him. “I thought you would be leaving me so soon.”

“Stop crying! I’m well and alive now right?” He patted my head. “If you’re really glad then you’ll have to thank the one who saved me.” He pointed to Princess Garin. I nodded.

“Princess… *sob* T-thank y-you for saving my b-brother… *sniff* Jeongmal kamsahamnida!” I bowed and also went to Prince Horan since he helped me out when I was totally losing myself.

“Kamsahamnida! For helping me earlier…”

“Gwaenchana. It’s a pleasure to help a pretty lady like you. I just hope you won’t forget me.”

“Ani! I won’t.”

“You surely won’t if I do this…” He held both sides of my cheeks and went closer to me. I closed my eyes and there it was. That soft, warm feeling against my lips.

“I think I’ve fallen for you. Because of that, I’ll make sure to see you again. No matter what.”

I blushed. Yoseob was now laughing at me. Jerk’s probably jealous I got a kiss while he didn’t.


Oh, wait… I take it back. Princess Garin just kissed him.  (:3)


 “You have to go now. I guess we’ll see you around?” – Prince Horan


We just stared at him, wondering what he could possibly mean about that. I was about to ask when everything suddenly turned black.

When we woke up, it was like nothing happened at all. No scars and whatsoever. I don’t even think that anyone knows we went away.

I felt something cold on my cheeks. “Hey! You guys better wake up now. You’ve been sleeping for two straight hours now.” She pouted.



It was a dream?






I think that it’s more than a dream.




~2 months later~


“Class, we have two transfer students!” 


"Ma'am!" Sungjae raised his hand. "Are they female or male?"


"One of them is a male, the other is a female."


The class started to gossip about these transfers. Aish. If it’s a hot/cute guy, the girls want to act cute and innocent with him and make him fall for them. If it’s a girl, the guys make a bet on whether who can bed them fastest. Fortunately for me and my brother, we’re just the bystanders. We don’t really care about that stuff. Anyway, let’s proceed with the introductions of the transfers, shall we.

“Annyeonghaseyo. My name is Jung Ilhoon, pleased to meet you.” The transfer looked directly at me and flashed a killer smile, making the girls swoon.



Have I met him before? He looks familiar.



“Annyeonghaseyo. My name is Heo Gayoon, Ilhoon's cousin. Nice to meet you.” She bowed and smiled but I can feel that she was looking at Yoseob.


I turned to look at Yoseob who had a shock-filled face.


“Okay, class president. I trust you to assist these transfers around the school alright.” Before Hyunsik could reply to the teacher, Ilhoon cut him off.

“Excuse me, ma’am but we’d actually rather someone we know to help us around here.” The teacher raised a questioning eyebrow. “And who might that be?”


Gayoon spoke up. “Yang Yoseob and Yang Yoojin”


The students then looked at us and began gossiping.

“Um… Are you sure? They are the infamous troublemakers here in CUBE High. You’d get in trouble for simply hanging out with them.” Changsub, be thankful I still remember Hatter in you or else you’d be dead meat by now.



Calm down, Yoojin. You never change do you?




Actually it’s Ilhoon. My real name is Jung Ilhoon.



I smiled. 

He came back… He kept his promise that we’d meet again.



“That’s quite rude, I must say.” Ilhoon sent a spine-chilling glare to Changsub.

“What’s your relationship with the Yang twins then?” They both smirked at Minhyuk, the on who asked, and simply trudged to me and Yoseob. We were stuck on our spot. I don’t know why but I really can’t help but get captivated by his gaze.


“I’m Yang Yoojin’s boyfriend.” I blushed as Ilhoon sat on my desk and began to play with my hair.


“And I’m Yang Yoseob’s girlfriend.” Gayoon did the same to my brother.














“NO WAY!!”

“I-I guess it’s alright if the Yang twins were to guide Ms. Heo and Mr. Jung around the campus.”




Our life in High School will never be the same ever again. But this time, I could say it got better.

It all got better since we went on a trip to Wonderland.








First of all... I was planning for romance with Ilhoon during the rescue in Wonderland but my stupid brain made my character's personality get side tracked so the whole story also side tracked. Sorry

Second... I'm sorry again of this is a bit ish but I did try my best in making this.

Third... Thank you to AlwaysAnElf, MirandaLuvSHINee and yoonaddict901 for subscribing...

Fourth... Unfortunately, my brain can't get any ideas so I have no idea what to write about next... If you have any suggestions, please PM me/comment here! (^-^)

Lastly... I'm off to go read/watch/think and get some insiration!!! :3 Toddles~


Ppyong~ \(*^*)/

kpop gifs photo: Lee Joon Poker Face tumblr_m53teee0yw1qg5nyao1_500.gif


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Hey! Just wanted you to know that I got an idea for a oneshot. I'll try to finish it by tomorrow or the next day if possible. I just wanted to tell you that~!


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