
My Private Tutor



The first day of College everyone looked around, met a few people, got to know their classes a bit, and joined lot's of clubs. After settling in the first day, they all had class the next so they went to bed early. But since everyone was feeling very anxious about starting classes. Chunji slept over at L.Joe's and Changrick stayed up most of the night talking as did Nap and Chunjoe.



Wednesday was kinda hectic as everyone woke up at different times and had to leave for class. They all had different classes, sadly since they all were majoring in different things. None of them had time to meet up during, after, or before classes since they all had them at different times. So they all promised to meet each other the next day.


When Cap got to his first class, he sat in the back and waited patiently for class to start. Before class started a few girls were giving him looks. Cap didn't return the looks back, but was actually getting pretty annoyed when a guy sat next to him. "Sup" The guy said. "Sup" Cap responded. The girls still winking, waving, and whispering. Cap ignored them of course and once the Professer got in they settled down and focused their attention on the speaking professer.


When Niel got to his first class, he sat in he middle. He hated being apart from Cap but for the time being, he had no other choice but to stick through it. Once taking a seat a girl and guy sat beside him. He smiled at them and they smiled back. "Are you a freshmen?" The girl asked. "Y-Yeah" Niel shyly said. "Ah, we're sophmores" She said pointing at her and the guy sitting next to her, "My name is Jiyoung and his is minwoo" She said. "Hi, my name is Niel" Niel replied smiling. The girl smiled back, but before she could say anything the professer came in and started class.


When Ricky first got to his first class, of course Changjo walked him. Ricky begged him not to because their classes were on the completely opposite side from each others, but Changjo insisted. He didn't mind being late, but Ricky did. Once they got to the class, Changjo quickly gave Ricky a kiss on the forehead and threw up a fighting fist. Ricky smiled and silently yelled, "Fighting!" Changjo smiled back and gave him one last hug before vanishing. Ricky came in and took his seat near the middle-front. Ricky sat down next to a guy. "Hi" The guy said. "H-Hi" Ricky responded. The professer came in and class got started. Everyone took out their notebooks and pens, some had laptops. Ricky took out his notebook and started to take out his pen when OMO he couldn't feel his pen. Ricky quietly scrambled through his bag, but couldn't find a pen. He got worried as the professer was already writing down stuff on the board. Ricky looked one last time through his bag when, "Here" The guy sitting next to him stuck out a pen infront of Ricky. 'Thank you so much" Ricky took the pen and started writing things down. Once class ended, Ricky tried giving back the pen. "Here's your pen" Ricky said sticking out the pen. The guy just smirked, "That's okay," He grabbed the pen and placed it softly back in ricky's hand, "You keep it" He said as he folded Ricky's hand. He smiled then walked out. Ricky was too shocked to say anything. D-D-D-Did he just...I...what....


When Changjo arrived at his first class he was a bit late from walking Ricky and the professer had already started. He opened the door slowly and tried sneaking in and sitting in the back allthough all the back seats were tooken up. Pft, slackers Changjo thought in his head. Instead, he had to sneak to the middle which of course he was caught. "Not the best impression on the first day" The professer spoke. Changjo swallowed hard, nervous. "S-Sorry" He bowed. "Take a seat" The professer had a stern face on and pointed to the seat Changjo should take. But of course it was a seat closet to the professer, all the way in the front row. Changjo reluctantly but did take the seat.


When Chunji arrived at his first class he sat in the front. He wanted to make a very good first impression on the professer. He stayed  quiet unlike some of the other people in his class. He made sure he had got his pencil and paper out and set it down neatly on the table infornt of him. He patiently waited for class to begin. Once the class had begun Chunji jotted down every note the professer wrote on the board. Every question the professer would ask Chunji raised his hand to answer. Some may think he's a teacher's pet, but CHunji didn't feel that way. He felt like he needed to ge through college without having problems with professer's so that's what he's doing. After class was over Chunji went down to talk with the professer too to ask him some questions on things he had a problem with. Once class was over Chunji started out to his next class. On the way there Chunji heard a couple of guys saying, "Teachers Pet" to him. "Seriously, what gr​ade are we in?" Chunji thought in his head.  Chunji fought the urge to go over there and say something to them because who knows where that would lead. Chunji simply ignored them and went to his next class.


When L.Joe arrived in his first class, he took a seat in the back. Most of the reason was because he did not want to answer questions or be noticed by the professer. L.Joe took his seat and right after taking it the professer came in. During the professer's lesson a guy came in and sat next to L.Joe. L.Joe wouldn't have minded him sitting next to him, but all the time he kept making noises making the teacher look back at the BOTH of them. Even though it was that guy. During the whole session the guy kept asking L.Joe questions, very loudly at that. Asking, "Can I borrow a pen?" So L.Joe gave him a pen. He asked, "What is he talking about?", "What time it it?", "Should we write this down?" Those were the questions he was asking repeatedly and L.Joe couldn't take it anymore. His head was about to burst. What he hated the most was every time the guy would ask a question very loudly, the whole class including the professer would stop and stare at both of them, like it was both of them talking. L.Joe also had to fight the urge to smack him then and there, but when the guy asked another question to L.Joe L.Joe lost it. L.Joe yelled at him, "CAN YOU PLEASE SHUT UP ASKING ME QUESTIONS" This definetly caught everyone's attention in the classroom. The professer ended up kicking both L.Joe and the guy out of his class for the day. "What a great way to start the first day" 


This is how each of them started their first day


A/N: I know it's not much of an after story, but there's going to be more of these so stick around? :) Also, mind checking out my other fic? :)

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I marked the story complete, but I'm still going to add the after stories. :)


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Chapter 2: I feel sad for Chanhee :((
Chapter 1: Oooooooooooh. Yoseob at the end tho. <3 <3 This book seems interesting too :))
lineth #3
awesome story, really really cute!!! I LOVE all the couples kekeke*_~
Awwww! The ending was so cute! Go chunjoe~~
Chapter 55: awwwww ChangRic *^* <3
Chapter 55: Sweet!!!!!! :D
ILoveYou_Forever #7
Chapter 55: Awwwwwwwwww~~~~~~~
Will there be more??? 0.0
Chapter 16: It's sad that they broke up ~T_T~
Bambi10 #10
Chapter 53: DAMN i love l.joes first day....sadly that how most of my first days in school went...