I Want You To Stay

My Private Tutor



"Hello? Chunji, did you hear what I said?" L.Joe waved his hand infront of Chunji's face. Chunji was flustered and confused to what L.Joe was saying. Half of it because he could barely make out what L.Joe was trying to say. And the other half because he was actually confused.

"Chunji" L.Joe shook Chunji slightly

"H-Huh?" Chunji finally spoke back

"Did you hear me?" 

"Yeah, but what are you talking about? Another college?" Chunji gave him a confused look

L.Joe sighed, "You remember that day we were going to take that college tour?"


"Well, that day while I was waiting for you I looked at the dinning room table and saw pictures on the table so I went and looked at them and while I picked one up I-I saw a letter just happened to be on top of it. In order for me to look at the picture, I had to lift it up you know Chunji, so I lifted it up and the paper on the inside happened to fall out of it and it unfolded and BOOM it said you had been accepted then I hurried and put everything back and you came out" L.Joe said very carefully so he wouldn't slip on words.

"What college was it?"

"_____ college"

Chunji crossed his arms and stared at L.Joe. L.Joe thought Chunji was about to slap him for opening his mail. So L.Joe scrunched up his shoulders and face and braced himself for pain, but instead he felt a small thud on his forehead.

L.Joe opened his eyes and found Chunji laughing

"Why are you laughing?" L.Joe didn't know whether to be happy or nervous 

"Because you're stupid" Chunji hit his forehead again

" Ow, why are you hitting me?"

"1. for opening my mail & 2. because you're stupid"

"And why am I stupid?"

"Let me guess. When you opened that envelope it said something like, "Dear Mr Lee, I am happy to inform you that you have been accepted...." blah blah blah"


"And it was on the table with pictures of me and my dad"

"...yeah..but what does that have to do with anything?" This time L.Joe was giving a confused look

"That's an old letter from when my dad got accepted to college."

"WHAT" L.Joe's eyes grew big

"Yeah" Chunji nodded his head


"Yeah, Lee Chunji..."


"YEAH Lee Chunji SR. I'm Lee Chunji JR."


"Yup" Chunji smiled


"I don't know. It never crossed my mind" Chunji shrugged


"All those pictures and that letter, also some other things, are from this box that contains all of my dad's things in it. I guess when my mom was looking through those pictures, she just dumped the box on the table. We've had that box kept safe for years."

"Well, I guess that explains why it was so..so...new looking"


"Wow, and this whole time I thought you were going to leave me and go to a different college far away" L.Joe let out an sigh of relief

Chunji hit him, "You really are stupid"

L.Joe rubbed the spot that Chunji had hit, "I know"

"Why did you think I would leave you after we'd planned to go to college together?" Chunji sat down on the bed

"I don't know. " L.Joe sat next to him. "I thought maybe you were only saying that because you didn't want to hurt me"

"Well, instead of acting all distant you should have just told me" 

"I know, I just didn't want to face the truth if you did say you wanted to go away for college." L.Joe said in a soft baby like voice and laid his head on Chunji's shoulder. Chunji placed his head on top of L.Joe's

"Ahh, the stupid things you do" Chunji said

They laid down on the bed facing each other. They stayed like that for a few minutes until L.Joe said something,

"Hey, if you really did want to go to college somewhere else, then would you choose me or college?"

"That depends, would you tell me to stay or go"

"Well, if you really wanted to go, I would say go"

"Then I would go, no questions asked" L.Joe looked at him and gave a shocked face

"I'm just kidding" Chunji laughed

"That's not funny"

"Okay okay. I would think long and hard. I would want you to tell me to stay though"

"Well, if I told you to stay, would you really stay?"

"hmmm, I don't know" Chunji pretended to be thinking hard

"CHANEE" L.Joe pouted 

"I'm just kidding. Yes, I would try my absolute best to stay" Chunji laughed, "But ey what kind of boyfriend are you? You're supposed to say "Go ahead and pursue your dreams, i'll be right here waiting for you when you get back"

"Honestly, I would be lying if I said that. I want you to stay...here..this close...right next to me"  L.Joe said

"Here?" Chunji scooted closer


"Here?" Chunji scooted closer


"Here?"Chunji scooted so close that his and L.Joe's nose was touching

"This close" L.Joe smiled and Chunji did too.

L.Joe his face a couple of times and then,

"Hey do you think we should finish that college papers and stuff?" Chunji said

"Wow Chunji, you've managed to completely kill the mood" Both of them laughed


A/N: this is really short wahhhh




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I marked the story complete, but I'm still going to add the after stories. :)


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Chapter 2: I feel sad for Chanhee :((
Chapter 1: Oooooooooooh. Yoseob at the end tho. <3 <3 This book seems interesting too :))
lineth #3
awesome story, really really cute!!! I LOVE all the couples kekeke*_~
Awwww! The ending was so cute! Go chunjoe~~
Chapter 55: awwwww ChangRic *^* <3
Chapter 55: Sweet!!!!!! :D
ILoveYou_Forever #7
Chapter 55: Awwwwwwwwww~~~~~~~
Will there be more??? 0.0
Chapter 16: It's sad that they broke up ~T_T~
Bambi10 #10
Chapter 53: DAMN i love l.joes first day....sadly that how most of my first days in school went...