
My Private Tutor

Chunji's pov:

I woke up the next morning to get ready for school. The whole entire time I was getting dressed I kept thinking about last night. How did L.Joe know L? Why couldn't I tutor him? What was so bad that L.Joe practically forbidded me to see him? I got out of the shower and heard L.Joe snoring away. I went into his room and found on his bed shirtless with his mouth partialy open with the blankets and sheets scattered.

Aigooo, this kid is supposed to be up already. I slid in and sat down on the edge of his bed.

"L.Joe, wake up" I said shaking him slightly.

"mhh" He said and rolled over on the other side.

"L.Joe, get up!" I yelled this time.

"Noo~, I'm sleepy" He said pulling the blanket up on his body. His sleepy voice was like ear , but NO he needed to get up for school. We couldn't be late! Just then I got an idea. I slowly slid the blanket down so only his chest was showing. I lightly kissed his chest,

"L.joe, wake uuuppp~"

"5 More mins, Chanee. Then I'll get up" He said while smirking.

You've got to be kidding me. I ripped the covers off his body then hit his chest a bit too hard. He winced in pain

"L.Joe, you got 3 seconds to get out of bed and get dressed!" I said standing sounding like his mother.

"Yes, m'am!" He said and sprinted out of bed into the shower.


We got dressed and ran into L.Joe's car to go to school.  We dropped Minhae off first then headed to our school. I was still curious about last night with Myungsoo..I mean L or whoever he was. We pulled up to the school and before I asked.



"Who's L?"

"What do you mean who?"

"I mean how do you know him"

"uhm, that's a bit complicated"

"Tell me?"

"It's a long story"

"Tell me"

He sighed and said, "Chanee, it's a real complicated story"

"Do you trust me?"

"Well, yeah b-"

"Well, you obviously don't trust me enough to tell me how you really know myungsoo or L or whoever"

"Chanee, it's not like that-"

"Fine. Whatever. Don't tell me then" I said and jumped out of the car into the school. I wasn't really that mad he didn't tell me, but I was hoping he would have stopped me from walking in the school and gave in, but he didn't. I was surprised he didn't. I mean any other time I got mad he would have stopped me. Maybe this really was a complicated story...


At lunch I sat down with niel, ricky, cap, and changjo. Ever since they was out in the open with their relationship, they've been spending soo much time together.  I hadn't talked to L.Joe since ealier that morning in the car. I sat down with my tray of food. L.Joe wasn't there and Nap and Changrick were too busy in their dreamland to notice I was there. I quickly ate then went into the library to study before I had my next class.

I sat down at a table that was isolated in a corner and pulled out my stuff to study. Then my phone rang. I was totally not expacting myung- L to call. I know I probably shouldn't have, but I answered anyway.




"Hey, I was just curious if we were still tutoring today?"

"Uh.." I didn't know how to respond. I mean that woud be totally rude to be like 'no, we're done tutoring from now on. Don't call me. He never showed me a side to him that was mean or anything. He was actually kind of...sweet. & L.Joe wouldn't tell me what the problem was and.

"Chunji?" He interupted me out of my thoughts.


"So are we?"

"Actually L. I'm not going to be tutoring for a while"

"Why? Did something happen?"

"No, I just don't have the time anymore."

"Well, that means you won't be tutoring me anymore?"

"Uh.." I didn't know how to respond. He sounded so sad when he said that. I mean he couldn't have been that bad, right?

"L, how about we do this. I'll come to the coffee shop and tutor you today, but I can't anymore after this."



"Can we have it right after school instead?"

"Uh, yeah..sure!"

"Okay, I'll see you then"

"Okay" I said and we hung up the phone. I felt kinda bad about going to meet him after L.Joe told me not to, but he wouldn't even tell me why. & what is supposed to be mad or something? Why didn't he come to lunch? Ugh, L.Joe's pissing me off.

I heard the bell ring and I ran out to my classroom.


After school I didn't wait for L.Joe. I lef right afterwards to go tutor L. I knew he was going to be mad, but he's just going to be mad. I already told L I would tutor him today.

I got to the coffee shop and waited for L. he finally arrived.



We sat down and and started studying, but only for 30 mins. Because the only hing that was going through my mind was about him and L.Joe. How did they know each other?



"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just got a lot on my mind"

"Well, then. Should we take a break?" He said and closed the books.

We started talking for awhile about different things. It turns out L enjoys singing too. We talked about music and a lot of things. Soon it became dark.

"wow, it's this late already? I guess I should get going" I said and started packing up. I turnt around to leave when L grabbed me.

"Wait, don't go. Is this really the last time you'll tutor me?"

"Unfortunately, yes"

"Well, can we still see each other?"

"I don't know"

"It could be just as friends"

"I guess that's okay bbut-"

"Cool. I'll see you here tomorrow?"


"Great. See you tomorrow." he said smiling at me then taking off. W-Was he flirting with me? No, of course not. H-He couldn't be. He as just being friendly.

I got up to leave when I checked my phone. L.Joe had called me 30+ times. Omo. I forgot to take my cellphone off of silent after school. I was going to call him back, but I figured he'd be mad and only yell at me..I figured tht could wait until I got home. I quickly left the coffee shop and headed on a bus home.


L.Joe's Pov:

I was calling and calling and calling Chunji like crazy and he never answered. I waited forever after school for him, but I asked niel and he said Chunji had left early. I had no clue where he was. Was he seriously that mad I didn't tell him the relation between me and L? Did he really need to know? He's okay, right?Those questions kept ringing in my head when he came through the front door.

"Chunji, where the hell have you been?"

"I was out"

"Doing what? It's now seven o'clock"

"I...was just out" he said. I could tell he was lying.

"Really? Doing what?"

"Nothing much"

"Chunji, if you were with L-"

"Calm down, i wasn't' he said much too quickly.

"Well, for now on tell me where you're going, okay?"

"Why should I? You're not my parent" He said very coldly


"I'm sorry. It's just that you won't tell me what it is between you and L and it has literally been driving me insane since last night"

I didn't say anything just looked down at my feet with my arms crossed over my chest. He was right.

"Follow me" I said walking into my room. He followed behind. I still had my school clothes on and they were getting terribly annoying. I started stripping my clothes off.

"What is it?"

"I'll tell you"

He didn't say anything just waited for me to start.

"You know how I said you shouldn't be around him?"


"Well, you shouldn't he really isn't as nice as he may seem."

"How do you know him?"

"Me and L go wayy back. I mean like way way back to toddler years. We grew up together. Always hung out and played with each other. Then he moved away for some years and came back, but he was totally different. He acted the same on the outside, but on the inside I could tell something was different."


"Okay, let me start from the beginning. L's dad and my dad are brothers."


"Yeah, I know."

"Then you and L are-"

"No. My uncle adopted him when he was still a baby"

"The realtionship between my father and L's father is far beyond complicated. They're brother's but they're also like rivals. When my dad was in the beginning stages of setting up his company. L's uncle, was my dad's partner. But in the mist of setting everything up, they had a fallen out and my dad cut him from being his partner. I don't know what the falling out was. L's dad decided he would build his own company, to take out my dad's but it didn't work out and soon closed and he started working for my dad which I know he hated. They ended up becoming rival's because of it. I don't know the full story, but that's only how much I could get"

"If your dad and L's dad were rivals. Why did you and L still hang out"

"The only reason why me and L hung out was because our fathers made us. For reasons I don't even understand they wanted me and L to grow up becoming besfriends. It was weird. It was like they were saying keep your friends close and your enemies closer. They acted like brother's infront of me and L, but me and L weren't stupid. They were brother's infront of us, but if they had to sell each other out for a deal they would do it in a heart beat and to be honest that's the same way me and L are"


"Not me, but L. If he had to sell me out for a deal he would do it in a heart beat. He hates me for reasons I don't know why. You shouldn't be around him tho"


"All he does is uses people"

"How do you know?"

"He's done it before"


" Like one time L came to me and claimed he was in big trouble. He said he got in trouble with the drug guys and he needed money."

"How did he get into it with drug guys?"

"He claimed he really needed money for his mom because she had cancer so he started dealing with drugs, but something happened and he lost the money so he needed my help being that my dad was rich and all. I ended up sending him $50,000 secretly of my dad's money which was the dumbest thing I ever did"


"He was never involved with drug guys. He took the money and spent it on a little vacation. His mom was never sick. really, she and his dad got an divorce and she moved out."

"Are you serious?!"


"What did your dad do?"

"Nothing, because I never told him."

"What?! Why?!"

"1. I couldn't possibly tell my dad that I stole $50,000 dollars from him and gave it to L of all people. my dad isn't stupid he know's about L and his dad. 2. L told me to keep it between us and that's what I did"


"I don't know..back then I was in a I don't care state. If you can imagine I hated my dad back then more then I do now. That's when my mom had left and he was never home and he started acting different I don't know. I didn't really care what happened to him back then and and I guess..I just really didn't care for my dad at all"

"But that makes no since. Why are you and L hanging out like you guys are friends if you hate each other?"

"That's complicated. Our father's kinda forced us to become this way too pretend we're "friends."

"How did they force you to be friends?"

"I shouldn't say force it was more like either he's your friend or you get no other friend."

"well, you still didn't have to be friends with him"

"Before I met you Chanee. I didn't care for much in my life. I didn't care if I was used or anything. I didn't care for nothing at all. I knew L was like that, but we still pretended we were friends. I guess I was lonely and even if I had to pretend to be friends with someone who hated me I would still do it. Weak huh?"

"No, I don't think that at all. I'm just happy you're not like that anymore... what made you change so suddenly?"

"You" I smiled. He did the same

"Wait, I'm still confused though."

"Let's just say the only reason why I think L and his dad still hangs around is for money and rivalry. They want to take my dad's company down and have all the money because of the fallen out. They hate my dad because of it even thought I don't know how it invloves L. When my dad retires he's obviously going to have to give the company to somebody."

"I thought you would get the company because your his son?"

" Well, before my dad can actually give me the company, the whole company including my dad and all votes for who they would think would be a better person and being that L's dad hates my dad I'm pretty sure he will put L against me if it's the last thing he does. Me and L have been competing against each other since the fallen out between our dads. I don't know why my dad put's me against L when he could easily win. He doesn't have to put L against me at all, he could just give it to me, but It's like he has to prove that I won by me actually competing. Anyway, my dad get's the final say, but the company vote counts for 50%"

"But what does all of this have to do me? Why did he come to me for a tutor?"

"Either he really doesn't know about me and you and really needs a tutor, which I think is bull, or something's up"

"But your dad's not even retiring now or anything so what could it be?"

"I don't know that's what I need to find out.....


A/N: I updated! It might not be that long though because I was really just making this chapter to fill in the mystery between L and all. I hope you guys understand it. It's really just L's competing against L.Joe and him and his father want's L.Joe's dads company and L pretended to be friends with L.Joe to get one step closer to having l.Joe's dads company. I made it really confusing, I'm sorry! Thanks to those who read this, comments, and subscribes!! ^^ I hope you guys continue to read and comment and subscribe. I mean you can't just leave in the middle of this drama now, can you? ^^ I again want to apoligize for making it so complicated why L and L.Joe are rivals and why they're pretending to be friends and all that. I said I was adding Nap and Changrick, but I forgot in this chap so hang around for one more chap? lol thanks :)



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I marked the story complete, but I'm still going to add the after stories. :)


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Chapter 2: I feel sad for Chanhee :((
Chapter 1: Oooooooooooh. Yoseob at the end tho. <3 <3 This book seems interesting too :))
lineth #3
awesome story, really really cute!!! I LOVE all the couples kekeke*_~
Awwww! The ending was so cute! Go chunjoe~~
Chapter 55: awwwww ChangRic *^* <3
Chapter 55: Sweet!!!!!! :D
ILoveYou_Forever #7
Chapter 55: Awwwwwwwwww~~~~~~~
Will there be more??? 0.0
Chapter 16: It's sad that they broke up ~T_T~
Bambi10 #10
Chapter 53: DAMN i love l.joes first day....sadly that how most of my first days in school went...