Heaven by Your Side (HIATUS)



Love can feel so heavenly, but can hurt as much as the fires of hell. 
Kate lives a happy single life. She's more than happy to not have a relationship considering the tragic love stories she had witnessed. "Love only hurts in the end" She's not the kind of girl who would give in to such. That is until she met Suho...
Suho is handsome, humble, and famous. He's the perfect man, as everyone calls him. He's life is practically planned out: he lives his dream everyday and thousands of fans love and adore him. But when he meets Kate, he starts to question what he really wanted in his life. 
A story about choosing betweent the life you love and the love of your life. Sometimes doing the right thing can lead to the most painful outcomes.
WIll these lovers fight? or give in? 



(Kate’s POV)


Love is not something seen but felt.

It’s not something owned, but shared.


            That’s what I witnessed in the books I’ve read. Love is all about being destined for someone, finding your other half, and doing what it takes to be together. It’s about looking into someone’s eyes and knowing in an instant how that person is feeling or what they are thinking. It’s knowing someone so well, it’s difficult to lie or to hide. Love makes us bold and daring, but makes us vulnerable at the same time.


            I laugh at that. How can anyone write something so…fictional? Love? It’s just something people came up with for the hopeless-hearted. It’s just something to keep us going, to inspire us. At least that’s what I believed. I’ve never experienced romantic love, but from what I’ve witnessed in real life…it’s definitely different from the books. People get hurt everyday because of the illusion love had contorted in our minds. I never understood why people put up with that kind of pain, when it can surely be prevented in the first place. Love is risky and being the person I am, I’m not the kind who jumps off a cliff and enjoys it.


At least, that’s what I thought…until I met him.



(Suho’s POV)


Music is my life.

Music is love.


I’m happy with what I have and satisfied with my life. I have everything I’ve ever wanted: a career, fame, and most specially the opportunity to live my dream everyday. I never understood how I got so lucky. Someone above must like me very much for I to have been showered with so many blessings.


            That is until I met someone that things started to get complicated. I started questioning my life, was this what I really wanted? But of course, I would tell myself. For the first time in my life, I experienced being confronted by a choice. This time, both sides would mean complete and utter destruction of my life… How can I choose when both sides would leave me broken-hearted in the end? Is it really worth the risk? How did I ever get this far? 


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I will bug you until you update!! =)))) //throws exploding hearts at you//