
My new chingoo ; Jay

"Ya ! It's that true ?!" Two girls were gossiping about Jay Park and Jaehee .


"Ya !!!!" Sunny appeared out of the blue behind them .

"What did you just say ? Jay Park and who ?! Jaehee ? Are you kidding me ? Where are they now ?!?!" Sunny got pissed off after hearing the news . 

"ah..the school clinic" the girls replied so that they won't get beaten up by her .


Jaehee POV 

"Kumawo ! Tha

nks about everything ! I owe you one :) "

Jay help me alot even though we just met and i felt comfortable around him . 


Jay Park POV 

"It's okay !" he replied

Jaehee seems to be really friendly and cute too . Especially with her dimples and the messy buns . hehe . 


"Hi Jay parkk~ ! I'm Sunny...The most popular girl in school ." She said proudly . 

"Oh , and you shouldn't hangout with a dirtbag like Jaehee . It will ruin your image...Hahaha ! " Sunny told Jay Park .

"Bwo ! Haha ! Dirtbag ?! Hay , watch your mouth young lady ! She's my bestfriend and you have no right to say that !" He rolled his eyes . 

Jaehee POV 

After Sunny saw us , I know Jay is gonna fall for her because she's the prettiest and the most popular girl in school . But.. It didn't turn out as I expected and he fight back for me instead . I was shocked . He also mentioned 'Bestfriend' . It really make me speechless and he was also a very loyal friend . I felt secured . 

"I know you're gonna fall for me one day ! Just wait and see !" She stomped off trying to maintain her image from the embarrassment .

Jay : " Who is she ?! The most popular and prettiest girl in school . You gotta be kidding me?! "

Jaehee : "Actually , yes she is.. Plus all the boys in school like her ."

I didn't tell the fact that she's a bully so that he wouldn't have to worry much andit is just a small matter...

Whenever we walked around the school together , people will start to gossip and stare at us . I bet they will start all those horrible rumours about me again . It's nomal .

"Hey ! I just received a bad news from my manager . I have to be away for 3 days . Something urgent came up ."

"It's okay! We can see each other in 3 days time " I said pretending that it was all okay . 

He pass me his phone number so that he can contact me easily . I saved his number as 'auntie' so that if someone took my phone , they won't be able to find his number easily . 

He insisted on sending me back home since it's gonna be dark and i lived alone because i'm the only child and my parents are out of Seoul because of work .

His manager came to pick him up and i waved at him smilling widely but i knew that tomorrow is gonna be the worst day ever .

Tomorrow . School . Alone . Rumours . Suicide Notes . Beaten up . Insecure . 

This is all I could think of . I knew the same thing is gonna happen again . What's new...


                                                                                         Chapter 3 (preview)

"Ya ! See you at the rooftop after school ! Sunny shouted at me . 

Hell .

-After school-

The first thing i knew that something white was sprayed at (a distance) in my face when i just reach the rooftop . The impact was really strong . It made me really dizzy . I fell on the floor and the girls surrounded me punching and kicking me . There were bruises all over me . Just then...

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