Tricky yet Real

His Love for Her is Indefinite


Nichkhun’s POV

Her sparkling eyes, her red glossy lips, her long brown soft hair, her milky white skin, her nose, everything about her is perfect. We saw each other almost every night. We stroll along the street that no one ever recognize us. We dance till the song stops. We eat all we think is good. And most of all we are perfect for each other.

One night, we were sitting on our favorite part of the city park, the bench.

“Khun, What if one night I will disappear? Would you let me go and forget about me?” she asked. I don’t know why but I have this uncertain feeling.

“Why are you asking that?” I asked her back but I never let go of her soft hands on mine.

“Just answer it”

“Okay..” I think for awhile. “If thats what you want I can let you go but it takes time for my heart to heal”

I think it’s the best answer for her awful question.

Now, she stands up, letting go of my hands and walk. I followed her without even asking where are we going and why isn’t she talking. Then she stops in front of the fountain, her eyes met mine and I can feel that she is in peace.

“Khun, I know this isn’t real, all of it is not real and can never be real. Sorry for everything” she said all those words without any hesitation.

“Baby, whats wrong? What is it all about? Why are you sorry for?and what for?” I asked while holding tightly her hands.

“Everything is wrong, I am very sorry for barging in in your life, I cant say anything to you for now, cause oneday you can understand why we met and why everything happens, cause all have reasons for you to hold and understand what is it all about.” She said with reassurance on her face. But still don’t know why. Is she leaving me? Is she? No, I cant but I think I must cause my head says don’t but my heart beats and feels that its time to let go.

She holds my hands.

“Khun, soon you will meet someone, someone that is more suitable for you, I know she is the best for you and its now time to let go of me. “

“But But But… I don’t know, why?”

“As I said you will find out why I let you go, why I met you”

“Okay, if that’s what you want. But remember…” I cupped her face, and I think its for the last time “I will always remember you, and in the future if I understand why I will be thankful for you forever.”

“Thank you, Remember Khun, Let go of me, let go everything think of me occasionally but don’t ever try to compare me to that someone you will meet cause you can hurt her.” Her words lingers on me.

“Yeah” it’s the only words that comes out to my mouth. I hugged her tight don’t want to let go but I must.

“Its now time Khun, remember every words I said. “ with the last sentence she said she disappears .

“Goodbye Victoria, I will always love you,

Our dreams always tell something. Sometime its our past that still haunts us but sometimes it’s the future and we still don’t know if its real or just our imaginations. But Victoria, for me she is real, way beyond real but I can only see her in my dreams we were couple as soon as I close my eyes. She is always waiting for me at the bench. And now she let me go I don’t know why but I will follow what she said that forget everything about her and about us.

I close my eyes and let the breeze touches my skin.

“Brotheeeeeeeeeeer!!!” what is that noise. I open my eyes and see my sister holding a pillow ready to attack me.


“Its 8:00 am and Mommy is downstairs ready for breakfast” Cherleen, my sweet sometimes annoying sister.

I am Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul, My parents Vera and John, I only have 1 sister, Cherleen

As soon as she left I went to the shower, change clothes and way to go. Ready to face my lovable family.

“Good Morning, sleepyhead!” My mother greeted me.

“Morning Ma” I said as I gave her a kiss on her cheeks.

“Where’s Dad?”

“Your Dad needs to go to the Company early today cause he needs to work on something.” Mother said as she pour some hot chocolate on me and the cup of Cherleen.

We ate like any normal families, but they said our life is not always normal. We own a Company and its in the Top 5 companies in Korea. We moved here when I was a kid and since the company is a huge success we stays here.

“Oh after you finish your eating, Khun I want you to accompany Cherleen at a bread house downtown, I need something for baking tonight  and that bread house is good I went there last time and the girl there is so humble and pretty and i just found  she is the daughter of our very close friend back in the days and she said she is willing to teach me today.” Mom said

“Really? So you want us to fetch her?” Cherleen said and I can tell that she is happy since she is always stuck with me.

“Okay Mom, since I can see that Cherleen wants to meet her. I accompany her”

“Thank you, oh its almost 10:00 and she said that she is in the breadhouse at 10:30, why don’t you go to her now?” Mom asked us.

“Okay Mom, I just need to get something” With that Cherleen immediately went upstairs to her room, I know she will just get her purse, add some fixing with her hair. GIRLS!

15 minutes to take Cherleen to fix her face.

I am waiting in the car outside.

“Mom, we’re going” Cherleen said and I started the engine and Viola we’re off to go.

“I AM SO EXCITED!!” Cherleen squeal beside me, she is always like this everytime my Mom wants to introduce someone to us especially if it’s a girl.

The way to the bread house took only 15 minutes since its not traffic in our place. As soon as I park the car beside the bread house Cherleen run over inside. I think I need to wait here.

5 minutes have passed but no signs of Cherleen and the girl. My feet don’t want to go inside but something is pulling me to go inside.

I opened the door and I am very surprised cause inside its not so huge but not too small, many customers and I cant see Cherleen so I decided to sit in one table then started to play on my phone.

“Good Morning, Sir! Here’s the Menu if you want to order” A girl or should I say a ladys’ voice but I don’t need to look up since I’m playing.

“Nah, I’m here to pick up something and wait for my sister and a girl” I said without even looking

“Oh, okay just call me later” and she leaves.

What taking her so long. I am starting to be annoyed when Cherleen say my name in the counter.

“Brother, we are now ready to go” She said having a hand full of things for baking.

“Okay let me have that, I‘ll wait in the car”

Then I leave, put the things in the backseat of the car, I am still outside leaning, facing to the car.

“We’re here,” Cherleen said, while I’m playing to my phone

“Okay, Cherleen sit infront, Miss you can sit in the back” I said while logging off the game. Cherleen is now inside.

“Brother!!!” shouted Cherleen I bend and gave her a confusing look.

“Can you move cause she cant enter the car your blocking the door.” Oh I forgot so I turned around and waaaaaah, Is it real, she came back.

“Can I?” she ask, her voice, her hair, her eyes, everything about her.

I just stood there, jaw dropped.

“Victoria Unnie, just open the door” I heard Cherleen shout and I still can get over it.

“Brotherrrrrrr!” she shouted again and that I came back to my senses.

I sit on the driver seat turn on the engine and we are moving but still I cant believe. is this real, or I am just dreaming again? Victoria the love of my dreams, the girl I fell inlove with, is the girl sitting behind me? OH Lord, if its real give me a damn sign.

“Oh I never been here for a long time, that bench beside the fountain I used to write things there, its my favorite place in the park.” She said while she is leaning to the window.

Oh, is that a sign? That bench, we met there, I used to see writings there but didn’t know who wrote that.

“Really unnie? So you just came back last week from China.?”

“Yes, so I think I need to see around or walk around the town, one day” she said while her eyes still sparkles.

“I think my brother would want that”

“What?” I ask

“Unnie, wants to walk around oneday, you will accompany her right?”

“Oh, okay” I said I don’t even know why I said that.

Victoria looks happy yet uncomfortable because I just accept Cherleen’s offer to walk with her but deep inside I feel happiness. I need to know who is she. I need to know why? Is she the girl that I will meet? I know its very tricky but Victoria said last night that don’t compare her to the girl I will meet but I cant do that they are so similar, very very similar. I don’t know what to do so I just need to go the flow, be a man with her and maybe I will fall for her like I did to the girl in my dream.


Its all for to now, I will update again soon. J Comment and Subscribe please! I need to know something to my writings. Thank you. And the next chapter it will be Victoria’s POV, of course she needs to tell us something. Hahah 


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clickhereplease #1
#2 story sis..hope u can update soon..n i sense something is wrong with vic..she isn't sick right???
Chapter 1: erh,baby,unni didn't understand,vic in the begin is just khun's dream? or his ex-girlfriend?
vicqian #4
Looking forward. Update soon •⌣•