I'll wait ... No Matter How Much

I'll wait ... No Matter How Much



The autumn leaves creaked  with strenght because of that the wind played with them as if it were possible to knock down them and to beat them, leave them get lost in the way  of walkers who passed on the sidewalk of the densely populated city. Eventually the leaves fell broken and without any care, were crushed by the people as if it did not matter them to their existence. Any sharp and smart viewer might conclude that you looming a bad omen, it is as if the sheets will symbolize that slightly bad it was going to happen, regrettably her protagonist of our history did not realize that. For her it kept on being a happy day, despite the fact that the climate did not agree with their emotions. For her it was a special day, finally going to see her friends that it had not seen in one month and was going to spend a pleasant moment with them. Curiously they insisted that precisely that day had to come out.


Sure that they miss me. Me too!! That's why is its insistence


Obviously our protagonist was further from the truth… It was too late for that day was going to be the worst of his life. That its star, always illuminating his way he was going to turn off very soon.

“Hey... in where are? 20 Minutes ago that you should be here.”

“We apologize that the bus was slow.”

“Well, what are already close?”

“Yes, in fact. We see you .“ I hung up the phone immediately.

“Girls!! Some time ago that I do not see them. Did you miss me, right?”

“Clear that yes,  we miss you much.” said Sun Hee.

“Enough of so much chatter. We Go shopping!!! “  said Hye Mi.

“OK, let's go.”


We were all afternoon strolling through thousands of stores, they insisted that we had to take advantage of the time together and go that they were right.  In the end we go out with several buys, we had fun, we caught up, more could not exit perfect?

I believe that for my day it is perfect alone absences you, but it is not important inside a pair of hours I will see you and will say to you how long I've missed you and I have you been craving in my arms. You will say that I am an exaggerated, but in the background I know you love to I tell you this. You say you had not known someone so transparent and pure like me, I am your luminescent love. Independent from the place in which I am or how you find me, will always I shine for you. Every time I hear you say that. You make of my heart to beat very fast, feel as if I were in heaven and believe me affection that if this is heaven, nothing would make me happier to me that to be next to you. You make me feel so many things that people would will believe that I am bipolar by experiencing these feelings, into this me I have become, someone who depends on you like oxygen, you´re someone so indispensable for me. Is a happiness to have you by my side.

I don't know if you know it. Well,  I think if you know because my eyes shine when I see you and reflects the immense love I have for you, I love you so much... so much that the infinite seems too small for me. Is it possible to love someone so much? I think so, I never thought to love someone as you in all my life, so much, so much that verges on the ridiculous. But love is well, right? We become fools and happy with a silly smile on our faces, that people should be tired of seeing me smile as much both me and you. Everything is because we are one and simply we happy, that we want to shout it to the world. I love every part of you with your defects and virtues, you are the one that drives me crazy with your pet peeves, with your charms, with your details, with your teasing… everything in you is so fascinating and different that I'll never get tired of seeing you, I will never bore you; of that I am completely sure.

“Calling the earth to Sun Mi.” I listened to say to one of my friends.

“Sorry, I was thinking.”

“Yes, we already know. It is evident the of silly face you bring. So much Ji Yong, affected you?”

“You do not know how much.” I said to them sincerely.

“We believe you, but it bores  seeing you happy all the time. It is creepy do you know?”

“I don't mind your comment I am happy.”

“We know. “said Sun He with tenderly.

“Now let's go take the bus.” said Hye Mi.


We went to take the bus, really had passed a good day; expect to find you at home soon. Was counting the second ones so that this moment  happen. Never in my life I imagined that on the bus was going receive the worst news of my life,  I never thought that it would experience such a big pain. The radio simply pronounced the sentence that made nailing,  millions of thorns in my heart, so much so that I thought that at some point my heart was going to stop beating.

“The singer Kwon Ji Yong has been detained and sentenced to 20 years in prison”

I went into panic, could not be true, you would not be able to commit a crime, you no... love... no, no, no, I refuse to believe this. You are innocent I know , doesn't matter to me that says the world for me you'll always be someone good to my eyes. I know you as the palm of my hand, you are a part of me. Immediately I went down the bus suddenly, while my friends were following me to my backs trying to prevent that go to the head office of the police. I did not care what they said, it had to see you quickly, I had to see your face and know that everything would be fine. Because this nightmare is not passing us, right?

I arrived at the court as I could… I wasn't expecting to see you that way…



Did you know that when I saw you for the first time, I allowed to breathe? Yes,  that effect provokes in me. So much so that when they do not see you for a long time and I find you, with that tender smile that lights your face. Not respite for a few minutes. I admit I am so in love with you that I love everything, everything up the small fibres of your body. You say that you are lucky to have found me. Let me tell you that these wrong I am the one who has the luck to find a creature as beautiful as you. You're the only person to which I cling with so much forcé, I pray that you are always with me, no one will never take your place, I love you more than what you loved before. And I feel that it must be this way.  You have become my muse, everybody needs inspiration to make his songs with only of having you, is enough to me, you alone existence in this world it is quite for me. Sometimes I think my songs are not good enough for you, I feel that you should deserve more than what I give you, do you know it? But you say to me that it is well, that my presence is simply a gift, a gift that you never want to allow to go; It makes me happy hear those words and believe me that I had the intention to comply with it, nothing would make me happier to be at your side. I hate myself for not fulfilling my word, something is filed between you and I; and frankly I do not know how we come to this situation. I am innocent and I know, that you know. Regrettably there are no tests that endorse my words. Nobody believes me ... all assume them that I committed this crime, never in my life would do something so horrendous and less something that separated me from you . First dead before that. You must be sad and crazy  looking for me at this time. Knew, that I should tell you personally. But I was so cowardly, that I did not want to see as you were dying opposite to my eyes.

I insisted your friends who should go out with you, this way, you were absent-minded. As are you shut up in your art study doing your molds not you hear news that ran through the city. At first when I found out about this, I thought that there had to be an error and that the time one was going to entrust to return the things to its place. That wrong was trusting the justice. …  I fell down of bruces with the reality when I knew that it was not going to be able to demonstrate my innocence. Now I am here in the cell of the court, hoping that the judge should appear to initiate the session. I should not have underestimated you, did  should not amaze me  that you were coming to the court on time.

When I saw you the first thing i thought was:

“Love please don't cry”

I couldn't avoid seeing that you were on the verge of breaking.

“Be strong love … where is the fighter girl who I met? Come on!! Prove to me. You can…”



It was at the edge of the crying, I looked at so much time a point so fixedly that I did not realize how long I was stop, I thought it was an eternity. I rolled over to see my friends to demand an explanation from what it was going on. Now I understood everything…the insistence that we are going out precisely that day, the small samples of concern that showed you when you thought you didn't see you. At first I thought that was only for work, you always have mania of to cause stress to in youself when having create a perfect song, now I know it was because of this. Why did you not tell me something? Why? Still hoped that someone of the girls should tell me, something. However at the end none of them had failed to pronounce any word from their mouth due to the interruption of the judge.


"The court logs on, the accused can pass"


On having heard these words, immediately I rolled over to see you, I wasn't expecting to see you that way. You were with a guard who accompanied you. I saw you handcuffed in the dolls and ankles. You are not a monster, why to make you see that way? I could not prevent my tears soaked my face, could not any more with the anxiety that I was feeling in my , it would give what was for being in your place. I just became into a crystal doll, which can break more every second that it spends. The cracks have started to open … it is  question of time that I breaks me, definitely….

Not only I was in the hearing, also fans  who managed to slip in despite the extreme safety that existed. They were crying as I and at one point all became crazy to see you that way, they began to insult, to shout, to throw things into the guard that accompanied you. In this moment I do not know how you, could take the control of the situation, of a calmed way. I envy you, the to do that. I can't control me, my body trembling with both mourn is proof of that.

“Please!! You don't do that. Everybody calm down, this is nothing!! “ You said with this calm voice that you always using when I was stressed.



They have calmed down, but I still kept on crying and reproaching you with the look... How can you say that it is nothing? Watch me as I am! As if you had heard my question, you raised your eyes and looked fixedly at me. Your look never forget  It stayed etched in my retina forever, that look so bleak and tender at the same time,  I got worse. I did not know how long was going to take anymore, the cracks were becoming increasingly deep…

When the judge found him guilty, I it could not process well … my mind was refusing to accept it, live without you would be disastrous.  Both we know it  … no, no, don´t go away love, remain next to me. Please!! …I beg you, that this nightmare finishes at once.  However none of this happened yet we were still in the same reality... I'm already starting to fall into deep pit which I could never out unless you get me out of the darkness which I am entering.

The judge ordered that you change clothes, It had to be prisoner clothing. In this moment I´m going crazy, I had tried to contain my feelings, both that at the end because I couldn't bear it any longer. The porcelain doll  has just broken in million molecules, in pieces so tiny, that would be impossible to join again …  you alone me can you reconstruct again.

“No, no, no  he can't go to the prision. He is innocent... do you not see it?”  said with a sharp cry, desperate and so high that everybody in the room were  looking at me.


At this point it didn't matter I that tell me people. Only import me you. In this moment, nobody more. At the end your fans they recognized me, nobody spoke.... all the room was plunged in sad silence. I know you heard my cry when you were taken to change you, I know that hurt you... but could not do anything else, I was desperate. It was so out of me itself,  I made the move to go after you, of the police officer who was guarding you. My friends they grabbed me of my arms, so that it would not do crazy. They were trying to calm me, but they could not… I was not listening to anybody, was not attending to reasons, no if something like this was happening. I saw you returning to the court. Dress with prisoner uniform the first thing you did was tell me with the look, that everything would be fine.  It was not necessary the words with only look ourselves in the eyes we could maintain a conversation. We hit it off and we are so synchronized, that we are one of the few people that could do this.

"Okay, love ... everything will be fine"  you said me.

“Don't lie to me know that this will not go well. … know that I am on the point of going crazy”

“Everything will go out well … have faith.”


You, interrupted the contact with my eyes. At the end of everything, we were not alone in the room.

“Now will  proceed to move to the new recruit Kwon Ji Yong, to the jail”


Suddenly you were with another guard more, I would run towards you... wasn't going to let you take over my corpse.  Let me, let me, he is innocent, he is my everything, do you not see? Now who I will smile each time I wake up every morning?  I love all your smiles, for the fans, for the cameras, when something is graceful, the smile that you give me. However my favorite is when you feel at peace with yourself and you feel so happy that you shine a special aura. This is the smile that I most loved and which I have the good fortune of being able to see more times. Not, at least take it with me, I do not want to be separated from you…please…I want to be with him.

It still kept on crying uncontrollably, my eyes were red and puffed up … I do not know how so many tears were going out of me.

You look at me and you me whisper with the lips:

“I love you”


That was worse for me. Then I you whispered

"I love you to infinity and more"


I noticed that you gave me a sad smile and as can with your hands give me a kiss blown up, in the face of all these people…I read your lips.

"Everything will be fine, everything will be fine, do not worry..."


It was the last thing I heard from your beautiful lips and you took away, leaving me alone in this world that I do not see how to survive without you.

Little by little all the people who were in the room, were withdrawing, I remained standing like a statue, I refused to move myself. When there was no one more, only my friends…fell on my knees, I couldn't believe that. they had snatched you of  me…broken, torn, broken, I´m broken… goodbye to my star that lights up my life and that leaves me in the deep darkness , unable to see anything, anything ....

“You knew this and not told me... why?”  I said with the little voice I had left. Was still crying seemed a sea of tears that was never going to end.


Only they succeeded in turning round to another side, trying not to cry.

“Everything will be fine do not worry”


I was fed up that they tell me that. When it wasn't true… I began to scream so much and crying so loudly up to I remained me without voice. I felt that something inside me was dying, I felt that none of this made sense...

What does one suppose that I will do now? What will I do? It hurts so much, it hurts much, much, much. Love is painful. When love is painful, pain is deepest. Now I understand it. I understand how to love someone can hurt you so much  that you get to thinking you're in hell, that the fact of not having you for one second is suffocating, that these eyes so deep that so much I adore will not look at me in a certain time. That all these things do not happen again, they have me as a faded flower... dying of loneliness.

The worst thing? The fact is that I will not even be able to see you nor visiting you...  Them say that, you are dangerous, for society. Dangerous, you...love? Of course, that's stupid, everyone knows who you are and how you are. Still do not understand how the so-called justice did not put itself in your favor…it doesn't matter I'll wait 20 years. While lock me in my pain and I do not do anything, during all this time …

Either in the eternity always I´ll waiting for you  because we are destined to be together no matter what happens… .I will waiting for you, love… .I promise you… .either in this life or in the other.

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Chapter 1: Okay I usually dont read anything but GTOP but since it was you..... I make the effort of reading it and I'll comment honestly.... It's probably the first story you translated in english and honestly it looks like you used google trad or something, that's difficult to read because the words aren't in the right order and sometimes the sentences are weird cut or sound weird.... I'ts pretty disturbibin how you mix 3rd and 1rst pov too... but I know translation is a really difficult work since you have to change the language you think into so frequently.... I don't now, I could only advice to re-read your translation after you completely done it so you'll maybe able to correct it....
But I still could understand it and the feelings you tried to convey moreover the images you used are beautiful!! sincerely it touched me it was so desesperate!!!! btw I wonder what kind of crime GD had done to be sentenced to 20 years of prison and forbidden from visit?