
An Arranged... Soul Mate?


“Minji?... Minji?” I heard a voice in the distance calling my name.

“Yeah…” I said dreamily. But I was confused. I thought I was in Rain’s apartment, and it was just the two of us.

“Are you okay?”

“Wait, huh?” I shook my head and came back to reality. Was that all a dream? I touched my neck. The diamond necklace was there. Instinctively, I placed my hands on my lips. They felt the same as they always had- never touched by a boy’s lips.

“Was I just dreaming?” I asked a confused Rain.

“Um… I think so. I was putting the necklace on you and then I guess that’s where I lost you.” He chuckled.

My face reddened. What did I say? Or do?

Oh. Oh boy.

“Did I… did I say anything?”

“Um… just something about your first kiss or something.” A smirk played on his lips as he said this. “So… what were you dreaming about?”

“N-Nothing oppa. It was nothing.” I said, hoping he would drop the subject.

“Okay… but just know I’m going to find out what it was you were giggling so much about.” He raised his eyebrows at me before turning around in his heels and going into his bathroom.

I plopped down on his couch. What was I supposed to do?

I started looking around his apartment. I didn’t notice this before, but it was awesome. Sure, when I stepped inside for the first time, my jaw almost dropped but this place was even cooler now that I was really looking at it.

I got up and walked into his kitchen.

“What kind of food does my future husband eat?” I wondered out loud as I explored his fridge and cabinets.

Nothing to spectacular. An extraordinary amount of fruit took up a good amount of his fridge. That was about it.

I went over to the window and looked out. Did I mention the window was floor to ceiling?

“Wow! This view is amazing!” I exclaimed. I felt like I could see the entire city. Except, that would have been impossible because of all the other tall buildings. I guess it would be more  appropriate to say I could almost see the entire city.

I was still admiring the view when my fiancée came out of his room.

We walked downstairs to the lobby of his apartment complex a few minutes later. The car was already waiting outside, so we got in and were on our way.

The restaurant wasn’t exactly the closest thing to get to- it took a whole hour.

But I really doubt either of us minded the time we were able to talk and get to know each other more. At least I didn’t.

When we pulled up to the restaurant Rain got out first, and then came to my side to open my door.

We walked inside and were immediately ushered to a secluded table in the back.

“Your food will be right out.” The waitress said, smiling a little bit too much.

Was it just me, or did she seem a little star-struck? Um… he’s mine, okay?! And eww… your way too old for him anyways.

Rain didn’t seem to notice though. Whatever, he is really hot… and rich. Maybe his family is famous because of it.

“I was just thinking… since we’re getting married in a few weeks, do you think we should talk about that?” Rain asked nervously.

“Um… okay.” It sounded like a good suggestion to me, although it made me nervous too. Even if it was an arranged marriage, it still felt like a big responsibility and decision. I mean, how exactly was I supposed to be a wife? I was only 17!

“Where do you think we should live after the wedding? Where do you want to live? We can go anywhere in the world.”

“Anywhere? Wow… I’m fine with living in Seoul, if that’s what you want. London might be fun. Or Canada? Ooh… how about Spain?” All these ideas came flooding into my mind. But I was scared that I’d say it would be fun to move to those places and if we did, it ended up being horrible.

“Well we can always travel around and see if there’s a place we want to stay.”

I nodded.

“When we get married, are we going to live in your apartment if we decide to stay in Seoul?”

“I think we should find another place. I’m ready to move on, to something better. I don’t want my wife to have to live in a place like that. You deserve a proper house, or apartment. Whatever you choose. We’ll go home shopping while you’re here, before the wedding.”

The food came just as he finished talking, so we took a moment to eat before continuing our conversation.

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Hi my lovely readers~ It's been a while, eh? This story is so hard to write now~ To tell the truth...I'm thinking of deleting this story. Mianhaeyo. :(


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MaraAngel #1
Chapter 29: I don't know if you are still reading these, but please come back and update! I want to know what happens next!
VestaRo #2
New reader here ^^
what?>< so excited
SuNia_ #3
OMO!!! What will happen O.o ???? Update soon please
Rain: good morning CUTIE KYAAAAAA oh my gosh why am I like this O-o Meh okay. So cuteeeee~ :""> SO UPDATE SOON BD Oh btw, are you an Inspirit too? ^^
icookyourramyun #5
Love this story! It's very cute and definitely worth reading. Keep updating!
ElineHEART #7
ohh ^^<br />
love your updates!
clover17 #8
oooh.... so sweet!!!!
minminy #9
Awesome stpry keep it up btw im<br />
a new reader
clover17 #10
nice chapters!!!!<br />
would like to see more of them ASAP!!!