A Day Out With Angels

They Fell From Heaven

Yejin stared at the six boys as they wolfed down their breakfast, L.joe complained about it being too plain which earned him a slap from CAP who was the eldest of them. 

"Be greatful she's giving us food even though she doesn't have much." He scolded the younger boy, the comment about her not having enough food made her blush. 

"So, where will you guys be staying?" She spoke when they had all finished eating. 

"Here." They replied calmly. 

"WHAT?" She jumped up, outraged at what they had just said. "Nonononono. You guys can NOT stay here." 

"Why not?" Chunji asked, "Scared of us?" He gave her a smirk. 

She rolled her eyes, "Why should I be scared of scrawny boys like you guys?" 

"Cause I can do this." Chunji held up his hand and it burst into flames. Shocked Yejin intantly grabbed the water jar and dumped it's content all over Chunji's hand, but the water stayed levitated on top of him. It began to float around until it was directly on top of Niel. With one swift hand gesture from Chunji it fell and soaked Niel who growled at him. 

"You asked for it Chunji!" Yejin's forks rose from their place on the dish dryer and raced towards Chunji at the speed of light. Before they could pierce through the boy CAP shouted at the top of his lungs to stop and silence fell over them. Yejin could not take her eyes off the angels. 

"We should formally introduce ourselves to Yejin." CAP suggested, "I'll start. I'm CAP the eldest. We angels have a gift and mine is strength." Yejin was still silent. 

"Oh me next!" Ricky exclaimed with a lot of enthusiasm. "I'm Ricky, I'm the second youngest but the cutest." Someone coughed and he glared but continued, "I have the power to feel other people's emotions. That's why I screamed when you screamed!" 

Still Yejin stayed silent, "I'm Changjo, the maknae. I have the lame gift of speed." 

"I'm Niel, short for Daniel. As you can tell I have telekinesis." Niel spoke, Yejin finally snapped out of her trance and stared at him. "I know, it's amazing." Niel gave her a smug smile. 

"The name's Chunji. I am the one who got lucky, my gift is controlling the four elements." That caught Yejin's attention ever more, she stared at Chunji in awe. 

They all stared at the one person who hadn't introduced himself yet, he rolled his eyes and gave a sigh, "L.joe. I have invisibility."   She was so amazed by their powers that she had forgotten all about where they were staying. 

"Can you show me?" She asked L.Joe who declined, she pouted and turned back to the others. "So where were we?" 

"We'll be staying with you." CAP said. 

"How can six boys live with one girl?" She asked in bewilderment. 

"Girl? Where? I don't think of you as a girl." Chunji smirked, she glowered at him. *Was this guy really an angel? He would suit a devil more.* 

"There are three rooms in this house, you can have one and we'll split the other two rooms." CAP said, Yejin was about to protest but he spoke again, "This is the only way." 

After a while of thinking and watching Ricky and Chunji fight she finally made up her mind, "Okay, you guys can stay here on a few conditions. One, you have to help clean and do chores. Two, you cannot enter my room without permissiong. Three, don't try anything funny." Chunji scoffed at the last condition but didn't say anything because of Yejin's death glare. 

Yejin glanced at the time and jumped to her feet. "I should get going, I need to find a job. If you stay here don't make a mess." She turned to leave, the boys followed and she stopped. 

"Can we please come with you? I don't remember what Earth was like." Ricky pleaded, the other boys also gave her pleading expressions. Giving in knowing that they were more stubborn than her she let them follow. 

"Just don't do anything weird." She warned. 

They followed behind her in a single file line, as they walked through the crowded streets of Seoul they "ooh-ed and ahh-ed" at everything they thought was interesting. People stared at the seven of them, well mostly at the boys and Yejin realized why. 

She dragged the boys into a secluded area and hissed, "Don't you have other clothes?" 

"But this is what we would wear in heaven." Changjo said but then hit them. 

"I have to feed you, give you a home and now clothe you boys?" Yejin whined but Chunji grinned. 

"See that store over there?" He pointed out, "I'm going to wear that outfit." 

*WHAT?! NO, that store is expensive!* "Uhh no you aren't" Yejin said, to her surprise Chunji snapped his fingers and before her, he stood wearing the exact same outfit. She looked at the other boys for help and realized they too had changed their outfits into colorful but normal looking clothes from the exact store. 


"Can you guys do that with everything?" They shook their heads. 

"We could, but God will punish us." CAP said, "Now let's go on this job hunting thing." 

The seven of them walked around Seoul visiting shop after shop that had a "Hiring" sign taped onto the door. Yejin had ordered the boys to stay outside as she entered the shop. She would always come back out with a sad smile, they knew she had gotten rejected again. 

"No one wants to hire a 16 year old." She told them, "That and the fact that the college students always beat me to it." 

After a few more shops her stomach began to growl and she noticed the boys were hungry also. She led them towards a spicy rice cake stand and urged them to eat, she too grabbed a few fish cakes and chewed away. 

The boys studied her, she seemed to be going through troubles but she didn't show it. When she caught them looking they all turned away except Chunji. 

"Aigoo, how can a girl eat like this?" He wiped the corner of which were stained with sauce. 

"I thought I wasn't a girl to you." She rolled her eyes and paid the ahjumma. *Cute.* Chunji smiled to himself. 

Again they were off, a small cafe caught Yejin's attention. "Let's go look here." This time the boys came in with her. 

"Welcome." The ahjumma greeted them. 

"Ahjumma, are you hiring?" Yejin asked politely, the lady nodded and Yejin smiled, "Can you please give me the job? I promise to work hard." The lady thought about it for a moment. If Yejin got this job it would be a lot easier for her since it was next to her school. 

"I guess it won't hurt to hire you. You can start next weekend." Yejin bowed greatfully and kept thanking the ahjumma, the boys just silently watched. 

"Now can we go home?" L.Joe asked, Yejin shook her head. "Where are we going now?" He was beyong annoyed and tired. 

"Shopping." She dragged the boys out and onto the bus. Soon enough they stood in front of a huge market place. "Let's buy some food. Everyone helped her shop except Ricky, she banned Ricky from putting anything into their cart because he seemed to want everything. 

In a few hours they were back in the cozy rooftop home, L.joe lay on the couch fast asleep. Ricky watched TV while chopping away on his cookies. CAP and Chunji were off in their rooms and Changjo and Niel had offered to help her with the cooking. 

"Are you guys good at cooking?" She asked Niel who nodded, but turned to Changjo. 

"That's strange, when ever I ask if anyone wants to help in heaven Changjo is the first to run away." He smirked making Changjo nervous. 

"Hyung! Yejin is already doing a lot for us so I decided to help." Niel could tell he was lying. *Babo, you better stop sinning or you'll end up as a devil.* 

Finally they were done cooking and everyone sat around the small dinner table. 

"Looks good!" Ricky beamed. 

"Where's L.Joe?" CAP noticed the boy missing. 

"He's in the bedroom. Should I go get him?" Chunji asked, Yejin rose up. 

"I'll get him." She walked over to the bedroom and softly knocked, "L.Joe? I'm coming in." She opened the door and he was shirtless. "Omo." Yejin blushed a deep shade of red and closed the door. Her hear was pounding fast and she didn't know what to do. 

"You should have waited for my permission to come in." L.Joe growled from inside the room. "Don't just think that rule applies to only you." 

"Sorry, I just wanted to tell you that dinner is ready." Yejin softly said, she didn't hear anything from L.Joe and just left. He later joined them for dinner and she smiled. *He's not mad at me.* 

She watched them joke around with each other and she felt happy deep down inside, she always had to eat alone before. With them here now she couldn't help but smile. 


I feel so cheesy writing this. Sorry if it's boring! The fic will get more interesting soon... HOPEFULLY! Thank you for reading and subscribing! <3 

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