Guardian Angels

They Fell From Heaven

Yejin climbed the steps to her cozy rooftop home but paused. *Something doesn't feel right.* She took quiet, careful steps towards her home. On the way to the front door she grabbed a baseball bat that she kept for emergencies like these. 

The door was ajar and she rushed inside, her house was a mess. Things were scattered all over the place, a few dishes were broken and clothes were everywhere. 

"Well, it's about time you showed up." An impatient man growled, Yejin instantly recognized him as the loan shark that was after her mother. Two other men stood next to him, both looking rough and angry. "Where's your mother?" The boss questioned. 

"I don't know, I told you she left a long time ago." Yejin spoke loudly trying to hide all signs of fear in her voice. 

"Well some one needs to pay for the money she took from me." The man pointed out as if she didn't already know that. "Are you going to pay or am I going to have to take away this house of yours?" 

*Not the house, my father treasured this house.* "I'll pay you, just give me some time." She says, "Now I think you should leave, this is a girls home and three strange men should not be here." She tried to hurry them out the door. 

"I'll give you half a year. By then if you haven't paid me my money you'll be living in the streets." With that the loan sharks disappeared into the darkness. 

Tired, frustrated and angry Yejin slumped onto her porch swing and looked up at the sky with tears trickeling down her soft cheeks. *Appa, how am I supposed to pay them back? I already have a part time job but that won't be enough, I'll probably have to stop school. But if I quit school I'll never be able to become a fashion designer.* She silently sobbed, "Appa I miss you." She rose to her feet and wiped away the tears, then trudged into her home to clean up the mess. 


Up in heaven Mr. Jung looked sadly down at his daughter, "I'm sorry I left so early." He whispered. God entered the great hall and he bowed. 

"Angel Jung, why the long look?" The young man with beautiful white hair asked, Mr. Jung had expected God to look older when he arrived in heaven he did not expect such a young man. 

"It's my daughter sir, I believe I left her too early." He says, God nods with an understanding look. "She's in so much pain, I wish I could do something for her." 

"Well angel Jung, I can grant you one thing. I can send down my trusted angels to guide her through her troubles." Mr. Jung stared at God with joy. 

"Sir, that would be really greatful of you." He bowed before God once more who chuckled. 

"Those boys would be itching to go to Earth." He turned to a mini angel girl, "Bora call them in." The mini angel nodded and poofed into thin air, she then reappeared back in the room with six confused angels. "Hello boys." God greeted them, they bowed and stood in a straight line. 

"Why did you summon us sir?" The eldest spoke. 

"You will be going to Earth." God told them in a stern voice, they glanced at each other with excited expressions. "You will make sure angel Jung's daughter is not harmed and she is able to pay her dept without trouble." The boys turned to look at Mr. Jung. 

"But why us? Can't angel Jung go down himself?" The shortest one asked, the others looked at him like he was crazy. 

"L.Joe, this is a gift God is giving to us and you want to reject it?" Chunji asked in bewilderment. 

L.joe shook his head, "I'm just curious." 

"Because you guys know what to do." God said, "You will leave right away, any questions?" 

Ricky raised his hand, "How long will we be staying there?" 

"Until she is ready. Now have fun." He gave them a blinding smile and a bright light took over their vision. The last thing they heard was angel Jung's words of gratitude to them. 


Yejin was falling asleep, the TV played a live performance but since it wasn't Exo she didn't really care. A loud thump outside her front door made her jump and she reached for the baseball bat that was lying on the floor. 

"Owww get your fat off of me." She heard someone whisper. 

"I'm not fat!" Someone argued back. Another voice told them to hush and it was silent again. 

"He could have warned us that he was going to drop us." Someone else grumbled. *Who are they?* Yejin wondered nearing the front door. She swung it open and screamed when she saw six boys standing in front of her. A baby-faced boy replied to her with an ear piercing scream. 

"RICKY SHUT UP!" The tallest and strongest looking boy growled, instantly the baby-faced boy stopped. So did Yejin. 

"I have a bat and I'm not afraid to use it!" Yejin threatened and they all looked at her strangely. 

"Oooh, scary." A pretty-faced boy mocked, "It's going to kill me." He said sarcastically. 

"What do you want?" She demanded with a more angry tone making the boys jump. "Who are you?" She glanced at their clothes and dropped. *What kind of clothes are they wearing?* 

"We're Teen Top and we're your gaurdian angels." They said in unison, except the shortest one. He looked uninterested. 

"Gaurdian angels?" Yejin scoffed, "Very funny. Now go away." She shooed them off, but they stayed put. "Aren't you listening to me? SCRAM!" She shouted, they just jumped at the volume of her voice but stayed put. 

"What do we do? She doesn't believe us!" The baby-face wailed. 

"You're father is Jung Jinseok right?" The tallest asked. *How does he know my father?* 

"Yeahh, why?" Yejin eyed him curiously, but didn't let her gaurd down. 

"We are here on his behalf to help you with your debt." He said, she let out a loud laugh. 

"Is this secret camera? Are you some rookie boy band playing a prank on me?" She asked, they stared at her in confusion. 

"Oh for God's sake." The short one impatiently muttered, he stepped forward making Yejin step back. Suddenly something amazing happened the short guy glowed a bright gold and elegant white wings sprouted from his back. But the light was so bright and strong that it knocked out Yejin. 

"YA! L.Joe! Humans are too weak to see angel wings, you scared her!" Niel scolded as he caught Yejin before she could hit the ground. He carried her into the house and carefully laid her on the couch. A few minutes after, she gain conscious and screamed. Ricky also screamed with her, Chunji slapped him to shut him up. 

"Out, get out!" She barked rising to her feet, she chased the six boys out of her house and shut the door, making sure to lock it securely so they wouldn't break in. *This is just a dream.* She told herself as she made her way to her room. *In the morning they'll be gone.* 


The next morning Yejin woke up with a strange feeling, in her dream her father had visited her and told her the six boys are in fact angels and that he sent them. *I'm going crazy.* She waved the thought out of her mind as she dressed and got ready to go job hunting. 

She ate her rice and kimchi and searched the internet looking up the names of the boys she had heard last night. *I'm sure they're a new band.* But she found nothing. She stopped searching and looked at the time. *I should get going.* Grabbing her jacket she swung open the door and walked out of her house only to trip and fall on something soft.

Before she could let out a scream the boy cupped his hand over . "Sssh, if you scream Ricky will wake up screaming." The boy said, "I'm Changjo." He smiled, Yejin noticed he had really soft skin for a guy and he was handsome. *They all look handsome.* She thought. She noticed she was still on top of Changjo and quickly got off, blushing a shade of pink.

"Why are you guys still here?" She asked, the others began to stir awake.

"Like we said, we're your guardian angels." Ricky beamed. Then she recalled seeing those beautiful wings and she let out a gasp.

"You really are angels."  


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I just dreamnt about this last night and had to make a fanfic! LOL I'm really in love with Teen Top at the moment! Thanks for subscribing! 

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