The Cold Street

Hello Baby...... INFINITE Version


Minah's POV:

Aish, its freezing out here! I wanted to take the bus or taxi, but I didn't dare to spend the money I earned from washing dishes. I earned that money by hardwork! I rather just walk home in the cold, I won't die, but maybe just catch a cold. There was no one out here. Who would be out here in such a cold weather? Well there were some people out, and a few cars passing by, that was pretty much it.

Nobody's POV:

There were Infinite walking down the street, looking around in the cold. A few cameramens left and some still following around Infinite. The seven members look left and right, but there was no one. "Yah, who would be out in such a cold night?" Hoya asked, as he started to shiver. "Ummmm, us!" Dongwoo exclaimed. "Idiot!" Dongwoo whispered to himself. "Should we split up? Maybe we can find someone faster? Or shall we just go to a neighborhood and start knocking?""SungYeol asked as looked around. "Hmmmm, maybe we should stick together. Its not that I don't trust you guys, but I know some of you, and I mean you DongWoo and SungYeol, are going to cause troubles again!" SungGyu stated.

"Uh boys, I think you should stop yacking and finish your mission before its too late! Its already 10:05 PM." One of the cameraman said. "Already? Hurry hurry. Let's jog while we're looking around." SungJong suggested. As SungJong started to jog first, the other members started to follow behind him. And right behind Infinite, the cameraman we're running breathlessly following them. As 10 minutes past, they finally spotted a young girl walking alone. "Yah, her her! Let's go!" DongWoo pointed. "Aish, DongWoo think before you do your action! Do you think she'll believe your words about Hello Baby? She'll probably thinks we're hobos. Look at what we're wearing sweats!" SungGyu nagging as he yelled quietly. Quiet enought for the young girl not to hear.

"Then how? Bossy leader?" DongWoo crossed his arm, glaring at SungGyu. "I don't know either." SungGyu shrugged. "I'll do this. No one calls me Namstar for no reason, I'll talk her into it." WooHyun chuckled. As WooHyun walked up to her, he gave her a wink and a smile. Minah rolled her eyes, and walked around WooHyun. "Not one of these guys again?" Minah mumbled, as she tried to walk away from WooHyun. "Yah, you don't know who I am?" WooHyun yelled, as turned to see Minah walking away. "Uh, no should I? Wait let me guess you're a gigolo?" Minah replied. "A what?" WooHyun asked shockingly. "Yeah, a gigolo. Do you happen to know what it means?" Minah asked. "Of course I happen to know what it means!" WooHyun yelled.

Just right when WooHyun was about to speak, his phone rang, it was a text. As he looked at the text, it was from SungGyu. *Yah, hurry up. Why isn't your charm or whatever it is working? Only 10 minutes left, hurry up and do what you got to do!* 

"You, I'll get you back later for calling me a gigolo!" WooHyun pointed at her and started to walk away where the other members were at. "Didn't work huh?" SungJong asked as he laughed. "No, that stupid girl called me a gigolo!" WooHyun said angrily. A few seconds when WooHyun spoke, all the members started to giggle. "She is right. Hehe, we need her on the show!" DongWoo still chuckling. "Shall I go and use her aegyo on her?" SungJong suggested. "Hmmm, after observering what WooHyun did, she won't fall for it either." SungGyu answered. "Ï have an idea!" SungYeol exclaimed. "What is it SungYeol? Because usually your ideas are useless." MyungSoo said as he crossed his arm. "Well I'm sure you all will thank me later." SungYeol boasting himself. "Okay what is it?" Hoya asked. "Okay, I'll secretly run behind her and carry her all the way back to the house! And when we get to the house we can explain everything to her!" SungYeol said. "Hmmm, not pretty bad. But you'll think you can her all the way home?" SungGyu asked.

"Yeah, I doubt it" DongWoo sighed. "Why don't we take turns?" SungYeol said. "What do you mean by that?"MyungSoo asking in confusion. "Okay for example, all of us seven run in the same speed. When the member holding her is tired they just past her to the next member!" SungYeol exclaimed happily. "Thats funny SungYeol." Hoya giggled. "Actually that's a great idea!" SungGyu yelled. "Yah, why should I carry her, after hearing her calling me a gigolo?" WooHyun said. "Aish Woohyun, leave that for later. Take your revenge later, let's just focuse getting her to the house okay?" SungGyu suggested. "Fine, but I'm only doing it for us!" WooHyun said as he stomp his feet. "Lets hurry!" SungJong started to run after for Minah.

Right after when SungJong started to run, the other members followed. And the cameraman running after Infinite. They finally catched up to her. As she heard footstep behind her she was about to run away but it was already to late. She was already in SungYeol's arm. "Let me go!" Minah screamed. No one listenening to her, but they we're all ignoring her. "Yah DongWoo catch her!" SungYeol screamed as he passed Minah to him. After a few minutes later DongWoo yelled "WooHyun catch her!" Just as when WooHyun catched her, she started to struggle. But WooHyun was holding her tighly into his chest. "MyungSoo get her!" WooHyun shouted as he toss her into Myungsoo's arm. Minah tried to struggle but they were just holding her tighly, there wasn't no use for her to yell because there was no one there. "Hoya catch her!" Myungsoo screamed as he threw her into Hoya's arm. Just as a minute everyone was passing her around.    

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Swagggg #1
Update soon
kim_a_win #2
update soon~!<br />
author fighting~!!<br />
wanakpop98 #3
update faster!!!!hwaiting~
Sunshinegrave #5
Haha, its cute (:
AsianTruffle #6
Is this going to be Updated anymore?
Do update soon (:
thank you for continuing :)<br />
update soon please!