Hello Baby

Hello Baby...... INFINITE Version


Minah POV:

I needed money. I really needed the money. I can't help myself but cry all day. My mom is blind, everysince when I was little. I've always been bad to her, but at least I know I can do something to make it up to her. Which is helping her finding money to get her treated. I was at work, I was working over time as usual. Its probably 9PM. I work at a restuarant. I wash the dishes, which is a pain. Everyday there would be 500 dishes to wash. I want to quit, but this seems like its the only way I can make money.

"Minah, here's your paycheck for the month." Taeyeon, my manager handing it to me. "Thank you." I bowed and grabbed it from her. I look through the envelope, it was all in cash. There it was 800,00 won.

The reason why its in cash is because, I don't have a bank account. If I did, I would receive a check instead. I looked at the clock it was 9:30PM, it was time for me to head home.

The minute I stepped outside it was freezing and windy. It looks like it was about to rain.

(While in Infinite's dorm)

SungGyu POV:

"Gosh, we're finally home! I haven't slept in days." I dropped to the floor laying down. "Yah, your not the only one who is tired." DongWoo collapsing to the floor next to Hoya. "Yea Yeah." I mumbled. 

"Get the blanket out!" Hoya yelled out. I held my head up to see who was going to get the blankets, but no one did. Everyone was still laying flat on the floor.

"Yah, who told you that you guys could sleep! Your not done with your schedule yet." DaeHo, our manager yelling. "DaeHo hyung, come on." Everyone wined. Just then he suddenly walked away from the bedroom door. What was up with him? Just then I heard him opening the front door.

I heard shouting and running towards our room. Just then people with cameras started recording us. What's this? All of us jumped up on to our feet. "DaeHo hyungggg!" I screamed. He walked in "Yeah?"

"Who are these people?" SungYeol whispering loudly. "You'll find out yourself, I'm leaving. My wife is waiting for me. See you tomorrow." He quickly waved goodbye and walked off. "Wait!" I screamed.

I was a bit nervous because since I was the leader it was my job to fix this problem. All of us were standing dumbly infront of them seeing who was going to speak up first. But no one did.

Just then one of the camera man handed me a envelop. I opened it and read it aloud for everyone to hear.

Dear Infinite:

Congratulation you are going to be in Hello Baby. The result of You Are My Oppa was really high, which bought you guys over to Hello Baby. In the other seasons, there were many different idols who went on. Such as SHINee, Girl's Generation, T-ARA, and etc. Well this season we really want to spice it up, by adding a ordinary girl to the show. Yes she will be living under the same roof with you boys. So tonight we decided to give you a challenge. Your challenge is to find a mom for the baby. I hope you can finish before 10:30PM. If not there will be some penalty tomorrow morning. 

Sincerely, KBS

"Hello Baby! I must be dreaming right?" I screamed. "Are you serious Hello Baby?" Everyone screaming to the camera. It probably took us 5 minutes to calm down. "Yah our challenge!" SungJong said.

"Wait. So we are suppose to find some random girl out in the street?" MyungSoo asked. "It seems like it." DongWoo replied. "Who is out this late? Isn't it a school night? Hoya said. "You never know. We just have to try." I insisted. "We should hurry."

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Swagggg #1
Update soon
kim_a_win #2
update soon~!<br />
author fighting~!!<br />
wanakpop98 #3
update faster!!!!hwaiting~
Sunshinegrave #5
Haha, its cute (:
AsianTruffle #6
Is this going to be Updated anymore?
Do update soon (:
thank you for continuing :)<br />
update soon please!