
I'm sorry...

He shouldn't come here today.

Friday is not one of the best days, but at least he won't be home today.

Only his Xbox and collection of hats had left. Everything else is already at Jae's place.

Tender smile touched his lips.




He is absolutely different. It's so easy and safe when he's with Jae and also...


Someone near the door dropped the keys and that sound just returned him to reality.

He could hear loud cursing and the sound of opened door.



Today is Friday! He should not be home today!

Could it be..?


- So what the hell are you doing in my apartment?

His heart nearly jumped out when he heard that voice.


Wh-what is..? What to do?

He just stood there, in the middle of bedroom, trying to find some excuse or way out, but there was nothing.

His head became as empty as the old pot.


The sound of shattered glass sent shivers down his spine.

Fast footsteps and the door's smashed into the wall.


- Seems like you forgot how to say hello... Right?

- YongGuk, I...


The smirk, which appeared on that face, promised nothing good for him.

- YongGuk, you say? Is it how you should call me?

 - YongGuk, I just...


That slap was really painful. He almost fell down.


-Wrong! Will you try one more time, or I'll need to help you to remember?


Those slender fingers gently touched slightly visible scar on his cheek.

Even though he is wearing nice thick t-shirt, he can feel how the sharp bottle glass scratches tender skin of his abdomen.


- No, teacher, please! Don't do that!

- Hmm, well done. Your memory is not so bad after all.

Only one little smile and his knees become weak.


No. No! He is strong enough. He is not afraid.

All he needs to do is get out of this room, take on his shoes on and go home.

There is nothing scary about that.

Teacher...is not drunk; he can't smell alcohol from him.

So everything will be ok.

And the bottle... Maybe he thought that someone broke into his house, so he needed something to protect himself, right?


Sudden pain, from the punch into his stomach, vanished all his confidence.

He didn't even notice how he fell down the floor.

- Hey, do I really need to repeat everything? Or did you, suddenly, become deaf?


His vision became blurry from tears.

No, he shouldn't cry. This will only make things worse.


-I’m sorry, teacher. I just...


His laughter was always humiliating.

-You just what? You’re “just” breaking all your promises, don’t you? Or you’ve forgotten that we must see each other only in university... I thought it was your demand.

-I only wanted to pick up my stuff!


His voice is trembling so much that he hardly can speak.


-Your stuff? Maybe you can tell me since when did my presents became your stuff?

-I..I..I’d better go, teacher.


Yes, this will be the best decision.

He just need to get up, then get out of this room, take on his shoes on and go home.

He will not touch him.

Last time he swore that he will never ever hurt him.

And that punch… well, he just didn’t hear the question, so it’s only his fault.


-So do you really think that I will just let you go like that?


His throat was squeezed by the strong hand.


-Ugh...teacher, we had an agreement.

-Ah, yes, we had… But wasn’t it you, who broke it? And since it’s not my fault, then I can do now whatever I want…


His heart skipped the beat. Now he understood what had happened.

It was him, who came to this house.

Because of him the most important agreement of his life was broken.

It was only his fault.


So it means…


Sharp glass draws a thin line along his collarbone. Slowly dripping blood draws familiar patterns on his skin.


…it’s all his fault…


The sounds of summer rain coming through the opened window.

Cheerful shouts of drunken guys and girls making their way for the night club.


…he really shouldn’t come here today…




I’m sorry, Jae.


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XaraKAI #1
Chapter 1: How come i didn't see this before?
This is absolutely beautiful /cry/
Chapter 1: ohmygawd..what is that i've just read?

so sad..so heartbreaking..this needs to be chaptered fic..i love love it...
Chapter 1: SEQUENCE PLEASEEEEEE!!!!!!!! ;A;